M-Rays Material in The Talented World | World Anvil
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Besides heat, light, and various types of radiation, the Sun also emits the source of magical energy on Earth. Magi-scientists have proposed various theories to explain the link between the sun's energy and magic throughout the ages. The currently accepted theory is that the Sun emits a type of radiation that carries magical power. Magi-scientists have named this radiation M-radiation or M-rays.   M-rays are the fuel and source of magic. All mages and Talented people channel M-rays to produce magic. The most scrupulous magi-scientists will point out, however, that we cannot prove the M-rays are the source of magic. After all, there is no where on earth devoid of M-rays, and scientists have not found a way to block access to M-rays, either. We therefore cannot an experiment to see if magic can be produced without M-rays.   Most mages and people with The Talent use M-rays without realizing it. We draw magic from M-rays the way we draw oxygen from the air: naturally, and without thought.   Even though M-rays seem to be the essential ingredient for all magical power, magi-scientists understand very little about them. We know that M-rays are not harmful to human beings, animals, or plant life. We know for certain that M-rays, like ultraviolet radiation, can pass through cloud cover.   Magi-scientists have not developed a reliable way to measure and quantify M-rays. The current way of measuring M-rays is to have the same mage cast the same spell in different circumstances and give a report of the amount of power available to him / her. Obviously, this is not an objective measure, but at least twenty scientific teams from around the world have performed this experiment during the twentieth century. The results consistently prove the following:
  • M-rays are not stronger where the sun's light or heat is stronger. In other words, M-rays are just as strong at the poles as the equator.
  • M-rays are not stronger in summer.
  • M-rays are not reflected / amplified by water, snow, or mirrors.
  • M-rays are not stronger during equinoxes and solstices, though the quality of the M-rays changes at these times. Magi-scientists are still attempting to define this qualitative change, but certainly tradition bears this conclusion out.
We also know that M-rays are available at night and underground, because the Earth stores M-rays like a battery. Magi-scientists have been working for years on ways to imitate the Earth's storage capacity for personal use. The only progress in this regard have been the Sunstones developed by the Department of Integrated Services in the United States. The Sunstones, however, are not suitable for personal or widespread use because of the difficult and expensive production process.   Magi-scientists speculate that the stars also emit M-rays, as they too are suns. These scientists also hypothesize that different color suns may emit different sorts of M-rays. Because of the great distances, however, it is impossible to tell what, if any, M-rays the stars emit.


Origin & Source

The Sun


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