Clones Species in The Still Sphere | World Anvil
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The world-before already had some level of understanding in the mechanics of cloning and had already undertaken it in limited projects, however ethical guidelines restricted it to mere cells and animals. Once World One acquired the knowledge and technology of cloning they did not have these same scruples and immediately set to the task of supplementing their workforce and security forces with specialized clones.   State-owned cloning enterprises sprung up and each developed their own unique products of clone soldiers and clone workers each varying in different skills, physique and intelligence.   It's now estimated that clones make up nearly half of the population of World One.

Basic Information


Clones are usually identical to human beings however advances in biotechnology mean that special clone patents can be created to allow for clones with increased strength, size and endurance. The most notable are the Combat Clones who are assigned to special combat roles due to their significant size and strength.

Genetics and Reproduction

All clones are born from bio-fabrication pods, unlike regular humans the clones have their growth accelerated to be born as adults so they can be put into service almost immediate.   All clones are artificially sterilized to avoid any possible unregistered off-spring. This is to help preserve the carefully tailored gene patent that all clones share.

Growth Rate & Stages

While encased in the bio-fabrication pod, clones are injected with genetic accelerates that exponentially increase their growth rate so that they fully grow into adults in a matter of days. When born they  sometimes momentarily suffer what's known as the Post-Birth Phase whereby they are temporarily limp, fatigued and barely conscious as their body adapts to the massive acceleration in it's development.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Clones are fed either nutrient packed paste, tablets or chewing gum along with regular supplies of water, most are bred to not need nutrition and hydration as much as human beings but they still need occasional nutrition and hydration to stay fit.   Though a rarity, some more sympathetic human controllers will supply their clones with properly cooked and prepared meals, although this is somewhat redundant as clones have no thought or care as to the taste and quality of their food.

Biological Cycle

Clones are born mature and can live for extended periods of time in good health, however the accelerated growth takes it's toll on their bodies and they begin to rapidly deteriorate in their mid to late 30s. This is partially by design as World One ideally wants young and fit clones as apposed to aging and degrading ones, and so a clone would be lucky to see 40.   Additional enhancements to a clones biology can also affect their life expectancy, most notably specialized Combat Clones who's massive strength and stature comes at the cost of deterioration in the mid to late 20s.

Additional Information

Social Structure

All clones are subservient to carefully selected human supervisors and squad leaders and follow their commands unquestionably. However if there is an absence of human control the clones are programmed to form a type of ranked hierarchy with the oldest most experienced clone at the top who will either receive orders from WO HQ or seek out the nearest human supervisor for orders.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Clones perform almost all tasks and jobs in the society of World One that require manual labour allowing the somewhat dwindling human population to focus on advanced specialized and less physically demanding tasks. This model of society also influenced the security forces which are primarily made up of expendable clone soldiers which engage in front-line combat and are backed by a handful of human specialists who direct the clones during engagements.

Facial characteristics

Newly fabricated clones often have very puffy and infantile faces due to them technically being newborn while still physically an adult. Later as the clone matures these features subside and the clone will begin to look identical to it's gene patent.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Like humans, clones can mostly be found in bustling urban centres, although a handful can also be found in the outer regions attached to expeditions as either workers or security detail.

Average Intelligence

Clones are neurologically built from the ground up to be unquestionably obedient without any sense of self or individuality. They are neurologically imprinted with a basic language and knowledge package so that they can understand commands as well as the world around them.   Clones will generally not understand anything to do with individuality and have no concept of what they might want or aspire for in their life. All they understand is that they must follow commands. As for their personal knowledge and overall intellectual skills, each clone can be outfitted with different knowledge packages depending on their requirements.    Most clone enterprises have varying degrees of intelligence for their products, more sophisticated clone patents can generally perform any tasks and adapt by themselves where as cheaper basic patents often needed to be guided every step of the way.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most clones are given the name of the person the patent was created from with a series of numbers and letters which identifies them, for example Jason-22E or Susan-312A.   Some clones are given surnames and these are typically tied to the name of the company that created them, for example a clone called Jim-76J from the Hydefield Cloning Corporation would be called Jim Hydefield-76J or JH76J for short.


Shortly after the creation of World One, the dire need for manpower was quickly realized. Humans were too few in number and robots were too expensive and costly to make. A scientific project was soon launched with the intent on creating a population of clones that could be utilized for both labour and security tasks.    Despite months of testing and trials, the rushed and inexperienced undertaking of the project led to the infamous Generation 1 clones.  This led to a whole host of badly deformed and or defective clones, some of which outright refused or simply lacked the mental capacity to follow the most basic instructions.
"I can't help but laugh when our antagonists try to reason or "liberate" my creations. They think that we're making human beings and brainwashing them or controlling them with cybernetics or perhaps even just casting spells on them. Honestly i find it disrespectful considering how much work i truly put into them!.  Our antagonists don't understand....nothing has been removed...nothing has been altered...nothing has been suppressed. Their body, their mind, every shred of their DNA has been deliberately created for once purpose. Servitude.  If you told one of my creations that they are free from undertaking the tasks assigned to them, they will not understand for undertaking the tasks assigned to them is all they know"   Edward Fox ACEO of Foxstar Cloning & Bio-Research Corporation 
Audio transcript of Experimental Interview with Clone Subject.    Interviewer: "Can you tell me your name?"   MS-99Y: "My designation is MS-99Y"   Interviewer: "Do you like that name?"    MS-99Y: *No vocal or physical response*   Interviewer: " you like that name?"   MS-99Y: "Sorry, i don't understand"   Interviewer: "Do you want to be here?"   MS-99Y: "I was assigned here by Supervisor Brenda-   Interviewer: "If you had a choice, where you be right now?"   MS-99Y: "I don't understand, sorry"   Interviewer: "You will be terminated if you do not answer the question"    MS-99Y: "Sorry...i don't understand what you are asking"   Interviewer: "You're a stupid, brain dead mutated copy of a dead man and you're going to die today....what do you think about that?"   MS-99Y: "Where should i report for my termination, ma'am?"
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Speculo
20-40 Years
Conservation Status
Though clones have nothing in the way of human rights, they are still technically property of the state and thereby are offered some protections. Interference with clones undertaking state operations is illegal, so too is damaging a clone. Despite assurances from clone enterprises that clones are fully obedient and lack any thought of individuality, World One has still enforced laws that make any attempt from a civilian to "liberate" or "awaken" a clone illegal.
Standard Guidelines for the Commanding and Coordination of Clones in the Field 1. It is our recommendation that no personal attachment to clones be made in anyway, they serve as fully expendable assets and their life expectancy can be as short as 3 days during combat operations. Nicknaming, personalizing and other forms of bonding with a clone are heavily discouraged for the sake of morale, unit cohesion and personal well-being.   2. It is critically important that all instructions passed to clones be as straightforward as possible. Jokes, sarcasm, metaphors and other forms of jargon may lead to unintended commands being followed. A prime example is the death of Captain Fernando Schmidt who was killed along with his entire squad of clones during a firefight due to his improper command of "light them up" which prompted his clones to shine their flashlights on the combatants.   3. Despite all reassurances from clone corporations of the full obedience of their products, for the sake of cohesion and safety in our operations we do not allow any unauthorized personal questioning of clones. Examples include "How do you feel?, if you were free what would you do? Are you okay with always following our instructions?" Although there is no recorded cases of clone deviancy we dictate that no attempt of encouraging it be made.

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