Goliaths - Mountaintop Wanderers Species in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Goliaths - Mountaintop Wanderers

At the top of many of the tallest mountaintops are the Goliaths. These humanoids appear to be built for survival. Hardy people, they can survive extreme cold, and oxygen deprivation that can kill others. Each is tall, tough, well-built individuals, and when a group is encountered, very few if any elderly are found. This is caused by the fact when someone reaches old age in Goliath society, they leave to die alone, as they are seen as a burden to the rest, and it's better to give ones life to others. The best of their tribes leads from the front setting an example to the rest, and do not understand other societies that have inherited leaders, who have not earned the right to lead. They speak plainly and gruffly, and are straight forward in their style, with no lies either.   In Goliath tribal life, the strongest survive, and help the tribe. Each time they lose, or are beaten they take it as an insult, especially since they look upon themselves as superior to all others. If they fail at something they will try again until they master it, then they will boast about it. They don't just look down on others nobility, but he common people, thinking they are weak, and unable to survive in truly harsh conditions.   Most other races never encounter a Goliath, and most times one is encountered, it has either left a tribe, been thrown out for not being the best or committing a crime, being too old, or the last survivor. Either way, many go to other societies to act as mercenaries, soldiers, or to explore as adventurers. Maybe by doing so they can hopefully return home and present themselves as now being proven fit enough, or as finishing penance.


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