The Last Moon Drake Myth in The Wanted World | World Anvil
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The Last Moon Drake

This article was discovered in the Scalecrown city library. Although never written in Julias's journal, we still found it interesting enough to share with you. We hope you enjoy, walker.   "In this time of dying, in this age where we, the Dragons fade from the world, we must hold strong. For our savior will soon awaken and bring an end to the waning age. He, a noble beast born of the moon. His scales shimmer with the hopes of his kin. His eyes glow blue with the flame of determination. His claws, stronger than steel, will tear and grapple whatever blocks his way. And when you see his white plumage across the distance, you will know that hope is on the way. He will lead the search for our lost Moon and Sun across the frigid peaks of the Blue Mountains, wade the languid lakes of the Wickerlands and even wander the Silent Void with his companions. The Candlebearer who towers over all men, carrying their hopes upon his spears, and the Sun Witch who shall unshackle the Lost Sun from her silent bonds and reunite her with the Lonely Moon. He will allow the Watchers to rest and when he does, the age of Waning will be over and the age of Renaissance shall begin. Maybe not with us, but with the tools we have left behind.


This legend, or prophesy rather, describes the story of how the Moon Drake, Candlebearer and Sun Witch search for the missing Sun and Moon and end the Waning age.

Historical Basis

There's not a lot of historical basis in this story beyond 20 years ago, it was mostly just a premonition from a dying Dragon. But there is evidence that there is still one "Dragon" left from the Wurmfahng lineage. A Dragon by name alone at this point, but a Dragon nonetheless.   His name is Artemir Sigsnow, an amnesiac human caretaker working for the Church of the Old Moon. Usually seen in polished armor with white plumage and carrying a blue flashlight. We're not sure if this is really him but he was last seen with a strange girl and a tall man. Seems the prophesy is on its way


Not a lot of people seem to know this one. Only the well read and those who were close to Dragons know.

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