Brother Charles LeTain Character in The Stars Beyond | World Anvil
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Brother Charles LeTain

Brother Charles LeTain (a.k.a. Char)

Brother Charles LeTain was a itinerant monk travelling from world to world in the Sargonian Empire during the second century after the Restructuring. He preached upon the value of serving the Emperor and destroying the empire's enemies through force of arms.   Brother Charles first appears in Sargonian records in the year 128 R.E. on planet Amicus. The Autarch of the planet had refused to send any of his citizens to fulfill the last two conscription requests the Emperor had made. This planetary ruler, who's name has been scrubbed from all data records, felt that the Empire was loosing to the Celestine forces and didn't want to throw away any more of his peoples lives. LeTain was a vibrant speaker and quickly rallied many followers to his cause. Speaking to the deep cultural biases in favor of self improvement by combat, and obligation to command structures, he quickly turned a rag-tag group of followers into a practical army. The Autarch was swiftly and brutally put to death, and the planet Amicus returned to the imperial fold. Brother Char continued this method of persuasion on several worlds for a few years, until he disapeared from the imperial record for a short time after the death of Emperor Amarud in 140 R.E.   After the death of Emperor Amarud, his three sons, Liem, Anzef, and Onders, each claimed to be the emperor. They each had about equal support from the other nobles, so war broke out between them. Eventually, in 149 R.E., Anzef defeated his brothers. This ended the Three Emperors Period. Shortly after Emperor Anzef became the undisputed Emperor of the Sargonian Empire, Brother LeTain returned to active preaching. He was very instrumental in reunifying the empire under the emperor's rule, and re-engaging the empire in the war with the Celestial Empire.   He was instrumental in keeping the Sargonian Empire at war with the Celestial Empire throughout his life. The circumstances of his death are mostly vague and contradictory. All that is known is that 151 R.E. was the year of his death. His name and deeds are still used to inspire common folk into greater deeds of military bravery, and to caution those that rule against the dangers of peace.   Rumors of the reappearance, or rebirth of Brother Charles occur every few generations. Often accompanied by violent uprisings on planets under the control of Autarchs of a more peaceful persuasion.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Always referred to as in excellent shape.

Physical quirks

He had a tendency to stand quite still while preaching. And was capable of sudden bursts of speed when needed.

Apparel & Accessories

He always dressed in simple unmarked military garb. His dueling sword was reported to be encoded with the symbology signifying his lifelong commitment to the destruction of the Celestial Empire. His cape displayed iconography indicating his servitude to the emperor, although there are no data records indicating a direct vassalage to any particular Sargonian emperor.

Mental characteristics


Assumed to be asexual based on reports from contemporary sources.


He viewed his ministry as the only employment he would ever need.

Accomplishments & Achievements

the Ning massacre.

Morality & Philosophy

He believed that it was the religious duty of all Sargonian citizens to continue the war with the Celestial Empire until the Sargonian Empire was triumphant.

Personality Characteristics


Enable the Sargonian Empire to conqueror all enemies.



Char LeTain spoke with a well modulated voice that always seemed to engender trust and support. Surviving recordings of his sermons have been analyzed extensively and have been shown that his vocal tones could stimulate parts of the human brain associated with violence.
Year of Death
151 R.E.
Circumstances of Birth
There are no known records of Charles LeTain's birth or childhood.
Deep Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
190 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
None shall be welcomed into the halls of the afterlife without the blood of the Celestine on their hands!
Aligned Organization


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