Becoming Larger Plot in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Becoming Larger

The heroes get further information, an assassination attack and an unlikely ally.

Plot points/Scenes

What the heroes will have found is a note from Lord Diablos asking that Grimmaz is to be killed at all costs and it is the will of his masters that this happens. A name is mentioned: Dassem Luqman (name meaning: Unknown Wise one). Tossil will have to check his library for the name. It appears to be wrote in cuneiform with a translation into Saxon below it. Also, they find three pages of a cuneiform script (in Sumerian / Babylon) and a mention of these being from a grimoire copied from an older source called: The Pnakotic Manuscripts.   If the heroes query people like Father Tossil, they can find out that the Pnakotic Manuscripts are ancient indeed and not generally found on Earth now. They seem to appear only in a realm known as the Dreamlands, but parts of it sometimes appear to magic users through out-of-body experiences, and they transcribe the information down afterwards as if they are in a trancelike state. Afterwards they have no memory of it but somehow can use the information. Most of it is in ritual spell form, and there is the chance that there are 1 to 3 spells there 1d3 and are of the Evocation or Necromancy schools. Any hero with access to spells can use them once & once only unless they have a way to transcribe it across to a spell book or with access to a patron creature or deity.   There is a chance Lord Diablos gets an appearance and a chance to attack disguised as a worker.   Father Tossil mentions he has never heard of Dassem Luqman and likely someone powerful if he can control Lord Diablos. At the same time Bushtail may make an appearance looking to set up some type of mutual pact with the heroes on behalf of Maria Mar. Childeric Ludger may appear too to set up the Ludger forge in town. Preator de Angelo also might send a letter to the town council to set up a trade route through the town to go on to Parisius and carry out trade with the thieves guild on the order of Fleec Snow.   Willhelm gets a shock too. When anyone eats or drinks anything near him, the food & drink is spoiled until outside 30 feet of him. Food tastes of wet dirt / sand. Drink tastes of sea water or swamp water.  This lasts longer or the area gets larger (5 feet) if he keeps up trying to provoke Father Tossil or his helpers. Tossil will warn him the effects will get worse if questioned and can start to become permanent. Also, Tossil is aware that there is something lurking in Willhelm that could start to affect him permanently.     Tossil may ask to speak to Grimmaz and warn him about Willhelm. Also, he may tell Willhelm that his extended family is cursed due to them having a dark secret. Some of them gave up worshipping the Vanir and started worshipping dark unknown gods with strange totems & idols. Many of these were found near the coast of the Baltic Sea carved out of amber. Some of these are sitting in the archives of the Vatican.   Another info he may give out is that a great white dragon called Birgin has been sighted over the Aegean Sea and had landed on an island to eat. He seemed tired due to the heat and gave a bit of silver to a shepherd for his flock. He went to say to the shepherd that he had work to do and was scared that a female Goliath or two and / or a Norse Warlock may be the death of him. He also admitted that he knew one of these if not all of them may be the death of him.


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