Benedictus Janus Character in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Benedictus Janus

Benedictus Janus

Benedictus Janus

Medium Skeleton Commander , Lawful Evil

Armor Class 15 (Roman Legionary armour)
Hit Points 52 8d8+4
Speed 30ft

11 0
15 +2
16 +3
11 0
10 0
12 +1

Damage Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning
Damage Resistances Poison
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 12
Languages Common (Latin), Infernal, Abyssal, Demonic
Challenge 10


Benedictus Janus is a skeletal commander and the leader of an army of skeletons in service to the Necrocult. He still wears the armour, and weaponry of his time in the Roman army. Being well over 500 years old he is still a powerful enough opponent. When he was a living human, he served in a garrison that occupied parts of the Alps that separated Italy from the rest of Europe, becoming an expert in mountain warfare. During an expedition to rid a region of the Alps of a legendary people called the Goliaths, him and his Cohort were ambushed & trapped in a snow covered valley. The Goliaths attacked and butchered the majority of his troops. The remaining moved to a cave in the side of the valley and found evidence of recent use. They got snowed in, and the cave itself was used as a temple of sorts for ritual sacrifice by locals. From there they began to starve with little rations, and reached to point where Janus was the last left. Praying for a quick death, and for his soul to make amends, something in this temple answered. A formless creature appeared before him and offered a way to overcome death, and to continue service, except to the lords of death instead. He would not suffer anymore and would never need to eat or drink again. He took the offer and all tissue was blasted of his bones, turning him into a skeleton. The remains of his comrades were raised as mindless undead, and they were shown the way to the Goliath tribe, where they were butchered. Their remains were added to the army, and shortly after, another cohort entered the region to try to find them. These too were attacked and changed. Winter came, and the valley they were first turned became impassable. From then on they regularly ventured forth attacking anything they came across to add numbers to their army. Unfortunately they were originally wrote off as lost so numbers of victims began to dwindle. Nobody knows exactly where this cave and valley, except the local Goliath tribes who would shun such an abominable place. Him and his cohorts regularly abduct & kill adventurers, hunters, Goliaths, travellers, and local miners, so he is still active.


Eternal life is worth every second


Who needs ties to the living world


The flesh is weak, yet deathless bone is not

Suggested Environments

Alps north of Italy

Hide. Janus has learned over the years to hide in the snow with his troops. Both him, and up to 25 other skeletons in 30 ft of him can hide in the snow, and rocky terrain, and get a Surprise Attack in the first turn of combat.   Shield Wall. As part of the Roman Legion, Janus is skilled in the use of shield walls. As long as he is within 5 ft of 4 other skeletons they can make a Shield Wall. This allows them to take no damage as long as they concentrate on this (just like concentrating on a spell). If he or one skeleton is distracted, makes an attack, is killed, or breaks concentration, the shield wall is broken.


Multiattack. Janus makes two attacks with his Gladius.   Gladius. Melee Weapon Attack +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit 5 1d6+2 piercing damage.


Roman Legionary commander Over 500 years old Skilled Mountain fighter

Character Location
Current Location
Lawful Evil


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