Rasietine Ethnicity in The Techno-Magocracy of the Dolezar | World Anvil


The people of the gaseous world of Rasiet are a rather gregarious people in comparison to their many cousins in Mozoroi. Using the rings of their world (the only natural rings in the Mozoroi system) as a major tourist attraction, Rasiet has developed a strong tourism and entertainment industry to support the rather weak material economy of hydrogen production. Rasietine entertainment is heavily consumed by the populations of the outer Mozoroi system (principally in the large Variet and Saliet planetary cluster with a strong share of the Iskhem cluster's entertainment consumption) and competes heavily with the system's capital of Mozoroi proper for entertainment shares in the inner system worlds.   In the outer system Rasietine literature is incredibly popular. Whether is is a written work, graphic novel or equivalent or short story and no matter the genre, such products net the author considerable amount of wealth. Video productions are also commonly purchased, though not quite to the same level as literature. For more interactive mediums, visual novels are the most common in the outer system. In contrast, the inner system populations favor movies and much more interactive games compared to the outer system.  


While all people of the system follow Magocracy Orthodoxy, many specifics regarding day to day practice and belief are open for divergence. In the case of Rasiet, the predominant form of worship is the Temple of the Twin Gods - a dualistic faith that reveres the god Atatuk, god of the Machine and Knowledge, and Yetatuk, god of the Flesh and Instinct. The Temple is well represented across much of the system.


Major language groups and dialects

Each planetary cluster's population tend to develop their own language and Rasiet's is no different. Rasietine speech (in all forms) is a sister language group to Salietine speech (the oldest form in the system) but has diverged in their own paths. The populations of the three major moons (Molot, Shaji and Hastem) are host to their own particular dialects and Rasiet itself is host to three major languages: North Polar, South Polar and Equatorial Rasietine. Most individual settlements are home to their own accent or dialect depending on their level of isolation.


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