Rosarum Character in The Terrene | World Anvil
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Autumn Queen, Mother of Greed, Mercy, and Nature Rosarum

And so they lost the garden, and were thrust out into the world. The full bounty was left behind, to discover the winter fast approaching. They knew not what to do, as they had lived in the Mother's embrace for so long. The people prayed to the Mother, asking for her help, knowing they were not worthy.

And Rosarum answered, "You have forfeited your home, but I love you still. Look at the creatures of the land, and you will see how to survive. Be as the ants and the bees, and work together in harmony. Respect the natural order, and your place in it, and the group will thrive."

The people listened, and heard her, but they did not know how. And so Rosarum spoke directly to Nadura, the first Prophet and Queen, and instructed her on what to do. And Nadura strode off with a purposeful step. Beside her, her brothers watched, and seeing her determination, followed. And they became the first Drone Guard, and the ones that saw them moving with purpose and followed became the first Workers.

Nadura stopped at the Hive, and slowly, the rest joined her. She told the people, "Watch the bees. They build a hive, as a place to make their honey and a safe haven to rest in. It works because everyone has a purpose. The workers do their jobs, gathering pollen to return to the hive, while the drones protect the hive from intruders. And inside, the queen, who keeps the colony running, and is the mother to all of the bees.

"This is what me must be as well. We must protect each other, through our own hive, and we must all work together to survive. Some of us will be Workers, and they will be the backbone of our civilization. Through them, we all will prosper. Some of us will be Drones, and they will protect us and our Hive from the depredations of others. And some of us will be Royalty, and be responsible for directing the hive, and ensuring that we can turn the fruit of the workers into what we need to thrive in this world."

And the people heard, and they knew that it was the word of Rosarum, and it was good. Those with strength of arms became Drones, and they ensured that everyone was safe and performing their duties. Those with skill and determination became Workers, at first gathering food, but soon enough hunting, then cultivating as bees do honey. Over time, they saw the ants, and learned to dig in the dirt for valuable offerings.

And finally, those blessed by Rosarum became the Royalty, and run the Hives and the Towns. They have been chosen by Rosarum to protect the people, to lead them down the proper path, and to ensure their prosperity. Theirs is the most difficult path, and only those that Rosarum is sure are strong enough are chosen to walk it.

— Excerpt from sermon by Bishop Erilana
Cerge, Festiva, 662 Af.

Divine Domains

Nature, Grave, and Twilight

Holy Books & Codes

Of Bees and Beings

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her personal symbol is an autumn leaf, while her church uses a beehive

Tenets of Faith

  • All creatures are part of the natural order, and to succeed each must fulfill their role.
  • Happiness, in this world and the next, are found in embracing the path Rosarum has set.
  • The life and death of those before have led us, and our lives deaths will shape the lives of those who come after.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Rosarum wishes nothing more than for individual groups be allowed to forge their own way, using her teachings on how to work together as a guide. She supports her followers breaking away from larger political entities, and working together to support communities that can stand alone.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

When Rosarum appears to her followers, it is invariably as a tall, zaftig woman with reddish brown skin and wild amber hair. She wears empress-waist dresses the color of autumn leaves. She appears to be a vibrant woman of middle age.

Divine Classification
Natural Order
Current Location
Date of Birth
Warm brown, almond shaped eyes
Curly and wild auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Russet red of autumn leaves
152 lb

Cover image: by Chance Rose


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