Virgil York Character in The Wild Waste | World Anvil
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Virgil York

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Virgil is the embodiment of perfection. His features and body are perfectly sculpted, and despite his relatively small size he is rather well-muscled. His white hair is typically cut short, and is often accompanied with a short white beard. If that wasn't enough, Virgil is surrounded by a constant glamour that alters one's perception of him, subtly changing his features so as to be more appealing to that person's preferences.

Special abilities

Virgil York's very presence causes people to fall in love with him. A single look is enough to charm a person, and once under the influence of this magic, the affected would do anything for him. They would follow him anywhere, even off the end of a railtrain and into the deadly Sands. This effect can only be broken once a person is prevented from seeing Virgil for 24 hours, and even after that the coals of the previously burning passion still remain. This effect can be prevented from taking hold if none of Virgil's skin, or very little of it, can actually be seen, or with magic that resists charms.

Apparel & Accessories

Virgil typically wears shabby clothes and wraps any exposed skin with rags, hiding as many of his features as possible. The only part of his actual body visible is around the eyes, but due to the white pigmentation of the skin he can pass himself off as just having extreme white warp. He keeps a small revolver holstered by him, but besides that carries no weaponry.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Virgil York was once a rather fair human. Not unbelievably handsome, but certainly not ugly, and a little bit vain because of it. Unfortunately, this would not be the case for long. Virgil ended up taking up work at a pylon, keeping the fires burning. Unfortunately, this meant that he spent many long hours directly exposed to burning white coal, with very little protection, which resulted in a case of white warp.   While previously quite socially apt, Virgil's charisma ended up being no match for the disconcerting appearance caused by the warp. While his case wasn't horrible, the subtle twisting of features ended up landing him right in the uncanny valley, and many of his more superficial contacts ended up politely(or rudely) distancing themselves from him.   Distraught at the loss of his beauty, Virgil sought any way to revert his condition. Unfortunately, no medicinal cure exists for white warp, and more exposure to magic just makes it worse. However, there is one race of creature capable of performing even those feats thought impossible. The foolish Virgil ended up turning to a devil for help, and the devil promised to help, free of charge!   And lo, with a sprinkle of a fire and a dash of brimstone, Virgil was born anew, in a new body. Orders of magnitude more beautiful than he had been before, he charmed every man and woman he came across. Whenever a person saw his face, they instantly fell head over heels in love with him. For a time, Virgil enjoyed this. He was constantly surrounded by throngs of people who practically worshiped him as a god. He never had to worry about anything, and he was quite rich, having started exchanging... favors, in return for money.   But he began to tire of it. He could never have any time for himself, couldn't even have a normal conversation with a person without them drooling over him. And then, another aspect of his power surfaced itself. Anyone who spent too long with Virgil began to transform, the mark of the devil spreading to them as well, making them tieflings. But they were not supernaturally beautiful like Virgil. Instead, he seemed to suck the beauty out of them, leaving them crooked and ugly.   This horrible realization made Virgil finally realize that what he had was not a blessing. It was a curse. He hid himself away from his myriad of lovers, and disguised his features. Wrapping himself up in cloth, he posed as a victim of white warp, quite ironic considering the original cause of his foolish pact. To this day, he lives in hiding, never daring to show his face lest someone spots it and becomes yet another victim of Virgil's beautiful, terrible visage.
Totally black
Short and white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ivory white
132 lbs

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