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The Wolven Vale

14th of Summine, 4829 Old Reckoning

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WOLVENLAND   Far across the churning seas, beyond the very edge of the world, lies the land where mankind does not rule. Where the laws of men are but wind and ink. Where the Wild Gods murmur from every river, tree and stone, and where their eldest children hear their decrees... This is Wolvenland, home of the wolven-folk, who have walked the earth since the planting of the mountains and the kindling of the sun.   "This accursed land is but one mighty forest, drenched in mist and utterly bereft of civilisation, or at least civilisation as it is known to us. Its coastline spans the whole of the earth, and its true expanse is entirely unknown. Here rules not Man, but the Wolf: a servant to devilish Gods of root and thorn, and he gives no quarter to trespassers. From these primordial citadels and alien kingdoms, the Wolf watches the soft-fleshed explorer and bides his time." -Regallion de Bracieux, Iter in Regna Luporum ch. I.   ***   39 YEARS SINCE HUMAN CONTACT  
Deep within Wolvenland lies a small and isolated tribal realm called the Vale. The Vale is nestled high in the Loak Mountains and is naturally fortified from all sides, save for one narrow entrance called the Break. The Break is home to a mighty stone wall, and an even mightier moat, to control entry into the Vale. Geography has blessed the Valish Wolvens and protected them from the troubles of the 'Outworld' for over a thousand years - but a new foe is marching, and no wall may be able to keep them out. Word of the devastation has trickled in - entire regions laid to waste, ancient powers brought to rubble - and if half of the news is true, then the End of Days has truly arrived. Mankind has come to claim Wolvenland for themselves, and the Vale is in their way.
  The setting you are about to see is written entirely from the limited perspective of the Valish, which is but one view of the world-shattering events taking place across Wolvenland.

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