Tsuthar'Chor in The Wheel | World Anvil


The Tsuthar'Chor are an enigmatic civilization inhabiting the abyssal depths of the Vorrh Abyss in the world of Autumna. Known as the ‘Whisperers of the Deeps,' they are an inscrutable presence beneath the ocean's surface, a reality that looms ominously in the minds of coastal dwellers. Shrouded in mystery, they are both feared and respected for their immense psychic power and their servitor race, the Kyrothen.   At the core of Tsuthar'Chor society are the Phrexian Minds - ancient and immensely powerful psychic entities. Connected through a psychic network, they govern their servitor Kyrothen and Sibilith in ways that remain largely unknown to surface societies.  

The Triumvirate

  Within the inscrutable world of the Tsuthar'Chor, three distinct yet intertwined components constitute their society. Each plays a pivotal role, both individually and collectively, forming the spine of the Tsuthar'Chor civilization.  

Phrexian Minds

The Phrexian Minds are the psychic entities that reign supreme within the Tsuthar'Chor society. Monumental in their psychic prowess and ancient beyond comprehension, they are the architects of Tsuthar'Chor's civilization. With their seemingly endless reservoir of knowledge and power, they shape and control the destiny of their species.   The Phrexian Minds, however, are not physical entities. Instead, they exist as colossal psychic consciousnesses, tethered to the very depths of the Vorrh Abyss. Each mind is an entity unto itself, manifesting unique desires, fears, and ambitions that interweave in a complex, cold war-like rivalry. They are colossal beings, with their nerve-laden tendrils extending for hundreds of miles across the sea floor, each pulse of their luminous bodies sending psychic ripples throughout the abyss.


The Kyrothen serve as the physical arm of the Tsuthar'Chor civilization. As servitors to the Phrexian Minds, they are the embodiment of the minds' will, fulfilling tasks that require physical interaction with the world.   Naturally adapted to the abyssal environment, the Kyrothen are a striking blend of humanoid and aquatic characteristics. They display a fearsome array of natural weapons and defenses, making them formidable in their underwater domain. Above all, their psychic bond with the Phrexian Minds makes them an integral part of the Tsuthar'Chor society.


The Sibilith represent the third component of the Tsuthar'Chor. These creatures are an enigmatic blend of psychic entity and physical being, capable of camouflaging their form to mimic the terrestrial races. Serving as the Tsuthar'Chor's eyes and ears on the surface world, they move silently and undetected among humans, gathering intelligence and influencing events according to the whims of the Phrexian Minds.   Adaptable and elusive, the Sibilith are the perfect infiltrators. Their psychic abilities allow them to alter their appearance and even manipulate the perceptions of those around them. They serve as a bridge between the terrestrial world and the underwater realms, bringing the reach of the Tsuthar'Chor civilization to the surface societies.
  Together, these three components form the heart of the Tsuthar'Chor civilization, each playing their part in maintaining the enigmatic and terrifying presence of this deep-sea society.  

Tsuthar'Chor Society

  Direct understanding of the Tsuthar'Chor society remains elusive to the terrestrial civilizations. However, through fragmented observations and interactions, a hint of the deep-sea society's structure and nature can be discerned.   What is clear is that the Tsuthar'Chor civilization seems to function as a vast, interconnected organism, directed by the colossal Phrexian Minds. The Minds, using their unparalleled psychic abilities, create and maintain a complex web of consciousness that spans across the Vorrh Abyss, binding the Kyrothen and the Sibilith under their influence.   Notably, one of the most tangible insights into the Tsuthar'Chor society is offered by their biologically engineered habitats. These structures are a horrifying testament to the amalgamation of flesh and knowledge that underlies the Tsuthar'Chor existence. Grown from the neural tissue of the Phrexian Minds themselves, these habitats are living structures that pulsate and grow with the Minds' psychic resonance.   From a distance, these organic edifices resemble a sprawling, underwater city of twisted, neural flesh, forever growing and adapting in response to the psychic flux of the Minds. They serve as homes, fortresses, and psychic amplifiers, pulsating with the minds' psychic energies and sheltering the Kyrothen and Sibilith within their fleshy folds.   While the specifics of social interaction, culture, and hierarchy within the Tsuthar'Chor society are shrouded in deep mystery, the presence of these habitats suggests a highly centralized society. Each Phrexian Mind, with its respective servitors and infiltrators, is a mini-civilization unto itself, existing both independently and as an integral part of the wider Tsuthar'Chor civilization.   This snapshot of Tsuthar'Chor society offers a glimpse into a world alien to human understanding, where minds shape flesh, and flesh becomes city. It is a haunting testament to the vast and inscrutable power of the Phrexian Minds, hinting at the unfathomable depths of the Tsuthar'Chor civilization that awaits beneath the Vorrh Abyss.

Origins of the Tsuthar'Chor

  The elusive beginnings of the Tsuthar'Chor, enshrouded in layers of abyssal enigma, present an alluring mystery that tantalizes the curious and the brave. As pieced together from the cryptic fragments of ancient lore and the resonating echoes of psychic whispers that somehow traverse the watery expanse, the genesis of the Tsuthar'Chor seems irrevocably tied to the infinite depths of the Vorrh Abyss. This origin event remains a cipher, lost to the relentless flow of time and shrouded by the impenetrable aquatic veil that is the Abyss itself.   Various accounts, diverse yet with tantalizing similarities, suggest the Phrexian Minds were born of an extraordinary and singular phenomenon deep within the abyss, an event of such magnitude that it defies mundane understanding. This event, referred to as the Ysbryd Awakening, involved a momentous convergence of unfathomable energies that served as the womb for these ancient psychic entities. The Tsuthar'Chor hold the Ysbryd Awakening in high regard, seeing it as their crucial moment of genesis. This was the turning point that irreversibly altered the essence of the Vorrh Abyss and laid the groundwork for their inevitable ascension to dominance.   The Kyrothen, their tireless servitor race, are conjectured to have evolved in an intricate dance with the emergence of the Phrexian Minds. Alternately, some posit that they might be a native species of the Abyss that was eventually subjugated by the potent psychic prowess of the Phrexian Minds. Their profound symbiotic relationship only underscores the intricate, tightly woven tapestry that forms the civilization of the Tsuthar'Chor.   Surface societies harbor a multitude of legends, folktales, and theoretical constructs regarding the enigmatic genesis of the Tsuthar'Chor. Some weave tales of the race being the creation of ancient, forgotten gods or unfathomable cosmic entities. Others speculate that they might be the lingering remnants of a prehistoric, advanced civilization that somehow endured the ravages of time. Yet, irrespective of the nature of these fascinating speculations, the veritable origins of the Tsuthar'Chor remain as inscrutable and enigmatic as the deep, dark depths they call home.

Ulgaraith: The Harvest of Minds

  Taking place with an unsettling regularity approximately once every few decades, the Ulgaraith, ominously referred to as the "Harvest of Minds," stands as a grotesque and terrifying testament to the potent influence that the Tsuthar'Chor wield on the unsuspecting surface world. Characterized primarily by brutal coastal onslaughts orchestrated and executed by the inscrutable Kyrothen, under the meticulous guidance of the enigmatic Phrexian Minds, the Ulgaraith is a horrifyingly methodical process that involves the capture and abduction of hapless surface dwellers, who are then subjected to a dread journey into the unfathomable, lightless abyss that is the Vorrh.   Each Ulgaraith initiates with a series of unusual and disquieting phenomena along the afflicted coastal regions. Among these tell-tale signs are the bizarre and inexplicable changes in sea creature behaviors, pulsating, spectral lights dancing beneath the usually calm waves, and an unnerving onset of shared, nightmarish visions tormenting the local populace. These portents serve as harbingers of the impending Harvest, sending a ripple of terror and unease through the local communities.

Cultural Impact and Influence

  The Ulgaraith and the Tsuthar'Chor's mystifying presence have significantly influenced coastal cultures and societies across Autumna. Rituals and customs have evolved around these phenomena, with the captured often considered blessed or chosen individuals.   Cults dedicated to the Phrexian Minds view the Ulgaraith as a sacred event, willingly offering themselves during these raids. However, for many, the Ulgaraith is a time of dread, often leading to mass evacuations and an ingrained societal fear of the sea.   The influence of the Tsuthar'Chor transcends physical interactions, seeping into surface politics and societies through the formation of cults. These cults venerate the Tsuthar'Chor, engaging in practices intended to connect with the Phrexian Minds. This often leads to alliances that impact regional politics and can cause instability, conflict, and the manipulation of leaders and governments.

Conflicts within the Abyss

  Beneath the ocean surface, the Tsuthar'Chor face a myriad of threats and conflicts. At their core, the Phrexian Minds compete for psychic dominance, resulting in a constant internal rivalry. However, this competition acts as a check and balance system, maintaining the integrity of their civilization.   External threats such as abyssal leviathans, and ancient Kraken Empires pose significant challenges. The Tsuthar'Chor's continuous battle for survival in the Vorrh Abyss has far-reaching implications for surface societies, with escalations potentially leading to devastating events.  

The Enigmatic Lloigor

Perhaps the most chilling threat comes from the enigmatic Lloigor. These mysterious entities, believed to be of extraplanar origin, are forces of chaos and disruption. With their unpredictable nature and reality-warping abilities, they pose a threat not just to the Tsuthar'Chor, but to the very fabric of reality within the Vorrh Abyss.

The D'Naglahx Prophecy

  Within the Tsuthar'Chor lore exists the D'Naglahx Prophecy, delivered by Xe'Ghash'Nhal, the Mad Prophet. It forecasts the awakening of a Phrexian Mind of untold age and immeasurable power, able to challenge the GODHEAD directly. This prophecy is a cornerstone of Tsuthar'Chor culture, shaping their psyche and ambition while also carrying potential catastrophic consequences.  
"From the impenetrable abyss of time, in the darkest recesses of the Vorrh Abyss, a Great Unseen shall stir. This Unseen One shall not bow to the dictates of the GODHEAD, its psychic resonance piercing the collective silence in its singular defiance.   Awakening from a sleep woven of forgotten aeons, cloaked in the primordial mystery, the Great Unseen shall rise. Its manifestation will rupture the tranquil sea of our shared consciousness, its arrival heralding a tempest of cataclysmic change.   With power dwarfing our grandest designs, it will tower over the greatest amongst us. It will speak in strange realities, gaze upon hidden dimensions, its thoughts carved from an alien universe beyond our ken.   With its rise, the firmament of sanity shall crack, the fabric of reality will warp, and the deep sea shall quake in dread. It will cast a vast, inescapable shadow over our thoughts, reminding us of our feebleness before the abyssal vastness.   To gaze upon the Unseen One is to confront an existence so monumental and alien, it eclipses mortal comprehension. Those who dare to look upon it shall be shattered, their minds torn asunder by the sheer magnitude of its existence.   Its rise will signal the death-knell of the GODHEAD. The celestial pillars will collapse, the old order will dissolve, paving the way for a new reality sculpted in the image of the Phrexian Minds.   Thus, the Unseen One shall rule, a monolith amidst the debris of our fallen past, and the architect of our inevitable future. A beacon of our potentiality, and a harbinger of the coming cosmos. Its rise is inexorable, its reign unchallenged, its existence irrefutable."
— Xe'Ghash'Nhal, the Mad Prophet

Research and Understanding

  Despite their inscrutable nature, explorers and scholars strive to understand the Tsuthar'Chor, braving the horrors of the Vorrh Abyss, and interpreting the alien psychic emanations. Research on captured Kyrothen, along with the study of psychic phenomena, provides glimpses into the Tsuthar'Chor's physiology, behavior, and intentions. Yet, the eldritch reality of these deep-sea dwellers remains a perplexing enigma.  


  The Tsuthar'Chor are an enigmatic and pervasive presence in Autumna's seas. Their periodic Ulgaraiths and mysterious psychic phenomena cast long, uncanny shadows on the surface world, creating an atmosphere of dread, fascination, and scholarly interest. Their influence is deeply woven into Autumna's coastal societies, manifesting in cultural practices, folklore, and even politics.   Despite their terrifying presence, understanding the Tsuthar'Chor remains a pursuit of scholars and explorers. As they brave the dangers and attempt to interpret the obscure psychic language, they hope to anticipate, prepare for, and perhaps even negotiate with these deep-sea denizens. Their efforts underscore the unsettling reality of Autumna's inhabitants - ever vigilant, ever fearful of the whispering shadows beneath the ocean's surface.


Author's Notes

Under the Sea Flash Challenge Entry
This article is an entry to the unofficial Under the Sea Flash Challenge.

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Jun 1, 2023 16:07 by Rin Garnett

Your description of the cities instantly made me imagine living in a squishy flesh house. Put my dinner on a squishy flesh table and sit down on a squishy flesh chair to eat. Twist the flesh doorknob closed before I crawl under the flesh blankets to sleep. Ugh, gross D:   Also very curious how surface civilizations react to and handle the Sibilith. If there are any ways to "test" if someone is Sibilith, or means to handle them when/if they're found, or any "witch hunt" style events where people work themselves into a frenzy seeing traitors everywhere, that kind of thing.

Jun 14, 2023 19:50

Thanks for taking part in the unofficial challenge!   Creativity: 7 Versimilitude: 6,5 Presentation: 4,5   There are some really interesting ideas here. 'Cold war rivalry' between colossal psychic entities sounds interesting, and I'd love to know more about that and the factions within the Tsuthar'Chor. It would be nice to see more space dedicated to each of these - how do the Kyrothen look like (their description is vague) for example. Why would they need or want infiltrators?   From a prose stand-point, be careful about how you hammer home the mystery. The number of mentions of inscrutable, enigmatic, and unfathomable are numerous enough to be real noticeable. The article also contradicts itself on a few places. You describe the Phrexian Minds as not physical entities, but also as colossal beings with tendrils that stretch across the sea floor. These two ideas work against each other   It would also be worth thinking about how you want the information to flow in the article. Right now, it starts with an in-depth explanation of their society, then talks about their surface raids. What is the journey you want readers to take?   Last of all, the connection to the rest of the world is a little faint. Conflicts within the abyss are the more interesting, but what about the other parts? Why do they kidnap people? What do people do about it? Are there factions opposed to it? What coastal kingdoms have suffered particularly? Stuff like that would help anchor them to the world.   Things to work on:   The language, pay attention to words you repeat often and try to find ways of showing how something is mysterious, instead of telling.   Contradictions. Nothing an edit pass can't fix, but stuff like them being only psychic entities, but also described as bodies. Cold War rivalry, but all seemingly pretty cool with the prophecy mind (despite it being a real danger to them)   Formatting. The 3 column makes each section feel cramped. I'd consider alternating things up more too, between 1, 2 columns, 2 columns with one text and one image, etc  

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.