Slendei Species in The Spike | World Anvil
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The Slendei are the founders of the Myradium empire and the majority population of the empire. Slendei are responsible for most interaction between the Myradium and the HCP, as most humans are unnerved by the Vi'orins appearance and voice

Basic Information


The slendei are a gender dimorphic species with the males bodies built for Brawn with increased musculature and bulky frames, while the Females are built for agility and speed generally being smaller and having lithe frames. Basic Slendei body structure is mostly analagous to that of a human with the exception of the head and back. The Slendei face has a prominent snout and long pointed ears as to reduce any drag experienced in the water. The Slendei also posses a dorsal fin and tail, but the tail is mostly found on Females.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sexual Reproduction Live Birth

Ecology and Habitats

The Slendei evolved on a oceanic planet, leading to a reliance on either large amounts of water or high humidity to thrive on a planet.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Acute sense of smell Slightly impaired hearing while on land

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

FTL travel Laser weaponry

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Slendei and Vi'Orin are bound together within the Myradium Empire.
Scientific Name
Myrus Carcharodi

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