Zûrgrokz Species in The Seven Quäenaï | World Anvil
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Zûrgrokz are slimy black creatures found in the swamps of Irëduin and Kárydir. They were discovered by a Dwarven exploration team in the late Second Age. They have bat-like wings, and use both these and their powerful tail to propel themselves through the murky waters of their preferred habitat. When threatened by the numerous predators that also make the swamps their home, Zûrgrokz have multiple defence mechanisms.

Firstly is a set of razor-sharp fangs that inject venom into the victim. This venom is a quick acting neurotoxin that requires only a couple of microlitres to take effect on even a dragon. Zûrgrokz also use this when hunting to neutralise prey larger than them.

Second, zûrgrokz can exhale a cloud of fumes that can knock out most creatures. This gives them enough time to escape. The duration of the unconsciousness depends on the size of the victims; larger creatures will be stunned for a shorter period of time than smaller creatures.

The third and last ability is one that is unique to mages; zûrgrokz have somehow developed the ability to steal a mage's magic. Nobody knows how or when this ability developed, but it has made zûrgrokz highly prized by prison wardens. Although incredibly risky, using a zûrgrok on an imprisoned mage will remove their magic permanently, unless the zûrgrok is killed. In this instance, the magic would be returned to its rightful owner.

Because of this trait, zûrgrokz are hunted all across Irëduin and Kárydir by Elves, who seek the extinction of the species.  


Zûrgrokz resemble flattened black slugs, with a flat, wide mouth and a flat tail ideal for swimming. They have a pair of stubby legs just behind their shoulders, and wings just above these legs. Slitted yellow eyes rest in the upper jaw, on the sides of the head, which resembles a semi-circle. Inside the mouth are rows and rows of small, sharp teeth used for ripping and tearing.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Zûrgrokz are only found naturally in the swamps of Irëduin and Kárydir, although some have been captured and exported to other Quäenaï.

Average Intelligence

Little more than common beasts, zûrgrokz are incapable of speech or other communication save for primitive shrieks and growls designed to warn off predators.
Average Weight
Average Length

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