Blue Pox Fever Condition in The Unified Kingdom of Leos (Campaign) | World Anvil
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Blue Pox Fever

Nothing causes fear and panic like an outbreak of Blue Pox. Indiscriminate between peasants and nobility, it is generally considered the worst way to die. A single case of Blue Pox or even the rumor of it is enough to annex a village or town. Entire sections of cities have been known to be quarantined and in some cases worse. The worst case of Blue Pox was recorded in the capital city of Xian-Jing. The deadly outcome resulted in the entire royal family being wiped out by the outbreak, leaving the country in a state of flux. Since then, it has become law that cases of Blue Pox must be reported. Of course, everyone knows the likely outcome of such a report and so communities are more likely to deal with an outbreak on their own terms.

Transmission & Vectors

The uneducated believe that Blue Pox is caused by the anger of Detix for mortalities crimes against life. They think it is the primordial's way of maintaining balance. In reality, The Blue Pox is a parasite that contaminates water supplies. Invisible to the naked eye, it barely registers when placed under arcane scrutiny.   Blue Pox infests its host rapidly before spreading by water or fluids of the host. Death is not the end of the cycle. The parasite will use water in the soil to reach and contaminate streams and wells ready for its next victim.


The parasite responsible for Blue Pox prefers wet conditions. It can survive being frozen, though not indefinitely. No one knows exactly how the Blue Pox started but some theorize that it might have been brought aboard.


Blue Pox has an incubation period of three days. The first thing a victim might feel is lightheadedness, an inability to feel warm, and disorientation. By the seventh day, the victim's skin begins to develop a rash and the feeling of disorientation becomes worse. As the parasite digests the victim, the rash turns to hard dark blue welts. One by one the victim's organs begin to shut down, eventually bringing about a deep coma and seizures. Mortality comes soon after and the victim is often found bones broken or contorted in horrific positions.


There are many who peddle treatments for Blue Pox fever but most are fake. Science is new magic in Leos and is generally distrusted but desperation makes for easy pickings. There are some exceptionally skilled clerics who have been known to cure the Blue Pox of themselves. In recent years trade with Sogor has revealed a way to purge the parasite from the blood of the victim but the process is unpleasant and dangerous.


Death is the likliest outcome unless treatment can be found before the final stage is complete.


Those who have recouperated are generlaly crippled. Their bones are prone to fractures and unable to support their weight any more.

Affected Groups

No one is safe from Blue Pox. Station and wealth have some sanctuary from it due to their better quality of life but even kings and queens have been laid low by the illness. Those who work or frequent places of standing water are more likely to contract the parasite than others. Due to this, Tamatchi province has a higher number of cases per year due to its low-lying conditions.

Hosts & Carriers

Blue Pox is highly infectious but it cannot survive without liquid. However, paranoia makes for a hotbed of superstition and lies. There are some that believe that the Blue Pox was created by the Surrector Typhon and blame the 'untamed' for its spread. To some extent, this is furthered by comparatively low cases among 'untamed' colonies. In reality, this is not because of any inherent immunity (divine or otherwise) but simply because a combination of living under the open sky, tradition, or simply feeding habits, means that they do not frequent areas where Blue Pox is likely to spread. However, they are capable of contracting it as much as any other.


Blue Pox cannot be seen by eye and barely registers under arcane scrutiny but if silver dust is introduced to the water, the parasite will turn a bright blue and appear like specks of sapphire floating in the water. If one looks at the specks long or carefully enough, they might perceive that they move very slowly.


Poor irrigation, floods, or bad sanitation are often the cause of an outbreak. Bodies must be burned as quickly as possible after death, to prevent the parasite from contaminating the soil and making its way back to the population. A quarantine can provide a reprieve and if a population can be isolated for long enough, it could purge an outbreak. Such an act would require the complete isolation of the contaminated population.


Blue Pox has been around for many hundreds of years. No one knows exactly how it came to be. Some speculate that the parasite that causes the illness, is nothing more than natural evolution. While others have suggested that it was brought to Leos from a distant land most likely on a merchant ship.

Cultural Reception

Even just the rumor that someone has contracted Blue Pox, is enough to be completely ostracized from the community. If they have the chance, the victim will be forcibly evicted from their home and thrown into the wilds or barricaded inside their home where they will likely starve to death.
Chronic, Acquired

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