Nelwyn Species in The Terrene | World Anvil
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The Nelwyn are a strange lot, to be sure, but I suppose the same can be said for any of us. I'd much rather know them than not. They're just all around good people, better than us, probably.

Now, don't get me wrong, I've known a few who were rather loose with personal property, and one who was a right bastard, but those were just a few out of the hundreds I've met in my life, and I promise you, if you are looking for a kind soul to help you when in need, a Nelwyn is likely your best bet. The tales of all of them being thieves are just that - tales. Most towns have a good sized Nelwyn population, and they are seen as hardworking and reliable.

If you ever get the chance to visit one of their hamlets, I do recommend it. Be prepared to spend your time outside, of course, as they haven't exactly taken us 'Big Folk' into account when they build their homes. But you won't mind sleeping under the stars if you've been to one of their feasts - the will celebrate almost anything, and they celebrate by trying to outdo each other with food and drink. Start with their mead, and then indulge in one of the starter dishes - I can still taste the mushroom stuffed with a spicy pork sausage I had a few years back - but not too much, because that's just the first course, and I've been to feasts that had more than ten courses over the night. They dance between the courses, which is probably the only way they can eat all of that food!

If you're good to them, they'll be good to you, and you will never have a finer friend than a Nelwyn.

— Stery Warder, drunk in a tavern
Kira's Landing, 721 Af.

Basic Information


Nelwyn share a common anatomical structure with Dwarves, Elves, and Humans. They are short compared to humans and elves, standing between 2'6" to 3'6" tall. While not nearly as stout as Dwarves, they are stouter than humans, and generally weigh around 50 lbs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Nelwyn are considered children until about age 10, and youths until age 20 when they are considered adults. Nelwyn can live to over 200 years old, and the prime of their lives generally extend to about 100 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Nelwyn are most comfortable in hilly areas where they can dig homes into hillsides and use the land for farming. They are almost as happy living in towns populated by other races.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Nelwyn eat more for their size than any other sapient race. They have made food into an art form, and are considered masters of liquors and whiskey. They farm the same crops that Humans do, as well as some more exotic crops like a wide variety of edible fungi.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Nelwyn tend to have round faces and large, expressive eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Nelwyn are found wherever Humans are, and can sometimes be found in Dwarven and Elven territory.

Average Intelligence

Nelwyn are on par with the other sapient races.
220 years
Average Height
2'6" to 3'6"
Average Weight
40-55 lbs
Average Physique
Humans and Elves describe Nelwyn as portly, although Dwarves see them as small but round.

Cover image: by Chance Rose


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