Shir-Dalai Organization in The Summerlands | World Anvil
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Shir-Dalai is a country in the Summerlands. It is bordered by Hattusha to the west, Enaidia and Beshik to the north, the Ikhtal Empire to the east, and Kar-Dalai to the south. The lowland hills and mountains of Shir-Dalai are ruled over by clans of nomadic herdsfolk. The nation has a particularly strong poetic and literary tradition, and most Shir-Dalai can recite at least a few works from memory.  


  Shir-Dalai, or "the low mountains", make up the northern half of the Shairin Mountains that trace the spine of the Summerlands. They range from low, rolling hills in the north to greater peaks on the southern border with Kar-Dalai. The climate is cooler than some of the neighboring regions due to altitude, but it still sees all of its precipitation in the form of rain rather than snow.   There are no permanent settlements in Shir-Dalai, due to the nomadic culture of its people. Clans move seasonally with their herds, but generally return to the same places year after year.


Shir-Dalai is, perhaps, the nation least changed by the fall of the Shairin Empire. Under imperial rule, the region was largely self-governing, as the early emperors learned that these particular subjects were more cooperative and more productive when left to their own ways. After the fall of the empire, the clans of Shir-Dalai continued as they always had, following their herds through the seasons, and meeting each spring for the Council of Elders.   As the rest of the post-empire Summerlands began to take shape, the young nations recognized Shir-Dalai as a sovereign nation around the year 400 SF. Trade relations that had collapsed with the empire were slowly reestablished, and diplomatic relations began in earnest by the early 500's.  


The people of Shir-Dalai defer to their elders in nearly all matters. Typically, the older members of each clan are responsible for major decision making, as they have the greatest knowledge of laws and tradition gathered over time.   Each spring, the clans meet for a Council of Elders, in which an elder (not always the oldest) member of each clan joins representatives from the rest of Shir-Dalai to discuss matters that affect the region and people as a whole.   In matters of foreign relations, a younger member of the clan is typically chosen by an elder to represent the clan's interests. It is common to select a bards to serve as ambassadors, due to their greater knowledge and gifts with language.  

Oral Tradition

Shir-Dalai has a rich and varied oral tradition. While modern Shir-Dalai learn to read and write the common tongue of the Summerlands, clans continue to teach and share the traditions, laws, stories, and poetry of their culture orally.   From a very young age, children are taught to sing and recite poetry. As they grow, they learn to participate in the telling of longer stories and histories under the tutelage of clan bards. When Shir-Dalai youth come of age, they indicate their maturity and readiness for adult responsibilities by demonstrating their knowledge of clan life and tradition through recitation and song. A bard or an elder will determine whether the depth and breadth of the youth's knowledge is adequate, and welcome the new adult to the "next verse of their life's song".   When the clans meet for the Council of Elders each spring, there is a great exchange of information and many nights of storytelling and singing. The history of the prior year is composed and shared so that it will not be forgotten. Each clan is responsible for keeping the memory of different aspects of history. The complete history is heard only when the clans are together to share their knowledge.   It is common for modern Shir-Dalai to venture beyond their mountains to learn about the outside world, and return to their clans with new stories and songs, some of their own composition.
Founding Date
400 SF
Government System

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