Giants - Ettin Species in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Giants - Ettin

The Ettins are a race of giants native to the British Isles, and have localised names on top of 'Ettin'. These names are: Bogle, Boggle, Bogill, Yetun, Yotun, Yttin, & Ytene in English (depending on local tradition, and sometimes as far north as Alba & Pictland). In Wales it is sometimes referred to as Bwg, and in Hibernia it is referred to as Bagairt in Gaelic. Some of the alternative names is sometimes sited as the origin of the term 'Bogeyman'.   Their exact origin is unknown though they are thought to be descended of the Fey, and a form of Dark Fey. They speak Giant and can easily be found fighting alongside Goblins, Orcs, and Dark Fey. Each Ettin is a large being of roughly humanoid shape, wielding great weapons, usually made crudely from the body of trees. Each Ettin has two heads, a foul smell & dirt, and a serious bad attitude. They are few in number living in wilderness areas, out of the way of other sentient races, coming out to terrorise others, and raid settlements for food and equipment. They can work metal, clothing & armour, though everything is crudely made. They prefer caves or living deep in haunted forests when not scaring the local populations, and usually alone, meeting up with others only to breed.   The Ettins have one thing different compared to other giants, and that is their two heads. They constantly bicker and fight each other, unless something 'squishy' comes along and distracts them. When it sleeps, one head will remain awake, and keep watch, while the other sleeps.   Many a local hero has bested an Ettin, as they are not he brightest of creatures, even with the two heads. Yet for many other would-be heroes most have been squashed flat or ate by the Ettin.


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