The Krakatoa Supercannon Vehicle in The Spike | World Anvil
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The Krakatoa Supercannon

The Krakatoa Supercannon is a 15km long space station equipped with a TEAR Drive and thrusters. The station is named after the railgun that makes up most of its size and is capable of firing asteroids at planets, triggering events similar to the extinction of the dinosaurs. The size of projectile the station can fire is variable as well as the amount of projectiles; a excellent example of this is the “Shooting Stars” round developed by ???, it is most comparable to a grapeshot round for a naval cannon, firing hundreds of kinetic bombardment rods at a localized area of a planet, decimating enemy forces while keeping damage to the planet at a minimum. Unlike The Hammer of God Krakatoa is owned by the Purgers naval division, but it still needs to be cleared for firing by the top administrators of the UFHH. The Krakatoa’s Planet cracking capabilities have only been used once, to conclude the Venator’s Talon incident; however the round was incorrectly measured and failed in rendering the planet completely uninhabitable, leaving 35% of the planets surface habitable.
Owning Organization
15 kilometers

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