Ogres Species in The Uruk Scribes DnD stuff | World Anvil
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The living siege-weapons of the horde

Big, mean and dumb. This words are a good description of most ogres. Unlike their cousin's the goblins or orcs, ogres have no cunning nor tactical minds. Instead ogres are all instincts and muscles that are utterly ruled by their needs and desires. Ogres have a simple way of interacting and viewing the world. If a ogre wants something they take it if they're stronger than the being that have the thing they want.   This philosophy of "Ogre want, ogre take!" or "Strong rule, weak serv!" often see ogres being forced into the service of others. Mostly might orc or goblin clans are the ones bending ogres to their collective will. No orc king have ever been seen as a proper orc king whit out at least a pair of ogre warriors by their side.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ogres can most often be found in caverns, forest or swamps.
90 - 120 years
Average Height
3.20 - 3.50 meters
Average Weight
80 - 250 kg

Racial Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and Constitution score increases by 2.   Size. Large.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 5 meters.   Dumb. Your Intelligence score is lowered by 2 and your Wisdom is lowered by 1.   Darkvision. You have after endless generations underground you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 meters of you as if it were brightly lit and in darkness as if it were dimly lit. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.   Massive Strength. When you hit with a weapon your attack deals one extra die of the weapons damage.   Natural Living Canon. You have no disadvantage when throwing a weapon over its recommend range. You can pick up and throw a creature at least one size smaller than you. The throw is count as an attack. If you hit the target roll 1d6 in damage (bludgeoning) per 2 meters thrown, whit a max of 6 meters and 3d6. The throw creature takes 1d6 in fall damage (bludgeoning) per two meters thrown. If the creature you try to pick up a unwilling creature you most win a Strength ability checks duel whit said creature.   Languages. You can speak under-common.

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Cover image: Ogre by Alexander Alexandrov


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