Wood-Elves Species in The Seven Quäenaï | World Anvil
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Wood-elves, or Kanyar in their tongue, are a subspecies of the Elves that are more akin to plants than their counterparts. They were created by Edení after the main race of Elves, who wanted a race of Elves similar to the plants that he loved.   The Kanyar are one of the few non-plant races capable of photosynthesis. Their bodies use light from the sun to create glucose and oxygen, using up light energy from the sun in the process. The other nutrients required they absorb through the soil, similar to plants. However, they can also eat if necessary. They have developed high-nutrition energy pills that can sustain them for over a day.  

Appearance and Behaviour

The Kanyar are about dwarf-tall, although they do not have beards. Their skin is green, but their feet are brown. They have long pointed ears, angular faces, and dark green mossy hair. Their fingers are long and clever, and often covered in dirt from their work. They often live in or around plants, normally trees. They wear clothes woven out of a plant that allows light energy to pass through it, but blocks the light itself. The dull colour of the fabric allows them to blend into the forest at will.   Kanyar speak both their tongue and the language of plants. They use their talent to live symbiotically with the plants, but especially the trees, using them for shelter, transport, and food. When they have need to travel great distances, they employ the roots of nearby trees to pull them along.  

Photosynthesis and Nutrition

Kanyar absorb most of their energy from the Sun, using photosynthesis to create glucose and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water. They also absorb nutrients from the soil through their feet by active transport, like plants. They get iron, magnesium, nitrates, and other minerals this way. The nitrates bond with the glucose made through photosynthesis to form amino acids, which create protein, which is used for cell growth and repair. They get carbohydrates from the glucose, and minerals from the soil.  

Interactions with Kanyar

The Kanyar are a peaceful people, but they are sworn to defend plants of all types. Whenever they fight, they use the roots of nearby trees to incapacitate or kill anyone who threatens them. However, their Rangers also use bows and arrows. Kanyar normally were on good terms with the other types of Elves, although they remain suspicious of Men and Dwarves, as they cut down trees to fuel their contraptions and to build their homes. They only came out of their forest homes in times of great danger, such as the End, when they assembled to fight Analkar, who they called Gharandorh, the Tree-Feller, and Dhangoth, the Betrayer.   Kanyar are traditionally seclusive, but some Kanyar joined the rebellion against Deathwatch, and one acted as a guide for the Seven Mägari during the events of Chaos War.   The most notorious Kanya is Aulai, who assisted both the Seven Mägari and the rebels on many occasions. In a break from the traditional nature-inclined mindset of most Kanyar, he was one of the most successful hackers the Seven Rudaryei had ever seen.  



Kanyar build their settlements in tälesr trees, where their natural predators can't reach them. Their Rangers patrol the ground and trees around the settlements, proving themselves in the process. Kanyar who break the laws of their specific settlement are often cast to the ground, where they are prey to the beasts of the ground.  


Kanyar society is built around plant life. Their laws hold the life of a plant in higher value than the life of a Man or Dwarf, and killing a plant is the highest offense in their culture. To be considered a mature Kanya, a Wood-Elf must first grow a tälesr tree to maturity.  


Kanyarelh is, unlike other elvish dialects, not based on the main and oldest dialect (Silranden), but rather the language of plants. Outsiders find the language incredibly hard to learn, although several learned individuals (such as Ralthyr Wazavor and Cüvien) managed to master a majority of it. Those who had the chance to compare it said it sounded like leaves rustling in the wind.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Kanyar live in the crowns of tälesr trees, where they build their settlements which seem to blend into the trees themselves.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kanyar get most of their nutrients from photosynthesis and active transport from the soil, just like plants. They do need to drink water, however, but they can go for longer than Men and other Elves without water.

Biological Cycle

Kanyar are more plant-like than other races, and so their metabolism slows right down in winter and they enter a hibernation-like state. In spring they are the most active, and in autumn parts of their skin takes on a reddish-tint.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kanyar can see in the dark like cats, and hear even better.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Related Myths

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