Honosite Material in The Wide, Wide World | World Anvil
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Metal which absorbs a huge amount of energy and thus can be used to contain faith-absent energy in abundance. It is not, however, able to contain a considerable ammount of faith-present energy. When exposed to faith-present energy, it reverts back to Iron.


Material Characteristics

Blue black and brittle. Honosite is often shaped before it become honosite.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Extremely resistant to heat and other forms of energy.

Origin & Source

Honosite is faith-altered Iron. Honosite is not simply faith-absent, but actually faith-negative.

Life & Expiration

Honosite is used as a containment material in many cases where high amounts of volatile energy must be contained in a small space, such as in a data fire. It can contain such energies indefinitely, so long as the energy is faith-absent. Faith-present energy will eventually turn honosite to common iron.
As iron.
Without taste, but leaving the feeling in your mouth of a strong base, like diluted chlorine.
Blue-black, with a pale sheen.
Common State

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