Seraphim Organization in The Talented World | World Anvil
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The Seraphim, like the order of angels they are named after, fight the powers of darkness. They are the division of Talented law enforcement who investigate crimes involving demons, devils, or demonic magic, and they pursue the Demon Mages who commit such crimes.     In order to become a Seraph, a candidate must complete the usual magical police training. Then they must serve in the Regulars (the general Talented police force) for three years. Candidates must then complete a special college degree including such subjects as alchemy, defensive and combative magics, ritual magic, and demonology.  This degree can be begun while serving in the Regulars.  Candidates then complete a training course specific to the Seraphim.  The entire process takes at least five years.   The Seraphim have a difficult and dangerous line of work.  Demons and Demon Mages have no scruples about wounding, crippling, torturing, or killing their enemies in horrific and creative ways.  Many Seraphim die in the line of duty.  Others, haunted by the horrors they have seen, leave the profession after on a few years; many of these join the Regulars or go into specialized units such as M-Forensics or Special Curse Crimes.  Others are permanently scarred by their experiences.  And no matter how many demon-mages they eliminate, there are always more.   Still, while no one has been able to completely eradicate Demons or Demon Mages, the Seraphim keep them in check. Their work ensures that demon-mages, while powerful, are very few, and those few are pursued with a vengeance.   The patron saint of the Seraphim is St. Michael the Archangel.  Many of the Seraphim wear medallions of St. Michael (see Saints' Medals), and quite a few use their St. Michael medal as a Focus.


The Seraphim are organized much like any other police force and use the same ranks.  Each regional office has a chief and several deputy chiefs, as well as officers of various ranks.


Most Seraphim are very tough and very stoic, but highly protective.  Most would rather lose their lives in the line of duty rather than let others die.  They see themselves as guardian angels; their highest duty is to protect the world and each other.  They are fiercely loyal to each other.   The Seraphim see some very terrible things in the course of their work--crimes and cruelties beyond the normal definition of evil.  For this reason, many suffer psychological problems and become emotionally scarred.  Recently, the Seraphim has started recruiting specially trained psychologists to help their comrades deal with these traumas.
Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
Parent Organization

Character flag image: by Duncan Sanchez


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