The third imperium of mankind. History of Humaniti in the third Imperium Timeline

History of Humaniti in the third Imperium

The History of humaniti in eyes of the Third Imperium.

OTU Before the Third Imperium

... 310000 3I

History of Humaniti before the Third Imperium

  • -309999 IMP

    1 1
    -309999 IMP

    Ancients arrive.

    The Ancients burst onto the scene

  • -309999 IMP

    32 2

    Ancients expand
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Ancients inhabit the general region of the Spinward Marches and explore all of known space

  • -309999 IMP

    59 3

    Vargr are brought to this Imperium Galaxy
    Scientific achievement

    Vargr transplanted from Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) to Lair (Provence 2402) by the Ancients.

  • -300000 IMP

    1 1

    Ancients visit Terra Again
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Ancients visit Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) and take Humaniti to more than 100 worlds, leaving evidence on at least 90 worlds, although only 49 distinct populations survives today.

  • -300000 IMP


    Ancients continue to explore
    Discovery, Exploration

    Ancients briefly explore the planet Mercury in the Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) system.

  • -300000 IMP

    -300000 IMP


    Ancients visit Terra for more humaniti
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Ancients transport humans to Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) from Terra (Solomani Rim 1827

  • -300000 IMP


    Ancients Spreading the Humaniti
    Discovery, Exploration

    Ancients arrive at Zhodane (Zhodane 2719) with humans

  • -300000 IMP


    Ancients train Humans to adapt to their environment's.
    Discovery, Scientific

    Ancients adapt humans to live on 769-422 (Spinward Marches 0240), in a thin atmosphere with few edible plants.

  • -290000 IMP

    -288000 IMP

    The Final WAR
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Ancients die out during a 2000-year period of intense warfare, leaving only ruined cities and shattered planets.

  • -2431 IMP

    Terra Creates Jump Drive.
    Scientific achievement

    Humans on Earth (Solomani) developed the Jump Drive in 2088 AD

  • -2422 IMP


    Terra First Successful Jump Drive
    Discovery, Exploration

    A barbaric nation know as the United States from the planet called earth (Terra) completes it First Jump drive to Barnard Star. In Terra years This the year 2097 AD Earth time.

  • -2422 IMP


    Terra Discover Humans
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Humans from Earth expecting to find Alien life forms instead discover the race known as Vilani a human race. The Vilani have never heard of the planet called Earth.

  • -2000 IMP

    5 3

    Rise of the Empire of Sindal
    Diplomatic action

    Several Sindalians Barbarian tribes unite and capture several worlds to form what would become the Sindal Empire. The planet of Noricum would be the capital until the fall of the empire.

  • -1600 IMP

    6 6

    Sindalian Revolt begin.
    Civil action

    The planets of the Sindal empire start revolting against the King

  • -1400 IMP

    10 10

    The Empire of Sindal falls.

    Fall of Noricum and collapse of the the Empire of Sindal.

  • -1400 IMP


    Duke of Drinax claims the throne.
    Diplomatic action

    The Duke of Drinax after the fall of Noricum and the collapse of the Sindel empire claims the Imperium title of King.  The Duke sets up trade and protection to gain the confidence of the Sindel empire under his rule.

  • -1000 IMP

    227 8

    Aslan first cross the great Rift.
    Political event

    The Aslan purge begins and the first Aslan clans come into the Trojan Reach.

OTU of the Third Imperium

311000 3I and beyond

The history of the the Third Imperium

  • 1 3I

    1 1

    Third Imperium Founded
    Era beginning/end

    The Third Imperium itself is a far-flung empire of 281 subsectors and over 11,000 worlds. [2] From it's founding through the Pacification Campaigns it grew swiftly, then more slowly thereafter, until stability was reached in the 600s, by which time the Imperium had grown past and absorbed almost all of the territory of the First and Second Imperiums. The main exception being to coreward, where territory was lost to the split-off Julian Protectorate and the Vargr Extents.

  • 380 3I

    78 3

    Peace of Ftahalr
    Political event

    The treaty that ended the Aslan Border Wars (-1118 to 380) and created a 30-parsec-wide buffer zone between the Aslan Hierate and the Third Imperium.

  • 500 3I

    5 1

    Aslan Expand to the Tliowaha Subsector.
    Diplomatic action

    Following the Tradition of Aslan way of life. New clans expand into the Subsector of Tliowaha. This move improves trades routes between the Imperium and Aslan clans.

  • 589 3I

    604 3I

    First Frontier War
    Military action

    Tensions with Zhodani Consulate due to expansion of the Third Imperium intermingled with Zhodani colonies along the borders breaks out in war. This war ended in a stalemate with the 3rd imperium losing territory, but was compensated with ownership of large unclaimed areas of the sector.

  • 606 3I

    160 6
    623 3I

    316 11

    Civil war of the Third Imperium
    Political event

    With the assassination of Empress Jacqueline by Grand Admiral Plankwell started a Civil War. During this period the throne was controlled by a series of Admiral's who ruled for brief periods killing each other in battles to take the throne. The civil war ended with the defeat of Emperor Gustus by Grand Admiral Arbellatra Alkhalikoi.

  • 606 3I

    160 6

    Empress Jacqueline Assassinated
    Military action

    Grand Admiral Olav hault-Plankwee deeply disgusted of the lack of support for the Frontier war arrives at capital assassinates the empress declares himself emperor.

  • 615 3I

    620 3I

    Second Frontier War
    Military action

    The Out world coalition of vargr and Zhodani once again attack the Spinword borders trying to take advantage of the civil war in the Capital  World system. Grand Admiral Arbellatra Alkhalikoi fights the coalition to another stand still with heavy casualties on both sides. Once again in the armistice the 3rd Imperium loses more territory

  • 623 3I

    335 12
    629 3I

    1 1

    Grand Admiral Arbellatra be comes Regent of the Third Imperium
    Diplomatic action

    Grand Admiral Arbellatra Alkhalikoi becomes Regent of the Third Imperium while the imperial Moot settled the matter of succession of the emperor caused by the assassination of Empress Jacqueline by Grand Admiral Plankwell.

  • 629 3I

    1 1

    Arbellatra Alkhalikoi is crowned Emperor by the Moot
    Political event

    The imperial Moot take seven years of going through political red tape to decide who the next emperor will be for the Third Imperium. They finally settle on the Regent Arbellatra Alkhalikoi. This is the beginning of the modern dynasty. This event was celebrated on the holiday of the year.

  • 700 3I

    King Glaxo bombs rebel worlds
    Military action

    King Glaxo goes back to the old methods of the Sindal empire and starts doing aerial bombing of rebel worlds who are not willing to pay the tax required by the King.

  • 871 3I


    Solomani Confederation formed.
    Diplomatic action

    The Solomani Confederation is the third largest Human interstellar state, exceeded only by the Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate. The Solomani Confederation maintains order in a universe full of chaos and quarrelling alien species, who must be kept in order. The Solomani are dedicated to the doctrine that humans of Solomani descent are superior to all others, and are most fit to rule the galaxy. The first was to preserve the independence of the Confederation worlds from strong Imperial interstellar government. The second was to provide for a strong, mutual defense of the Solomani states.

  • 884 3I

    King Oleb XIV establishes the Drinax Tax.
    Diplomatic action

    King Oleb XIV establishes Drinax Tariff charging both the Imperium and Aslan traders who  travel through there subsector. The Aslan consider this an insult and are not pleased at all. This Tariff is being enforced by a new fleet of Harrier Class ships.

  • 885 3I

    Fall of Drinax
    Military action

    The Aslan, led by the Ahroay'if clan, bomb Drinax turning the planet to ashes the only thing they leave is the Drinax floating Palace.

  • 979 3I

    986 3I

    Third Frontier War
    Military action

    Once again the Zhodani Consulate start a war seeking more Imperium territory. The battle once again ended with the Imperium losing more territory. This did not set well with the citizens of the imperium and resulted in the abdication of Emperor Styryx.

  • 1002 3I

    1002 3I


    The Third Imperium siege Terra
    Military action

    The Siege of Terra was the major invasion of Terra by the Imperium in 1102 as the culmination of the Solomani Rim War. While the world was ultimately captured, it was taken only with horrendous casualties and can be seen as a pyrrhic victory.

  • 1082 3I

    1083 3I

    4th Frontier War
    Military action

    The fourth frontier war was triggered by an unintentional incident and took the form of a series of naval battles along the frontier It was over quickly before the emperor orders for the conduct of battle could be made. The Zhodani feared this Emperor and new they could not win. This time the Imperium got some territory back.

  • 1085 3I

    124 5

    Admiral Darokyn is Court Martialed
    Civil action

    Admiral Darokyn is Court Martialed for treason against the Third Imperium for Slave trade, piracy, and corruption against the Crown.

  • 1105 3I

    105 4

    Third Imperium Navel conflict
    Military action

    43rd Battle Fleet comes in contact with an unknow fleet of ships. Both sides take heavy casualties with the unknown ships jumping to escape. In this three day conflict The ISS Dragon Fly disappears with out a trace.

  • 1105 3I

    120 4

    The Salvage Rose is destroyed.
    Life, Death

    The famous CSS Savage Rose was found Destroyed on a moon in the Talos system by the Imperial Navy. The ship was involved in a space combat but no one knows who took them out. The Savage Rose was an all female pirate ship that was known for the hitting the Glories Empire freeing slaves from the treacherous Aslan slave traders. Three crew members were found on the ship with no sign of the famous Captain Leola 'The Cruel' Morris.

  • 1105 3I

    130 5

    Aslan Slaver Trader in District 268
    Criminal Activity

    The Aslan Slave Trader Judgement is spotted in District 268. This is the first time that a slave trader has been seen in this sub Sector. Dispatches are sent to the Third Imperium.

  • 1105 3I

    221 8

    Garinaembreight Discovered
    Scientific achievement

    The canine species Garinaembreight is discovered by a Far-Trader Crew on the Planet of Marduk. Dr. Scarlett Cannon a renown doctor of this time reports the brains of this species is the size of a human and is pretty sure it has been generically altered by someone. These animals have the ability to effectively communicate with each other herding there prey where they want them for the kill. These creatures are considered to be very dangerous.