Unnur Character in The Sora | World Anvil


Unnur is a male human who has been cursed by the gods, turning him into a female giant spider. Originally from the realm of Gothurgard, Unnur possessed incredible psionic powers even as a child. These powers caused her to get into mischief, which ultimately led to his earning the wrath of two separate deities, resulting in her current state.  


Unnur was born Unnar on the realm of Gothurgard, a wild garden realm in the Daren Hegemony. He was the fifth child in his family, the fifth of five boys. Three of his elder brothers each had gone off to fight in the Eternal War, a great battle that had been fought in the central spire of Gothurgard for as long as anyone could remember. Unnar was being prepared to go off in the war himself. At the age of 7, Unnar had an epiphany as he stood in his family barn, hands blistered from a long day of practice swinging his practice axe at a dummy made of straw. He realized that, if only the whole barn would burn down, he wouldn't need to train any more. His eyes fixed on a brazier burning in the corner, giving the barn enough light and warmth to train by. Suddenly, on its own volition, the brazier tipped over and set the straw floor ablaze.   His uncle, who was training Unnar, his older brother, and several cousins, was busy yelling at the others about their sloppy fighting to notice the spilled coals until it was too late. The uncle panicked and tried to exterminate the blaze himself, ordering the children to go find help. By the time they had, the barn had collapsed with the uncle inside.   Unnar was terrified but also amazed. He had caused the brazier to tip over. For a while, he thought perhaps the god of chaos, Oreidhu had been working through him and caused the fire to start. When he questioned the priests if such a thing was possible (without telling them exactly what he had done), they acknowledged it was possible.   Then more things happened. He was in the dark and suddenly could see. An older cousin was bullying him and suddenly the boy was on the ground with a bloody nose, despite Unnar never lifting a finger. Little did he know it, but these were the initial manifestations of a great psionic power within Unnar's mind. Eventually, Unnar told his father of the incidences on one of his rare appearances back from the Endless War. His father became convinced that Unnar was an agent of Oreidhu. Unnar was sent to the priests, who did many humiliating tests and eventually concluded that Unnar was, indeed, an agent of Oreidhu.   Thus, at the young age of 10, Unnar was banished from his village. The priests gave him a real axe, took him to the outskirts of the village, and left him in the wilderness. The priests may have expected Unnar to be eaten by wolves, but the boy proved to be far more resourceful than they expected. Figuring that the priests were right, Unnar began walking south toward Eldurheim, the demense of the jotnaringul, the chaos giants who were reputed to serve Oreidhu.   Using his fledgling powers to catch wild game, locate water, and stay warm at night, Unnar gradually made his way through the wilderness, skirting the edges of the Endless War, toward Eldurheim. His way was filled with difficulties that he overcame by cunning and sheer tenacity. Early into his journey, he accidentally wandered too close to the lands of Brjalaetthi, the goddess of madness. As he neared, the landscape twisted and curled until even the very directions no longer made sense. Traveling south sent Unnar west, while traveling west sent him east, then traveling south again sent him north. Whenever he brought down game, he found it to be made of sticks and clay, while the water tasted of blood and intoxicated him like wine.   Eventually, Unnar came to the center of the domain, where Brjalaetthi herself sat, tending to her garden. The goddess, one moment appearing as tall as a tree and the next standing next to Unnar the size of a field mouse, welcomed Unnar to her home and asked him what he wanted. He told her he wanted to get to Eldurheim, to which the goddess laughed a horrible cacophonous sound. She told Unnar she could help him, but only if he could harvest her immense fields of wheat in a single day, a task that took the jotnaringul a whole week. Unnar accepted the challenge and went to the fields. He returned an hour later and claimed his task completed.   When Brjalaetthi went to investigate, she found the entire field in ashes, burned to the ground. Enraged, she grabbed Unnar by the ankle and shook him violently, asking what he had done. Unnar opened his hand and deposited a handful of grains at the goddess's feet, claiming that since the fields had burned down, that was the only grain left, which Unnar had harvested. The enraged goddess threw Unnar at a large rock, but the rock split in two before Unnar hit it and he landed on the soft ground beneath. He then began to run and the goddess grabbed her scythe to chase him.   As she swung the scythe, Unnar ran back and forth across the field, always just a step out of Brjalaetthi's reach. As the moon began to rise in the sky, Unnar finally fell tired to the ground and the goddess grabbed him, preparing to decapitate him, when he pointed behind her and said, "So your field has been harvested." The goddess turned and saw that the ashes had vanished, replaced by the cut stalks of wheat, the grain laying on the ground.   Unnar explained to the astounded goddess that he had simply made her see the field burned, but had not actually done so, and tricked her into chasing him so that she would harvest the field herself with her divine powers. Impressed, the goddess gave Unnar a strand of her golden hair and told him that, if ever he should be in danger, to cast it into a flame and she would come to his aide.   She allowed Unnar to sleep in her bed that evening and let him leave with a pack full of bread the next day. As Unnar traveled further on, he eventually found himself out of bread but still far from Eldurheim. As his stomach growled with hunger, he spotted a freshly slain deer in a clearing. The sight of the glistening meat, even raw, made Unnar's mouth water. He walked into the clearing, cut off hunks of meat and ate them raw, filling his belly. Before night fell, he lay against a boulder and fell asleep.   When he woke, Unnar found himself surrounded by five trolls, who had tied him up and claimed that the deer had been their meal, but now was ruined. They said they would eat him, instead. Unnar said that he was a powerful wizard and would kill them all if they did not immediately release him. The trolls asked what he could do with his magic. Unnar said he could toss the largest boulders into the air but the trolls were unimpressed, as they could do the same simply by lifting them, without magic. Then he said he could make the trees to bleed, but the trolls were similarly unimpressed, as they could cause the trees to leak sap simply by cutting them. Finally, Unnar told them he could make fire where there was none, but the trolls were still unimpressed, and they built a huge bonfire to cook Unnar upon.   Exasperated, Unnar asked what feat the trolls would be impressed with and the leader of the trolls explained that he would be impressed if Unnar could turn into a beautiful woman so that the troll could bed her. Unnar agreed and told the trolls to close their eyes, which they did. He then threw the strand of Brjalaetthi's hair into the bonfire. When the trolls opened their eyes, the goddess stood where Unnar once had stood. The leader of the trolls, overcome by lust, leapt at Brjalaetthi, who swung her scythe in an arc and cut the trolls down where they stood.   With the goddess's help, Unnar carved up the rest of the deer, smoked the meat over the fire built by the trolls, and filled his pack again. The next morning, he resumed his journey, finally reaching Eldurheim the next day. He walked straight into a temple of Oreidhu, declared himself a servant of the god of chaos, and demanded food, clothing, and shelter. The priests of the temple, impressed with the temerity of the boy, fed, clothed, and bathed him, then told him he was not a servant of Oreidhu, but well could be.   Unnar began studying in the temple, learning the rituals and rites of Oreidhu while tending to the altar, reciting prayers, causing mischief, and learning how to sow chaos throughout the realm. The entire time, Unnar continued to use his powers without truly knowing what he was doing, always believing it to be the hand of Oreidhu at work.   Were it not for a chance encounter in the marketplace one day, Unnar may have remained ignorant of his true powers and grown to become a devoted priest of Oreidhu. A landdísir walked down the street, wearing a sheer robe, the sunlight revealing the outline of her lithe body beneath. A cadre of dwarves followed her, playing pipes and dancing around her, though she acted as if they weren't there. Unnar, by then a young man, casually flicked out his finger, using his powers to undo the clasp holding her robe up. It fell off her and she briefly paused, looked over at him, then turned away and continued walking, completely naked.   Astounded, Unnar ran over and retrieved the diaphanous cloth. He spent the rest of the day trying to discover who she was, eventually learning that she was Dyra, a favored priestess of the goddess of revelry, Veisla. Unnar spent one final night in the temple of Oreidhu before departing the next morning and finding the temple of Veisla. He found Dyra laying atop the altar as if awaiting him. She asked how he had made the clasp of her robe open and he explained it was the power of Oreidhu.   Laughing, she declared that not one bit of Oreidhu's power flowed through him, for Veisla would have protected her from the touch of another god's power. The power Unnar wielded was all his own. Over the next few years, Dyra was Unnar's teacher, in both the art of psionics as well as the ways of Veisla. Wine and song, feasts and bacchanalia, and overflowing psionic power. For the next several years, Unnar had the world at his fingertips, with an enthusiastic teacher in all the things a young man was most enthusiastic about. The two caroused across the Sora, using a combination of Dyra's charms and Unnar's psionic powers to fuel their debauchery. The two frequently manipulated nobles, especially those involved in conquest, into throwing them massive parties. The two frequently seduced the nobles' wives, husbands, daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, maids, seneschals, and anyone else involved in the nobles' households, other than the nobles themselves. The outraged nobles (who were often more outraged at having not been involved than anything else) then spread tales of their debauchery, which only served to get them more invites to parties.   But, eventually, Dyra and Unnar grew bored of one another. They went their separate ways and Unnar continued making mischief and merry across the Sora. He made dolfein double over with laughter, brought tears to the eyes of a golem with a song, got drunk with an Archivist, and disguised a wish orb as an overripe melon.   His travels eventually brought him to the realm of Kamet, where he drunkenly seduced a young, naive priestess of Manisha, the goddess of wisdom. The next night, he drunkenly seduced another young woman who was, unbeknownst to him, also a priestess of Manisha. When the two learned of his actions, the first felt her heart broken, having believed that Unnar had truly loved her. She prayed to her goddess to avenge her lost chastity, letting Unnar know the shame that she had felt as a woman.   When Unnar woke from his next drunken stupor, he found himself transformed into a beautiful woman. Knowledge of what had happened instantly flooded Unnar's mind. She gazed at her new body, dumbfounded, before breaking into a huge grin and laughing ridiculously. Unnar felt overwhelming joy at becoming a woman. She had watched Dyra utilize her feminine wiles to get her way with nearly any male she came into contact with; combined with Unnar's psionic powers, she knew she could have the world.   She changed her name to Unnur (the feminine form of the name Unnar) and used her combination of beauty and psionics to cause even more mischief than before. As her conquests and mayhem became more pronounced, she challenged herself to do something even greater. She convinced the bishop of Tantas to hand over the holy relic of Kumat to her, she bedded the queen consort of the Koganusân Kingdom and her stepdaughter, and instigated a war between the Tanzit Suzerainty and the Álfuríki in order to make off with the Suzerainty crown jewels.   Her most daring escapade, however, was her last. She came to Shigam, particularly its moon Heumon, where the demon queen Tsukigumo was said to guard immense treasure. Disguising herself as a demon hunter, Unnur entered the lair of the demon. When Tsukigumo rose to challenge the interloper, Unnur threw down her weapons and fell to her knees, proclaiming the demon the most beautiful creature she had ever seen. Struck by this, Tsukigumo spared Unnur and questioned her extensively. Unnur used her psionic powers to flatter and manipulate Tsukigumo, ingratiating herself to the demon queen.   Unnur took advantage of the demon queen's servants, allowing them to serve her hand and foot, all while Unnur patiently waited for Tsukigumo to reveal her hidden treasure. After six months had passed, Unnur's impatience got the better of her and she asked Tsukigumo about the "rumors" that had brought her to confront the demon queen initially. Tsukigumo admitted that there was no treasure; she had merely made up the stories to lure in greedy demon hunters who she could then feed upon, though she proclaimed that those days were over, that she would no longer harm another mortal out of love for Unnur.   Disappointed, Unnur snuck away that very night as Tsukigumo rested, not even saying farewell. A few days later, as Unnur waited in a port on Shigam for passage to her next destination, she encountered a gorgeous young woman dressed in rich clothing wandering through the marketplace, looking astounded at everything. Seeing easy prey, Unnur pounced and offered to lead the poor girl around the city, hoping to use her money to make Unnur's wait more pleasant. The woman took the bait and, over the course of the day, Unnur got her to purchase delectable food, lavish clothing, and the finest wines.   They ended the night back in Unnur's inn and Unnur, despite her years of drinking, found the wine making her drunk. In an effort to get more out of the woman, Unnur told her the story about braving Tsukigumo's lair, but leaving disappointed when there turned out to be no treasure. The woman then sadly asked if treasure had been the only thing worthwhile there. Unnur replied, "Of course. It was a hideous, evil demon spider. If she did have any treasure, it'd all be mine now, and I'd still be gone from there."   Suddenly, the woman was gone and in her place was Tsukigumo. The spider queen bit Unnur upon the thigh, injecting her poison into the trickster. Unnur fell to the ground, paralyzed, assuming her ways had finally caught up to her. Instead, Tsukigumo said, "Perhaps you'll learn what it's like to be a hideous, evil demon spider," then climbed out the window and disappeared up a thin strand of silk hanging from Heumon. Unnur then passed out.   When she woke the next day, she had once again been transformed, this time into a giant spider. Despite Tsukigumo's pronunciation, Unnur did not feel the dread of being changed into something "hideous". Instead, as she looked at her strange new body in the mirror, she let out a rasping hiss that was her version of a laugh and felt the thrill of a new experience fill her with fresh energy.  


As a giant spider, Unnur looks like a giant orb-weaver spider with a bright yellow, brown, and white abdomen, eight long legs with thin white rings, four pairs of eyes, and long fangs. Her legs, head, and abdomen are covered in short, stiff bristles that resemble hairs, providing her with a delicate sense of touch. She is roughly six feet from head to rear, with ten foot long legs. When standing, her head is roughly waist-high on humans.   Prior to being transformed into a spider, Unnur was a beautiful human woman. In this form, she had pale skin, long blonde hair, and blue eyes. She was 5'5" tall and weighed 125 lbs with a classic hourglass figure. She had round, soft facial features, including low cheek bones, a button nose, and thin, delicately arched eyebrows.   As a man, Unnar was classically handsome, with much more chiseled features than as a woman. He maintained his pale skin, blond hair, and blue eyes, but little else was the same. He wore a stubbly beard, had a chiseled jaw, and high cheek bones, and a prominent nose. He stood 6'1" tall and weighed 225 lbs, being quite powerfully built.   As a spider, Unnur usually forgoes any form of decoration on her body, though she will occasionally use her psionic powers to tie ribbons or scarves around her legs or neck. As a woman, she favored lavish clothing that emphasized her physical features without being too revealing, typically wearing lighter colors such as white, yellow, and tans. She often wore flashy jewelry, with her favorites being a gold ring set with rubies, a pair of diamond earrings, and a platinum pendant which she wore so it sat on her chest. As a man, he typically wore fashionable clothes, including well-tailored shirts and trousers, soft leather boots, silk cravats, and fine jewelry.  


Unnur has a broad and expansive passion for life. Her myriad of wild, varied experiences through the years have given her an appreciation for things that are new and unusual. She wants to experience new sensations and new things, no matter how difficult that is. In her mind, the day there is nothing new to do in the universe is the day she gives up living. To this end, she can be very reckless and restless. She does not care for routine or monotony.   She mostly has a disregard for the feelings and needs of others, being willing to break any rules or hearts to get what she wants. However, her encounter with Tsukigumo has left her with a small nagging doubt in her heart. She has begun to start regretting all the pain and heartbreak she has caused over the years. She's not yet managed to change how she acts to prevent this, but she's willing to learn, if the right person is there to guide her. Of course, she may just stay the way she is.   Most of Unnur's relationships are fleeting, with only his partnership with Dyra lasting an extended period of time. She has had hundreds of lovers over her years, both male, female, and otherwise of pretty much every humanoid race, as well as some who were nonhumanoid. While Unnur remembers most of them, none of them meant much to her beyond the immediate satiating of lust. Even Dyra did not really stir feelings of true love within him and, though she recalls her fondly, she does not pine for her.   As for friendships, however, Unnur is much less successful. While, again, she would call Dyra a friend, in reality the two would not behave as close friends were they to still know each other. Concepts such as sharing deep, intimate thoughts and feelings with each other is not something they would do. This does not mean, however, that Unnur doesn't want friends. Her personality has simply made it so that she leaves people behind too quickly to form lasting bonds.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Year of Birth
487 PC 25 Years old
Straight, blonde (human)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown (spider), Pale white (human)
3' (spider), 5'5" (female), 6' (male)
315 lbs (spider), 125 lbs (female), 225 lbs (male)

Cover image: by Denis Khusainov


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