The Unifed Colonies of Calestra Organization in The Sagas | World Anvil

The Unifed Colonies of Calestra

The legacy that shaped a continent

Calestra, a place were everyone could start over and live a proper life, to be the masters of their own fate. - Deran Gelo Alobe - explorer of the Dark Continent


The colonial admaistration was a complex system that often had several colonies bunched together into a admistration held by a prince of the Sultinate that would directly recieve orders from the sultan himslef to ensure that resources keep coming from the colonies.

Public Agenda

The colonies were orignal created for the people of the Almorid Sulinate to find fertal lands for the people to live on and produce resoures for the cities that desperately need them.



The colonies were highly known for the foods that it produced for the sultanate as it feed the cities back in the Jantani Desert. It was also known for the exotic goods that produced such as exotic animals, slaves, jewels and plants which the nobility often used to one up one another.  


The colonies were not the safest place to live in since they often were at odds with tribes inland from the continent that did take to kindly to foreigner taking away ancestral lands and sacred areas for themselves. So they created well organized militias to protect the colonies since paying professional soldiers were too expensive to maintain. Theses militas were highly trained and equipped to deal with skirmishes along the borders of the colonies. Large continuous walls well also used keep them out since they did not have siege equipment. Even some of the animals they captured were used to breed war beasts to fight. Even some tribes were allied with the colonies as mercenaries and guides to expand inland in exchange for resources and assurance that there tribes are not destroyed.


An act of desperation

The Cities of the Jantani Desert were in desperate times as overpopulation lead to a lack of food and shelter. The ruling power during this time, the Paranth Sultanate, lead by Uran the Just decided that new lands were need founded and colonized in order to save his people from complete annihilation from their desert home. Many ships were sent out in search for new lands and many would not return. Months past and all hope seemed lost, even by Uran himself. Until one day one of the ships returned with many items that they returned, fruits, animals and many more things. The man who returned him was call Ahlan Juroza Vazem and he would tell him that a whole knew continent had been discovered, filled with rich soil and water. Hearing this new he reward him making him a member of his court and gave him authority over the colonization effort in these knew land that he called Calestra. After a few months first ship was sent out to start the first colony.  

An difficult beginning

The first colony which was call Alendrea had some difficulties at the start of its founding. Due to the lack of knowledge of the area, the colonists suffered from starvation due to the food they could find and the natives that they discovered in the area considered them hostile for settling in their lands. The wildlife was not so friendly either since attacks would happen when ever anyone left the settlement. But after several years of harsh struggle, they found a colorful snail that could be used to dye clothing and it was sent back to the sultanate and the sultan and the nobility were fascinated by it and would be named the Alendrean Snail after the settlement. More resources were but into the colony and soldiers were sent to protect it. Allowing the colony to expanded and conquered territory to remove threats from the area. Resources would also be more plentiful and know from native that helped them properly function.  

The Expansion Age

  With the success of Alendrea more and more people began to come to create more and more colonies along the coast and their increasing numbers would help them better to hold back the dangers that would see them destroyed. I less then a decade fifty colonies were established, carrying thousands upon thousands of settlers with them. The native tribes that covered the region had two choices either fight back to push them back or make peace with them. Some did ally themselves with the colonies to have better conditions between on another and protection. But for the rest they went into open war with them and lead to the Tribal Wars that would be seen throughout the colonies. The sultanate would send it armies to fight against the tribes after many years of bloodshed they tribes hat fought against them were pushed deeper into the continent. Those that sided with the colonies were granted the lands of their enemies and bestowed gift as thanks. This would lead the colonies to militarize themselves by created large militias and buying weapons from the sultanate. Mercenaries were also hired by the colonists to better prepare themselves as well. Making the colonies a mercenaries paradise with thousands form all over coming to be richly rewarded.  

Harsh expansion

As the colonies began to push further inland they faced more and more resistance from the natives and the newly discovered Beastmen in the areas. Large number of mercenaries were often sent into clear them out leading small campaigns to drive them out or eradicate them. A first many of them were highly successful, until they started to organize that is. The second tribal wars were not as short as the first one and was considered bloodier then the last. With both sides constantly clashing with one another and neither side giving ground. Raids were often done by both sides to cripple supply lines to force them to leave. After a long a bloody struggle the mercenaries decided to call quite and left and returned to the coast. These would be consider the end of the expansion of the colonies and they inland colonies farther inland would be in constant fear of attack on the borders.  

Prosperity for all

  Though the expansion of the colonies would cease from now one they would proper none the less as they were created for. Food was plentiful and the people were happy and many would become cites more then a century later. Resources were also sent back to the sultanate and they would prosper as also. Peace would reign as the colonies would stand united with one another to better keep the peace and prosperity that they so desired.


The colonies became restless as the demands from the sultanate became more and more exhausting for the colonists and open rebellion soon broke out as soon as their resources were all but exhausted as well. The sultanate could do little about it as well due to the Great Plague ravaging the cities and crippling its military. The colonies turned on one another for resources and many became independent states. Only three of which still exist, the Principalities of Heledu the Kingdom of Helos, an the city of Alendrea of which dominate the western lands of the Dark Continent to this day. The colonies would never be taken back again by the Sultanate ever again.

Demography and Population

The population varied in some colonies due to the location and the productivity that it brought. The coastal colonies were more populated since they were much safer and were often overpopulated and had fewer jobs. But there were some of the inland colonies as well, though they were much more dangerous since they often bordered the frontier with many threats along it. They were often less populated and had more job being created.


The western coast of the Dark Continent held many of these colonies for a time and a little farther inland as well.


The military of the colonies was entirely made up of militias and mercenaries since the sultanate did not want to send soldiers to the colonies. Each colony varied in size and numbers. But were highly equipped in protecting themselves and also use d war beasts to give them an edge in a fight as well.

Technological Level

The colonies were not the most advanced in the world since most of them were built by a few centuries. But due to the fertile lands they have made quite a few advancement in agriculture.


Due to the colonist being form the sultanate they often followed the Guardians as their deities of worship. But some tribesmen that converted to the colonies still often followed their native religions as well.

Foreign Relations

The colonies were consider to have mix relations with the tribes of the dark continent with some constantly attacking them and others being being more passive with trade and military alliances. All the while

Agriculture & Industry

Farming was one of the largest revenues of the colonies, often done through large crop fields to deliver across the colonies and the sultanate once they were ready. Cattle were also used for their meat, hides and milk to sell as well. The rest of the colonies industries varied with their location. These industries were mining, hunting, logging, quarries, fishing, cash crops and so on.

Trade & Transport

Trade was mostly done by sea with most of the settlement being on the coast and to be able to travel back to the sultanate with the supplies that needed to be delivered. their are some caravans inland, but they often only lead to the coasts since traveling even on the roads are highly dangerous due to the dangerous environment around them. These roads were only dirt road and were not maintained well due to the dangers that surrounded them.


education was non existent in the colonies due to the situation they were in and children often had to help their parents to survive by working most of the time. Some were even forced in to militias to keep numbers high incase of an attack


The coastal settlements had the most infrastructure in the colonies since they were far safer and were able to gain more resources by ships along the coast. They would often have better roads, sew systems, walls, bridges and so on. While the inland settlement had none of that due their location and the struggles they endured. Most would just have wooded walls just to keep put anything trying to get in.

For Hope and Prosperity

1520 BCA - 1144 BCA

Geopolitical, Colony
Alternative Names
Dark Colonies
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Major Exports
Dues to them being colonies most of the resources that were found in them were often delivered back to the sultanate. These were often foods, animals, slaves, minerals, and materials to expand the sultanates power
Major Imports
The colonies need processed material from the sultanate since they were not able to replicate some of the technology that was in the sultanate. These were often process metals for tools, weapons and armor. This was due to the lack of metals in the area and mining often came up with thing making it highly valuable in the colonies.
Legislative Body
Legislation was controlled by colonial governors who were princes of the sultanate and public officials that were loyal to sultanate to maintain the colonies. These princes were often in charge of several colonies at a time and often lead to problems that were often overlooked.
Judicial Body
The colonies were considered apart of the sultanate, so they often dealt with the Royal Court, which as controlled by the Sultan.
Parent Organization


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