Ghostly Flanged Spheres (VHS) Item in The Shadow of Waxwing Slain | World Anvil
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Ghostly Flanged Spheres (VHS)

Flanged Orb
  Quintus Bartholomew Marion noticed it matched the size of the An Ashen Metal Frame that he possesses. He discovered that inserting it into the An Ashen Metal Frame created a visual and audio effect.  

Sphere from The Bastion :

  Scarred and wary face, removing a battered helmet and speaking with grim resignation: "This is the last testament of Galaven Manx, Soverign of Egun, Commander of the Bastion, Magi of the 8th Order. Bastion will fall, the Dragons are slain or lost, the Guardians have been corrupted. Those who are not mad are dead or dying, the Flame beckons, we are returned to the Garden. Now I yield my command."  

Sphere from Carolas Lycenture :

  An older female, hair stuck to her skin from sweat, her face exhausted but irate: ' …. The guardians are all in place, Magi Monsavari's work is flawless - as all of our work must be, none would dare be here if we did not think this was our last hope, the creches... …. Last night I heard a purge, it was one of the children, corrupted, by what… we were so careful, but the guardians are made of merciless precise.... ....for all our work to be undone by the capriciousness of children… I cannot believe that Xor would be so stupid as to hold the consumed, even under the Sigil… he must.. But no, if the muses have him, we are all doomed'  

Sphere from Neven Lycenture :

  An older woman, her face tired and apparel simple, though meticuolously maintained 'This will be my last record. The final vessel left this morning, but sank into the bay - I do not know what went wrong. I don't trust anyone anymore, but what does it matter now. All the creches are either destroyed or emptied, our fate is in young hands now.' *sounds of roars outside, screams* She closes her eyes, looks to the ground for a moment, whispering something, then resumes "I die of sound mind... one of the last" she squeezes something, the vision shimmers, her voice quavers, a tear, and she shouts "curse the glories and our pride" the vision shakes, flaming darkness surges into vision, and then it is cut off  

Sphere from beneath The Penitent Man :

  A young man, energetic and filled with mirth "First day and look at this, stone from the Pathing Days - you won't believe the stories the locals are telling me about this place, all sorts of legends about nasty things being sealed away - now we knew before I took the job that their was an exterminatus here but those things are almost always dingors or khals or similar, nothing our friends here can't handle'. The sphere nagles, for a moment a blue flash ecnompasses the screen, a towering guardian in perfect shape, the man's face returns 'anyway, I love you, kiss nala and the boys for me and tell them daddy will be back soon"  

Sphere from beneath The Penitent Man :

  The same man as before, but much older, gravel voiced and serious he is holding a chunk of esperite, fingering a medallion around his neck. 'When I was young, long before I learned how to mine, I wanted to be a sculptor'. He places the esperite down, picks up a quill, dips it 'but the only work was in the cemetary. I didn't wat to carve the names of the dead.' he makes a note slowly in an open book 'now I mark them in ink, each week'. He closes the book 'This will be the last' takes the book and goes to a stone chest, unlocks it, and open its, placing the book inside, along with the medallion on his neck 'The complex is sealed again, the men return to be with their families'. He removes an oddly carved rod from his belt, inspects it, places it gently in the chest, and closes it. He sits back down 'I hope it was all worth it'. He turns off the device.  

Sphere given to you by Dhal Landana

  A woman, Ilya the Magi, younger than when you met her in the Time Loop "Damnit Anaise I'm not turning my school into some kind of… weather doomsday device - you may have the rest of Egun fooled with your fearmongering but there's a thousand things left to try, the lost are barely out of Nemoria, Rogue Esper sightings are down 63%, and only Xor is still idiot enough to even maintain a gateway, *under her r\breath* the one he stole. If you would put your mind to saving us instead of daming us we could end this still…'. She sighs 'Send word as fast as you can' smiles faintly 'remember the good times Naisey, keep your chin up, and…. Come back to me"  

Sphere given to you by Dendara Cammise that she found in a sunken ship in the Penitent Bay

  A human woman, her head shaved and tattooed in various pulsing symbols, her face expresses calm but the lines of her skin belie the stress she is under. "Xor is mad, he holds to Communion so close to the creches - all our work could be for nothing. I hope your Valari pets" she says with scorn "have completed the Wind Spire near the Crossroads, I have the rest of the parts for the island Spire onboard... and we need to contact Montsavari and Regulos as soon as possible, to disable the guardians still loyal to Xor. I'm setting sail now on the Billhook, after I drop off the Crystaleva I need to get to Casavara, there are reports that the wards are failing on the outlying islands."    

Sphere given to you by Dendara Cammise that she found in an ancient Church in the Western Plains

  A cowled man, his green robes decorated by the twin flames of the Gardeners, his voice booms as if giving a sermon :   "For to be faithful is to be given wings. Anoint thyself in the twinned sun and walk the path of the Founder, all who are beckoned are destined to live eternal in the garden of creation itself. Harken to the bells that sound the arrival of the host, to the delights of their senses be promised. Their is no more time for hesitation, be matched with thy brother and ascend while the winds of eternity hold still the gate. "  

Spheres from The Academy Ruins

  A gravelly voice behind a dark cloak   "They say when Marius first entered the Beyond, it was a void, not empty but full, so full he felt his chest could barely give rise to breathe. It was only later he would claim it was the Garden, what a lure to a man of the Path, to be at his birth. Temptation, instinctive or otherwise, is the game the muses play. They reflect as they is their nature, our dreams paving the path to our damnation.   I have sent a raven to Montsavari's Prison Fortress, and another to Ilya and her prodigous genius- they may yet make a weapon of my work to sunder the heavens.   *resigned* If anyone hears this, when others ask what became of Xor, last of his name, tell them he was a fool till the end.. "   Xor, speaking academically   "The Lost seem to remember nothing concretely, the echoes we hear seem to come from a variety of backgrounds - I've traced local dialects from Onel, Egun, Sicander, and further - some few exhibit more awareness of what they came from, they desire to "become", to be real, but using any of the apellates that the muses have gone by arouses no reaction."   Xor, in a shadowy cloak, speaking with some consternation   "Dallis has gone mad, but there's not another Magi left in the capital with her knowledge or power. I have no iea how she's getting her messages through the fog, but she seems abreast of my most recent developments. 'A weapon to sunder creation', that was never my intention, though what can she even intend by that statement - there's a Dragon Knight here I will send to Montsavari with the Incander, he may know more about the situation."   Xor, looking tired, sweat on his brow   "Liron has been taken, Mane detected it before I noticed the typical signs, repetition, obsession, that stare. A good succes at least, with Mane, far better than the Guardians, but I still hesitate to unleash it, given the power we've imbued it with.   Liron's loss will be felt hard, she was the best artificer I had. Fascinating her fall though, her logos manifested in her research, circular logic and repition in her builds - it may have even lead to a better conduit, not that any of that matters now."   A pretty young woman, sigil of mane on her cloak   'Savari, Meister, the conduit uncoupled thrice and looped with two twins produces a devastating pulse - if the conduit uncoupled thrice and looped with two twins is linked with any source it produces a devastating pulse and then the source linked with the conduit uncoupled thrice and looped with two twins linked with the source produces the pulse and the effects could be revolutionary. If the '   she is twitching, clearly trying to hold back her words , but she just keeps repeating the words, until finally she cries, holds her head in her hands and reaches forward desperately

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