Corporate Alpha Security Species in The Time of the Sisters | World Anvil

Corporate Alpha Security

Predator. The name seems hopelessly anachronistic in a world of fusion power, routine space travel, and megacities that house tens of millions. The natural predators of Earth are long relegated to preserves and carefully controlled wildlife parks. The cycle of life in such places is carefully managed and controlled by human wardens, employees of the Pleiades Corporation, who ensure a careful balance to ensure all of the wild species remain in balance, and sufficient numbers remain to prevent any real risk of extinctions.

There is another type of predator, however, the kind that hides in dark places, that moves easily among the prey, unnoticed until it strikes. The worst kind of predator, the kind that takes from its own. It is this kind of predator that is hunted by the greatest of all apex predators, Corporate Alpha Security, called CAS by most. While the normal criminal or Unemployed are dealt with by Corporate Security and the many local security offices and officers, there are a special breed of individuals who are beyond the normal rifraff, a threat even to regular Corporate Security officers. For these individuals a special force is needed. The Corporation created CAS to deal with threats to civilization, and especially Executives of The Corporation, that need to be hunted to extinction. The agents of CAS are extremely well trained, money-no-object equipped, and possessed of that unquenchable hunter instinct found in only a very few individuals.

When the agents of CAS are called in to deal with a particular individual it is only after regular Corporate Security have failed, and even then only if this particular monster is so dangerous that local societal stability, or an Executive of The Corporation, is in danger. If CAS agents are hunting someone, you know three things. First, they are among the most dangerous predators in the solar system. Second, they have already beaten the best that regular Corporate Security can offer, and multiple agents paid for that failure with their lives. Third, in the very near future, they will be nothing but ashen remains on a garbage disposal launch bound for solar impact. Nothing and no one is a direct threat to CAS agents, rather they are, each and all, an existential threat to every high level predator throughout civilization, and their existence, and growth, depend on a steady "diet" of their prey.


Author's Notes

Note: This is written for a challenge "Write about an apex predator in your world. How does it hunt and survive?". I hope this fits the concept of "Apex Predator" envisioned in the challenge; with no real natural predator/prey food chain left in this highly controlled world, it is the closest analog I could think of...

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