Calamity Stained Condition in The Shindusian Empire | World Anvil
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Calamity Stained

Creatures that have been exposed to fallout from the Calamity of Dujuku for long periods of time will typically die because of its effects, but if they survive they will typically become Calamity Stained. Although the Calamity has a much more potent effect on living creatures, it can also affect physical locations given enough time and exposure.   Creatures that are Calamity Stained will have very noticeable changes to their appearance. Their skin will take on an increasingly vivid blue tint as their condition progresses. Their skin will also start to develop open sores that will eventually start emanating Calamity as well, turning them into vectors for contamination. Eventually, they will begin to suffer from a constant state of paranoia and agitation that will compel them to run until they collapse. Although the Calamity itself has severe adverse effects on living creatures, such as multiple organ failure, creatures who survive exposure for long enough to become Calamity Stained eventually develop a resistance to those effects so death beyond that point is usually a result of exhaustion due to the continued agitation. Another important effect of being Calamity Stained is that the corpses of those affected are very resistant to decay. Calamity Stained tissue will decay about 10 times slower than non-effected tissue under similar environmental conditions and will continue to produce fallout that can affect others for up to a year after they pass.   The effects of the Calamity have long been poorly understood and cases of people being Calamity Stained were generally met with aversion and isolation, as there was no known cure. Afflicted people that did not quickly flee the places they lived would be quarantined in buildings that would later be demolished or abandoned until the exhaustion overtook them and they passed away. Their bodies would then be removed and taken as far away from civilization and interred either in deep graves or the cave networks beneath the Shindus valley. Although burning bodies is a standard practice for people that die through other means, burning Calamity Stained bodies is incredibly risky, as the Calamity makes them much more volatile and fire does not neutralize the fallout, instead releasing it very quickly and spreading farther on the hot air. Most settlements have a specific location where they can inter Calamity Stained bodies, as the bodies will infect the location itself and create a hot spot for fallout, so they try to keep the locations affected to a minimum.   The first real success in finding a cure for Calamity Stain came with Liruka Seizhang, the 19th representative of Bamalion. On a research expedition to the Tashirhan Wastes on the border of old Dujuku, she discovered a mushroom that was found growing on the edges of the active fallout zone and appeared to restrict and suppress the spread of the fallout. The mushrooms seemed to feed on and neutralize the fallout and have begun to be cultivated in afflicted locations in order to slowly cleanse them. However, the mushrooms so far are only capable of cleansing the bodies of people that are already dead, so there is still no cure to help prevent death, although the University of Bamalion and Kikerion Cooperative are currently experimenting with ways to use the neutralizing qualities of the mushrooms to develop a medicine that will purge fallout from living beings.

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