Slavic Paganism Organization in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Slavic Paganism

The Slavs are primarily a pagan people taking in polytheistic and animist beliefs They, like many other pagan religions at this time, believe in a world tree / pillar, with their heaven at the top, the world at the middle, and the underworld at the bottom. They built many pillars showing this in wood or stone. The top tier has symbols of birds, the sun and the moon. The middle has symbols of bees and humans, and the bottom has symbols of snakes, beavers and the chthonic god Veles . It is made in such a way to show the four cardinal points and in doing so, four gods - Perun, Dazhbog, Mokosh and Lada. This part is sometimes at the very top. These are at temples or temple areas called Continae (dwellings). These are usually built onto upraised platforms and many on hills. Some north-eastern Slavs made these in the shape of mushrooms, attesting to the possible use of hallucinogenic fungi.   The different Slavic tribes have a central set of core beliefs with very minor differences between the different tribes. This seems to be minor influences from neighbouring religions and/or conquered peoples. The core beliefs also seem to have strong ties to the religions of the Balts, Thracians and Phrygians.  They all attest to having a singular supreme deity that all other deities in their pantheon, and other spirits, sprang from.
Religious, Cult


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