Call of the Pheonix Spell in Sovrinar | World Anvil

Call of the Pheonix

As seen in
Calling the Phoenix is an action closely affiliated with the elves. All known instances of this entity appearing in legend are at the hands of an elf. While rare, in all known cases the entity manifests a consistent set of behaviors which are summarized below. As this action is closely tied into stories of the elves, those who have the capability to perform such an act are regarded with fear.   Calling the Phoenix is an exceptionally dangerous and desperate prospect, though any magic user is technically capable of the feat. The entity possesses a will and intellect of its own, and according to legend, can choose to ignore a call if it so wishes. Stories involving the phoenix are almost all elvish in origin, with the caller almost invariably being an elf. Successful calls usually resulted in the deaths of a significant number of by standing humans.   Calling the Phoenix tends to start a large number of secondary fires. In confined spaces this fire can rapidly consume oxygen. Thermal bloom and smoke can burn at a distance and suffocate. In urban areas there is significant risk that the entity can run rampant and start massive urban fires. In forest areas there is extreme risk that the entity can spawn a firestorm. The phoenix can feed off of and control nearby sources of flame, growing in size and destructive capacity the more it burns and feeds.   The phoenix itself varies in size based on the energy of call, the size of the original flame, and the availability of consumable fuel. The smallest known instance of the phoenix describes it as a flaming eagle which attacked and set ablaze any one or any thing it touched. Despite manifesting as flame, the phoenix is described in this story as being capable of manipulating physical objects. Striking with momentum, cutting flesh with its talons, knocking over objects and people. It vanished after the elvish caller dismissed it, leaving a number of slaves maimed or dead.   In the most dramatic instance of a phoenix call, the elves responsible called the creature down upon of village of rebellious slaves. In this story the phoenix was described as "a great bird of pure flame" about the size of a small dragon. It is described landing on homes and flattening them, eating the settlers and scattering their ashes as it flew from target to target. According the the story, witnessed by a young male observer from a distant hill, the phoenix isolated the village by encircling it with a ring of fire, and then raised the village to the ground in short order, killing and eating all the residents. At the conclusion of the attack, the elves dismiss the creature and it vanishes. Only a thin powder like ash no more than an inch or two deep remained.


Summons an Akashic entity known as the Phoenix. The phoenix is a living manifestation of fire, and possesses an innate intelligence, though the level of this intellect is unknown. Documented instances of this entity are exceedingly rare, as it tends to destroy witnesses and records in the course of its arrival. When called, the phoenix is influenced by the will of its caller, though its behavior is extremely unpredictable.

Side/Secondary Effects

A lone call usually severely exhausts the caller, often this results in loss of consciousness.   The phoenix is known to consume its caller, though this appears to be random, the actual trigger for this behavior is still the subject of investigation.


The phoenix is a birdlike entity made of pure flame which is usually spawned from an existing flame. The entity manifests behaviors consistent with a large avian predator while active. The entity is known to eat organic matter when it manifests, rapidly incinerating and scattering the ashes of its victims. When in flight it trails long streams of flame from its wings which bear a strong blue accent, as if fueled by methane or propane. Its main body is a brilliant, vibrant amber or orange, while its head and beak are a deep angry red. The eyes are a vibrant green or blue.


As an akashic entity, the phoenix requires two sources of energy in parallel in order to manifest. The first is the presence of an akashic field, and the second is the presence of fire. It is believed that manipulated akashic energy forms a kind of structure for the intellect and will of the phoenix, while the fire forms the actual force which applied by the phoenix. If either source of energy is eliminated, the phoenix will cease to manifest.


Calling the Phoenix is an act first known to have been performed in the Elven Age. At this time, there are no confirmed instances of a human successfully calling the phoenix, though some rumors have investigated by the observer corps. Unfortunately, the lack of credible historical accounts means identifying specific individuals or dated events is impossible. Most written accounts are retained by the sovereigns, and as such, the accounts are riddled with bias and potential fabrications.
Material Components
The phoenix requires an active fire to manifest initially, after which it becomes self-sustaining.
Gestures & Ritual
Calling the Phoenix does not require a ritual, though performing one seems to increase the likelihood that the Phoenix will answer. The caller must invest a measure of their energy to successfully call the phoenix, though the invested energy is lost weather or not the phoenix answers. Energy limitations prevent a call from extending indefinitely, even when several magic users are involved.   The more energy invested, the more likely the phoenix will answer. Though several stories describe the call being successful with a single individual
Related Discipline
Related School
Related Element
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
Unpredictable, though generally localized.
Irrelivant, though skill improves probability of success.
Applied Restriction
No known specific weakness of the phoenix is stated in any recovered records, though it is speculated that the phoenix will bear the same vulnerability as any active fire. First respondents should utilize fire retardant, water, and oxygen displacement methods when combating a phoenix call. Combatants should move as a group, and avoid spreading out or moving independently. If the threat cannot be effectively contained, respondents should retreat to locations without fuel or with abundant water.   NOTE: Under protocol 3 of the airship safety regulations handbook. Airship captains should immediately begin passenger evacuations AND emergency de-spool procedures if a phoenix is detected aboard.


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