Magical Paralysis Condition in The Talented World | World Anvil
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Magical Paralysis

Magical paralysis is defined by the inability to move all or part of one's body. The affected area(s) of the body and duration of the magical paralysis vary by spell (see below).


Magical Paralysis is caused by one of three spells:
  1. The holding or freezing spell, also known by its Dungeons and Dragons title, Hold Person. This spell simply causes a person to stop moving. The effect is temporary, lasting only 10-15 minutes.
  2. The Paralysis Curse, also known as the Crippling Curse or simply the Crippler. This spell causes permanent paralysis of a limb or limbs by blocking nerve impulses to the affected limb(s).
  3. The Lingering Death, which causes complete paralysis below the waist. This spell kills all nerves below the waist line and therefore causes complete paralysis and lost of feeling to the legs. For this spell, paralysis is merely a side-effect; the true intent of the Lingering Death is to kill the victim by stopping certain autonomic functions.


Victims of the holding spell require no treatment, as the spell expires in a short period of time.  Victims of the spell may suffer some short-term effects, such as watering eyes and limbs "falling asleep," while under the spell.  And, of course, the holding spell can be dispelled by another mage while still in effect.   Victims of the Paralysis Curse, until recently, were permanently disabled.  Those whose legs had been cursed had to resort to magical means (such as levitation spells) or mundane means (such as wheel chairs) to move around; those with cursed arms had to cope with a dangling limb.  In the 1990s, however, scientists in the Department of Integrated Services developed a procedure to counteract the Paralysis Curse.  The procedure involves the combination of a curse removal and regeneration spells.  This patented combination successfully removes the magical paralysis, restoring motion and feeling to the affected limb(s).  Intense physical therapy is still required, however, before patients recover full range of motion.   Currently, there is no cure for the Lingering Death.  Several scientists and ritual mages, however, are building on the cure for the Paralysis Curse and attempting to find a cure for this variation of magical paralysis.  As the Lingering Death currently is enjoying a vogue with Magio-Supremacists, we desperately need a way to counteract this usually fatal spell.


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