The Underclass Ethnicity in The Time of the Sisters | World Anvil

The Underclass

Hi, Amari. How are things in the Dock Security world?
G'day Kostavos. Quiet, fortunately. The last few weeks have been jittery thanks to the Executive visit, now that's over we're calming down, taking time to clean up some of the extra window dressing
Hmm... I heard rumors someone on staff is one of the Underclass, any truth to that?
Shhhh! Walls have ears, and you know even mentioning those fools is worth at least a note on your personnel file.
OK, OK... I won't mention any more rumors. No worries about... Issues... among the staff?
No. The Dock Security organization is rock solid. There is no chance whatsoever we'll have problems there. Even if we did, we follow the 2of3 process.
Good to hear. Well, back to reviewing expense reports for me. Talk next week?
Sure thing.
That evening, Kostavos takes a dilapidated elevator down 12 levels, and walked a moderate distance through the dark decks of downlevel to a dimly lit drift stim bar and ordered a blue lightning. A few minutes later, as he sipped at the stim, another individual walked in, careful to touch the table before taking a seat.
You've learned something?
Yes. The Dock Security group is running 2of3 process. We need to make sure any Underclass working there are extra careful unless all three are Underclass. If we don't know the observer is Underclass, and we won't unless they inform the leader, then they mustn't take any action that might be misunderstood.
That's important. I'll bring it to the leader. Perhaps we can use this to remove a couple stumbling blocks...
Downlevel. The name evokes images of the sadly unfortunate. The Unemployed, the Unskilled, or the Unenlightened. Among the masses of Downlevel dwell a group, however. People who choose to be Unemployed in protest against the dominance and power of The Pleiades Corporation. Among these "Underclass", as they call themselves, Employment is considered undesirable, and the Employed are called "sell-outs". That is not to imply that Employment is unknown among the Underclass. Quite the opposite, as a great many of them are Employed. The Underclass, however, consider Employment an unfortunate and necessary evil. The resources granted to the Employed are used, however, to support the local group of Underclass, and their leaders, always among those who have so offended The Corporation that they have been Terminated for Cause, work to direct the actions of the Employed among them to always work against the interests of The Corporation in subtle ways, always working to create the conditions needed for the masses of Humanity to throw off the shackles of their corporate leaders and return to earlier times when corporations answered to governments filled with individuals chosen by the community. Most of Humanity consider the Underclass to be hopelessly anachronistic in outlook, but they have a growing following among the youth, and it is thought, among the executives, that there is a growing number of Employees who are secretly members of the Underclass.


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