Sand Slugs Species in The Virgo Cluster | World Anvil

Sand Slugs

Sand slugs are native to Challa and are found in the sand dunes around the planet. They have been successfully, although unintentionally, transplanted to other desert areas on other planets where they appear to thrive. They do not seem to have any useful purpose nor produce any material usable by humans.

Basic Information


Appears as a typical worm, no limbs, no bones, just a large muscle under the skin that it uses to propel itself through sand.

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproduction activity studied has been spontaneous splitting into two worms, each independent. This occurs about halfway down the body and the ends mutate quickly to the form of the original ends. The splitting occurs between 3 and 24 months of life.

Growth Rate & Stages

They grow to full size, about 1 meter, before splitting. Those that do not split die after 24 months. It is currently unknown why the splitting stops.

Ecology and Habitats

Sand slugs thrive in the sands of Challa.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It is currently unknown what they eat or how they are able to find and maintain the hydrography required to survive.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Sand Slugs appear to be single and when they split, the two new slugs will each go their own way without any indication of the preceding life.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They have only been found natively on Challa.

Average Intelligence

They appear to have the intelligence of single celled animals. While they can sense movement of the sand around them and react, it has not been observed that they go away or towards the danger.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It is not known whether they can smell or perceive light or sound. Tests so far have not found a reaction except to compression of the sand immediately surrounding them, suggesting that they can react to other things near it.
18 months
Average Weight
Up to 1 kg
Average Length
Up to 1 meter
Geographic Distribution


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