Gobnology - Where Theory Meets Can-Do Spirit! Technology / Science in The Scrunk | World Anvil

Gobnology - Where Theory Meets Can-Do Spirit!

How? HOW?!  
— Dwarven Engineer
  Combining a willingness to try everything for even momentary glory with a reckless disregard for personal safety, Gobnology is the "science" pioneered by goblinkind. Ramshackle in the extreme and held together with little more than can-do-attitude, Gobnology has - against all odds and rationale - created some of the greatest inventions the world has ever seen... Much to the world's dismay and detriment. From goblin-powered suits of armor to garbage-dump distilleries, everything seems possible with the application of SCIENCE!   Whether or not it is a good idea remains a distant third or fourth consideration to the Goblins.    
by Rock Cafe.info

Pull the lever, See what happens

  The exact theoretical underpinning of Gobnology is hard to really quantify and mostly doesn't matter too much. The goblin mind is uniquely suited to holding multiple conflicting ideas at one time without even a trace of cognitive dissonance; to them, if it works, it works! As a result, goblins work well together on projects even when their fundamental view on how the project ought to work directly contradict each other. What would send other species into bickering, power-play, and politicking for goblins instead become a matter of: pull the lever, see what happens!  

Gobnology varies wildly between inventions and most are a collaboration between a dozen different visions that usually end up working, if not always in the way it was meant.   While goblins all seem to possess some intuitive grasp on how Gobnology works, figuring out how the damn thing functions take time for everyone else.
Most Gobnology is mechanical to some degree, with only the wildest and most visionary goblins branching out to experiment with "improving" living things. Gobnetics and Biogobbineering are both virgin fields of discovery and inevitable disaster waiting to happen.   Early Gobnology was almost always based on the goblins seeing something, taking a liking to it, and then attempting to make their own version of it. The habit has become a virtuous cycle, where one invention inspires another and its imitations branch out in wildly different directions until very little of the original design is left. That in turn inspires something in, and so Gobnology grows.    

That's The Stuff

  Elves know it as corruption, Dwarves call it the Blight. Among the human empires that once dotted the plane, it had a thousand different names and none of them good. Among the Goblins, it's known as "the Stuff" and is the fuel they use to power many things. The Stuff is a sort of mutagenic and highly reactive goop that is a terrible scourge on all living things or a totally awesome sandwich spread if you happen to be a goblin. Picked on, beaten, and eradicated by all other species on the Planet, the Goblins were forced to dwell in muck and ruin - and lots of the Stuff.  
  All civilized races avoided the Stuff, rightly judging it to be a terrible hazard. Goblins, never much for personal safety or living very long anyway, embraced the Stuff.   Now they build with it, burn it, grind it to powder and dry it to sharp, pointy crystals. Not all Gobnology use the Stuff, but goblins are more than happy to slap it on things and see what happens.

Gobbos Rulez, Elves Drool!

  Goblinkind domination of the world can largely be attributed to the success of Gobnology, much to the chagrin of more "traditionally" sound engineers like dwarves and humans. Worst of all, Goblins doesn't even seem like they're trying.   For all their deliberate attempts of eradicating the pests, their best inventions were bested by what seemed like just a fun idea at the time.

The Power Of Friendship!

  In a way, Gobnology has united goblinkind in a way few could have predicted. Goblins found there were few things they enjoyed as much as watching some ramshackle invention spiral out of control and crash into something. Seeing it work as intended and crash into a something was a close second.   Among all sentient species, no one seem to work as well together as goblins working on the latest gobtraption. There's the occasional fist fight or loud argument about what bit goes on what bobbin, but nothing that'll stop the SCIENCE from happening.    
by Rock Cafe.info
It isn't fair, I tell you. I've spent decades mastering the art; my calculations were perfect, everything was executed to the highest degree. And some bastard goblin on an ankheg powerd buzz-saw tore right through the whole thing!   They're cheating, somehow!  
— Dwarven Engineer

The Three G's

  Among the three main Goblin disciplines, Gobnology has pre-eminence. It was Gobnology that ascended Goblinkind from adventurer sword-fodder and the runts to be kicked around be every monster on the plane to the dominant "civilization".   The other two, Goblomancy and Gob-Fu, have to live in the shadow of that and often try to make up for it by shouting louder.


by Rock Cafe.info

Cover image: by Rock Cafe.info


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Dec 9, 2019 14:24 by Amy Winters-Voss

"Whether or not it is a good idea remain a distant third or forth consideration to the Goblins." Oh I love this!!!

Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website
Dec 10, 2019 12:41

When in doubt, try everything! It's the goblin way! ;)

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Dec 10, 2019 22:15 by Stormbril

I love Gobnology and everything it stands for!

Dec 11, 2019 11:44

<3   And Gobnology loves you too!

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Dec 11, 2019 10:52 by Morgan Biscup

"virgin fields of discovery and inevitable disaster waiting to happen" I am now waiting for the articles on Gobnetics and Biogobbineering, because there's no way anything could ever go wrong there...   This is hilariously fun. Thank you!

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Dec 11, 2019 11:44

I hadn't really thought about writing them too much, but now I might have to - along with Goblomancy and Gob-Fu

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Dec 11, 2019 17:04 by Stormbril

I second Angela's motion! Super interested to read about all branches of Gobnology.   Seriously though, this stuff is really well written, fun, and refreshing. It's great!