Ïoras Settlement in The Seven Quäenaï | World Anvil
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Ïoras is the Elven capital in Irëduin. It combines Dwarven customs and Elven architecture; the primary feature of Ïoras is a massive underground tree with houses among its branches, in its trunk, and under its roots. The tree was discovered near the beginning of the First Age by Arësri the Founder, and he named it a tälesr. Over the years, the Elven nation grew, and the city was expanded out from the tree and into the cavern beyond, where more trees were grown, sustained by the Elves' magic.

In 2764, Ïoras was discovered by the dragonriders, but they kept the location of the elven city a secret, and no one ever found it after that.  


The cavern in which Ïoras was located contains a great lake which almost spans from wall to wall. On the rocky shores are the pathways to the surface, which in most cases take the form of currents of air formed by specific rock formations at the bottom of the world (See Angûnz for further explanation of Irëduin geography). In the centre of the lake is a giant island, upon which is rooted the tälesr. The tree itself is enormous; over a thousand feet tall, with everything else of the same scale. The cave roof towers at least a hundred feet above the crown of the tree.

As a brief sidenote, you might wonder how the cave doesn't break the surface. But it is miles beneath the roots of the Southern Mountains, with plenty of rock around it. Many powerful mages have entered the Mountains and scanned the area around them for the sort of magical energy that a city such as Ïoras would inevitably give off, but all have failed. This is primarily because of the thick rock between the mages and Ïoras. Distance muffles magic, and this is no different.

From the branches of the tree are hung houses similar to the nests of weaver birds, except large enough to accomodate Elves. In the trunk are more accomodations, created using magic. Among the roots are even more houses, dug into the ground and lined with tälesr wood. At the point in the tree where the trunk starts to divide there is a giant hall, which smoothly flows from the tree around it, as if it is part of the tree. This is the hall of the Elven ruler. Around it are weaver-nests for the Elven nobility. Further out are nests used as market stalls, and beyond those are the working places for artisans and craftsmen. In the furthest reaches of the branches, and in the trunk, are accomodations for regular elves. The boatyards are located in the roots, closest to the lake. Most trades are found in the branches of Ïoras, with smithing being the one exception. Because of the fire risk Ïoras poses, all smithing is conducted on Í Caloron du Ananwë and Í Caloron du Núadrothï, the Rock of Flame and the Rock of Swords.

It was on the Rock of Flame that Ralthyr Wazavor presented Tywell III, Wëls Aluverí, Althain, and Anamí with their swords, which were of elven make.  


All over Ïoras are the Anayar, which are a special type of lantern devised by the Dwarves. Globes of crystal with a flameless light encased in the centre, the Anayar have four ribs of metal running from top to bottom. At the top they twine together to form an ornamental flower, and at the bottom they flow into a stand. The light inside can be any colour, and never fades.

The Anayar are made with complicated enchantments that only a few know. These spells allow them to float without any outside interference, and also enable them to take commands from specific individuals. These commands are normally orders to change position, but the Anayar obey any command given to them in Elvish. For public lanterns, these specific indivduals are pretty much any elf, but personal lanterns will only obey the owner, plus individuals the owner has approved.

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Aug 23, 2022 15:39 by Lia Felis

It was a very interesting read and I wanted to wander further in your world! Thank you very much!

Aspiring fantasy writer and part-time Dungeon Master. Dragon Goddess of Evera.