Gwynnudd Character in The Terrene | World Anvil
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Lord of the Hunt Gwyn ap Nudd

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, strong, and lean, Gwynnudd is the perfect hunter. He has the vision of an eagle by day and an owl by night, a nose as sensitive as a bloodhound, and the hearing of a spectral bat. He can run or ride through the night, and night lasts longer than it should while he is on the hunt.

Body Features

His bark-like skin is natural armor and natural camouflage. He is lean but strong - one of the few beings in the world that can draw his bow.

Facial Features

High cheekbones and a square jaw, with dark eyes beneath an overhanging brow. His eyes glow red and gold when he has prey within his sight.

Identifying Characteristics

Growing from high on his forehead and sweeping backwards, Gwynnudd has a pair of 12 point antlers, similar to an elks though not as wide. They are normally covered in gore from his kills.

Special abilities

Gwynnudd can summon the spirits of other hunters, drawing them to his side to help in his hunt. Any being he comes across that has killed with their own hands will be offered to join the hunt. Those that have not will be prey from the beginning. Anyone that refuses the call will be marked as prey, and will become high priority for hunting.

Apparel & Accessories

A hunter's tunic - not needed, but worn as a symbol of hunters everywhere. He also has a quiver of arrows, a sash full of knives, and sheathes for a saber and scythe.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

The Hunt's only concerns are hunters and prey. They care not for the Moribus or the Dharmus, only the Ecologus, and only the raw, natural side.

The Lord of the Hunt represents the purity of hunter chasing down prey. He is the ultimate hunter, ruthless and inexorable. He draws other hunters to join him, where they remain bound to follow and hunt for all eternity. Once he has caught scent of prey, he will remember it forever. He will not cross plains to pursue prey, but if he is ever on the same plane as a creature he has selected as prey, he will hunt them.

Current Status
Leading the Wild Hunt in the Feywild
Current Location
Current Residence
Short, brown, and unkempt
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark grey, bark like skin
Known Languages
Sylvan, Giant Eagle, Giant Elk, Giant Owl, Auran.

Cover image: by Chance Rose


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