Goblins Species in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil


Goblins are diminutive beings usually scrawny in build with little to hair and skin colour ranging from brown to green. Physically weak compared to most species, they make up for in numbers. Their faces have noses slightly longer noses ending sharply, and pointed ears. As a species, Goblins are found almost everywhere in the world and are both troublesome and mischievous. Their language seems to be like the species overall, corrupted Fey in every way. They are ruled over by Chieftains or Bosses, and will happily take on opponents when in large enough numbers. Their society is primitive compared to others and seem to prefer dark out of the way places, residing in crude shanty towns ruled over by their leaders. With their background, it is thought they are a fallen Dark Fey and have been thrown into the Material Plane for all time.   As a group, Goblins are usually dominated by larger more powerful individuals, such as Bugbears and Hobgoblins, who use them as fodder in battle, and as food in times of need. Goblins don't seem to mind as much as other species with this arrangement. They view it as good protection against others who would kill them. When by themselves they take over a region and stick to the shadows for as long as possible, raiding unprotected settlements, farms, and other out of the way places until they have sufficient numbers.   As for religion, most Goblins will follow evil deities tied in to whatever the dominant religion is present in the region. They are simplistic in this approach not given to grandiose displays. With their culture being primitive compared to others, they usually make do with scrounging goods, and then working them into shapes that they can use themselves. The odd time a Goblin will produce something noteworthy, but this is an exception to the rule.


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