The Lightning Man Myth in The War of Our Fathers | World Anvil

The Lightning Man

The tale of "The Lightning Man" is a common legend in and around Germany that tells of how Fredrick III was miraculously cured by a mysterious man with a procedure still not understood. The story goes as follows:   Kaiser Fredrick III became mysteriously afflicted in the year 1888 merely one week after his fathers death and his own subsequent rise to power. The Kaiser's condition quickly worsened and his desperate wife Victoria contacted mages and medical practitioners from miles around to cure him even offering a reward but no one ever came close to curing the Kaiser. As the Kaiser's condition rendered him immobile more obscure remedies were tried including powerful magics and otherworldly deals yet nothing seemed to cure him. The Kaiser now laid upon his deathbed as he could barely move and his affliction had assured him dead but, as his grieving wife stood over him a man draped in a leather cloak and carrying a large trunk was escorted in by the guards. The man was calm and elegant as he exclaimed, "I posses the power to save this man if you would so allow me to." The queen wordlessly backed away from her husband and granted the man permission though she remained skeptical due to past failures. In less than an hour the man had constructed a small coil and tower that were connected through copper wires to the Kaiser and without a word the man flipped a switch filling the room with blue light. The body of the Kaiser spasmed as the room flooded with a blue light and crackling that deafened most everyone present. After a minute the man shut down the machine as palace guards rushed to grab him and restrain him for having presumably killed the Kaiser his body having gone limp. The man made no motion of resistance as he was grabbed "Let that man go at once for he has saved my life", echoed the voice of the Kaiser who now sat tall in his bed staring at the guards. The room quickly burst into cheer but as the Kaiser and other room occupants went to thank the man they found him and his gear absent save for a note reading, "I hath overcome the will of gods to defy events yet to occur." The man was never seen after that point though the Kaiser did thank him in a speech the next day where he exclaimed his goal to lead Germany to a new Era.
The Mysterious Man:
The mysterious man who appeared is not commonly described in tellings of the story though some who were present gave vivid accounts of him. Accounts tell of a taller male figure wrapped in a cloak with a deep raised hood obscuring all but his mouth carrying with him a small trunk made of wood and copper. The cloak of the man draped low and open revealing a thin man clad in a simple suit free of tarnishes. Beyond this nothing else of the mysterious man is known other than a few wild accounts that claim that when he flipped the switch the blue light traveled not only down the copper wires but also around him in the air as if he generated it.
The Kaisers obsession with the lightning man:
The Kaiser remained obsessed with the mysterious man throughout the rest of his life

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