D20 FAQ in The Skyrunner Tribe | World Anvil


  • Do I have to use the D20 System?

The D20 system was designed for this guild and it provides a unique way for players to engage within the combat system, however; we also recognize that the system may be too complex for some people and so if you desire you do not have to use the full system. You will still be asked for rolls in combat events or in events that use the D20 system but you will simply be asked to roll out of a 20 roll and told what the outcome is.

  • What Basic Choices can I make for the System?

When you create your D20 Character Sheet you are able to choose your Race, your Basic Class, and a selection fo abilities within that Base Class.

  • Do we only use the system for combat?

No! While the main function of the D20 system is to aid us in combat events we do use it in other story events which may include diplomacy, trade, scouting, or various social aspects that we can use the system for.

  • What Power Level do I start at ICly?

This is a tricky question. We know that many characters join the guild with a history already in place. We are more than willing to work with you to determine what Base Classes might work best for you to reflect the character's scale within our system. However, we typically do not bring in 'hero' level characters. This screws with the power scale of events and reduces the ability for you as a player to experience proper progression and storytelling that is coupled with the D20 system. That being said we are always willing to work with you to determine the best course of action. For example, Doomwinter is a character that joined the Tribe already a DK on paper with an extensive backstory that we worked together to maintain her power level ICly but also work within the D20 system.

  • Can I do a Hybrid Base Class?

Yes! If you feel that none of the Base Classes fit with your character on their own you can work with Kanatu to create a Hybrid Base Class. In this, you will take one of the Class Features from two different Base Classes, and one Class Toolkit ability from those same two different Base Classes. This creates an even split between two Base Classes to make a hybrid. For example, Doomwinter uses the Base Class of Monk and Priest with the descriptions modified to bring her mechanically to a place where she still feels like a Death Knight even before taking the Prestige Class which will only help to define her mechanically once she does.

  • What Addons do I need?

Or visit the Dicemaster User Guide

The Guild uses DiceMaster for our Rolls in-game. This is a required addon. We also highly encourage you to use the notes section, or About section of TRP3 for additional abilities and just having your D20 sheet up and available in combat.

  • Do we follow the Rule of Cool?

Yes! This is a storytelling guild, not a number-crunching guild. The D20 System is a tool to help us tell stories first. We want everyone to have amazing character moments and the D20 system gives us the framework to do just that. Not only is there room for all kinds of custom abilities and combinations for your character but we also encourage our players to think outside the box. Utilizing the environment, other characters, or logical tactics to bring to life the moment are expected! If you ever have a question about what you can do, or if you get an idea of what you want your character to do at the moment you are free to whisper the DM of any given event and get their thoughts on it. Just because it isn't part of your D20 sheet doesn't mean you are restricted from doing it.

A great example would be from one of our players Kota'vi. During an event she wanted to use root fines to entangle a target's legs so that they were not dragged off by harpies. This is not an ability within their D20 mechanics so she whispered the DM to pas the idea along and the DM asked for a Spell Attack to cast the root spell, and then a Grapple roll to determine how strong the grip was on the target.

  • How do I access 'RP Quests'?

RP Quests are the term that we use for player specific story arcs that unlock character progression within the narrative but also within the D20 System. These include things like items (armor, weapons, trinkets, potions) but also newly learned abilities (unique abilities and Prestige Classes) or even changing something that's already established within the character (changing your selected Base Class to something else). To access these it's important to remember that the DMs/Story Tellers and Leadership Team act like WoW Questgivers in that you have to click on us to get the next line in your progression. We run off the mentality that if you want something you'll have to ask for it and if you don't you're simply not ready for that next step. To us, this creates a more player-centric feel to the guild rather than us telling you when you need to do something!

  • How can I customize my Character?

As you progress through level and story you gain access to Unique Abilities you create yourself, the selection of a Prestige Class, Outfitting your character with Items, Armor, and unique weapons created just for you, and various animal companions to aid you in combat and story. All changes in your character can and should be reflected within the D20 System which includes learning new skills, training to increase raw power, crafting items like armor which can reflect your new cool mog. Just like the story points of a campaign change a character's personality the D20 sheet is designed to reflect your character and their choices.

  • For more information see the Crafters and Tradesman of the Tribe; and Player Character Item Creation pages.

  • Can I craft Items for my Character?

You can craft a great deal for your character including long term items and short term items. Potions, trinkets, blessings, runes, enchantments, armor, weapons, tools, and just about everything else you can imagine can be created and used within the system. We have many characters in place to help create these items alongside you in a journey and story arc for your character.

  • What are Prestige Classes?

Prestige Classes are niche mechanical builds that are introduced to players once they reach a specific point in their character story. These are much more powerful builds that can be looked at like 'hero' classes in a way. They draw from the WoW RPG and In-Game lore to create interesting and unique mechanics and stories for our players.

  • What are Unique Abilities?

During specific points along your character story you will unlock the ability to create Unique Abilities. These Abilities are additional abilities that you can add to your D20 sheet that you create yourself to better reflect your character's unique flavor and abilities. While the Race, Base Class, and Prestige Class provide structure and awesome combinations of story related abilities we also are aware that we simply cannot cover everything that a character can do. These don't have to be combat-related but oftentimes are and give you the option of having signature moves that no one else can do.

  • What are Negative Traits, Inspiration Points, and Knowledge Modifiers?

Negative Traits

  • Many characters in this world have fears, mental trauma, disabilities due to injury, or addiction to corrupting magics. To reflect these aspects of characters or various choices they have made through their time with the guild Negative Traits may be applied to a character. These are story related triggers within a character that are reflected mechanically. Being socially mared by experiences with the opposite sex could mean you cannot negotiate with them. A fear of water can send you into a panic that lasts a long period but can be broken by another player. An addiction to fel could mean that in a combat situation with a warlock your character is more susceptible tot he harming effects of their power. Being old and not really fit for heavy combat could mean you take extra damage if you are forced to fight. Many of these negative traits can be overcome through story progression and are encouraged to be shown in all aspects of RP

Inspiration Points

  • If you do something cool in RP, think outside the box, get a whole bunch of Natural 20s or facilitate amazing moments for other players you could be given an Inspiration Point. These are points that let you bypass the mechanics of a D20 event in one instance as if you had rolled a natural 20. Got a negotiation that you want to press the advantage on? Use your inspiration point to smooth talk your way in. Got an enemy situation that you think we cannot win? Use your inspiration point to gain key knowledge on their weaknesses. Or simply do something amazing in combat to end a fight. These can also be used instead to level yourself up within the system.

Knowledge Modifiers

  • Every character comes into this guild with things they already know. The Knowledge Modifiers allow you to pick topics that your character is specifically knowledgeable about. From tactics to which bugs to eat in the desert to the care of weapons and even the cultural histories of various races. These Modifiers are used in D20 events and do change over time allowing you to learn and grow in specific areas.

  • What Can my Wyvern Do?


  • When you first join the tribe Wyvern Master Iko will ICly assign you a wyvern to carry you about. This companion is designed as a vehicle to carry you places and has limited D20 Use. You can do special actions each turned with your wyvern such as utilizing their unique biology and history among the Tribe as well as use their Poison Mechanic if you choose. You cannot, however, use them to attack every round with you and your connection with them is not mental so any instructions you give them have a greater chance to fail or information to be misinterpreted.

Windwarrior and Above

  • Once you go through your Judgment of the Wyverns you gain access to a personalized wyvern of your own that you can bond to mentally. This allows you to use your wyvern once every turn directly after your own character's move including any skill or combat action. Additionally, you gain access to Wyvern Armor which, after a story arc to create the items, gives your wyvern 2 Unique Abilities based on their armor or unique build. For more details check out Player Character Item Creation or speak to a member of the Leadership Team!

Cover image: BFA Wallpaper by Blizzard Entertainment