Shogun Rank/Title in The Sagas | World Anvil


Only a fool would dare challenge the might of the Shogun, for he is the strength and will of our people and to face him would mean certain death - Cautious Samurai


  • Must be a Daimyo
  • Has military training
  • Knows military strategy
  • Must be Kenjuese


  • Must be a member of Kenjuese nobility
  • Must have a claim to gain the right of becoming Shogun
  • Can be apart of the ruling family of the current Shogun


The title of Shogun is inherited by a family member of the previous Shogun often to a sibling or a child, if that family is removed from power, then the Daimyos must elect a new Shogun amongst themselves. It will often be someone who has proven themselves worthy of the title or has great political power. Where they will go though a ceremony known as the


  • The Shogun rules over the shogunate with an iron fist with all obeying the laws under him.
  • Maintaining order within the nobility to ensure that unrest does not follow
  • Keeping the peace within the Shogunate from internal and external threats


  • Governing the entirety of the Shogunate
  • Collecting taxes from the nobility
  • Maintaining the military
  • Enforcing all laws that the shogunate follows
  • Ensuring the best interests of the Kenjuese people and the state


Military Control: The Shogun is the supreme commander of all the armies of the shogunate and if they are given an order by them then they must obey.   Political Powerhouse: In politics, the Shogun has the most power over all others and the Daimyos below him must obey. Including when military matters, laws and decrees are declared by them.   Seat of Power: All Shogun rule from the capital of Itsumatso where they will reside in the Katsitu Palace where live in for the rest of their days.   Personal Aids: The Shogun has access to many individuals to help them in their day to day life from servants to advisors to help them in their day to day life.   Treasury Access: The shogunate’s treasury is at their disposal where they will use it to spend on needs of the state or personal use.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Shoguns often wore a traditional kimono with the family crest of their clan on their back with elaborate designs on it. Along with receiving finely crafted weapons and armor with the shogunate’s seal on them for military and ceremonial use.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A Shogun who is considered weak or injured beyond recovery will be removed as they show weakness which cannot be seen as a strong leader most rule. Often resulting them to step down or face a challenger to prove they are weak and are kill if they lose. The other option it to commit Seppuku to regain honor and die a dignified death.


The Great Unifier

  Juzakabe Kenshin was considered one of the greatest warriors and leaders of the Kenjuese as he help unify Kenju under one banner and was given the title of Shogun to lead the Juzakabe Shogunate in an age of prosperity and honor for his people. Which he did as he lead his people into another age of war that his people only just escaped, but due to their warrior heritage he saw an opportunity to expand the shogunate and take advantage of the surrounding lands that were weak and divided. It was here that the Century of Fire would commence leading to an endless war of conquest to secure the shogunate's border and to solidify its dominance over the region. Creating an empire in his life that would be inherited by all those after him.  

Glorious Dominion

  Under the rule of the Shoguns, the Kenjuese people created a vast empire that almost conquered the entirety of the Davad Archipelago in only the span of a few centuries creating a height of power that they had never before achieved in their history. Bring forth a golden age where their culture and way of life spread across the land and creating peace through military might and stern rulership over their people and those they had conquered. One that would last for over half a millennia before it collapsed from intolerance and ruin.

Cultural Significance

Will of an Empire

  The Shogun is the heart of the shogunate as the sole leader to decide the fate of his people. As only a strong leader can lead their people into a better future. All must obey their rule and show respect to their strength and will in serving the state. No one may refuse the orders of a Shogun or they will terrible consequences that will come with it. For they are the will of the nation that will guide it to prosperity and stability under them. Only a strong leader can make the right decisions to ensure the survival of their people and the continuation of their way of life.  

Embodiment of a People

  The Shogun does not only represent power, but it embodies the entirety of the Kenjuese culture as a whole. For their culture is that of tradition and unity that moves them forward. It is in that reason why the Shogun is responsible for such a thing as it was a Shogun who united the people and gave them a empire where their culture thrives. It is also why other cultures that live under the shogunate despise the Shogun as their cultures are undermined in favor of Kenjuese culture.
Nobility, Military
345 CA
Form of Address
My lord
Equates to
Commander in Chief
Source of Authority
The nobility
Length of Term
Related Organizations

Famous Shoguns

  Juzakabe Kenshin The first Shogun of shogunate that united the lands of Kenju, reforming the aristocracy and military and beginning the Century of Fire that would send the shogunate into a century of endless war. Would die standing as he stood alone on the battlefield slaying all who would face him, even after his death the enemy did not dare go near him in fear of him coming back from the dead to kill once more.   Juzakabe Jenzo: The second Shogun is known for his military prowess and his countless military campaigns that would end in victory. During his reign, it was said that he won over a hundred battles and collect the banners of his vanquished enemies as trophies. His skill with a blade was unrivaled and all would die before they ever realized it and would be Sword Saint. He perfected the art of war for the shogunate's military to make it one of the greatest fighting forces that the archipelago had ever seen.   Juzkabe Haito: The fifth Shogun that would see the end of the Century of Fire with the shogunates expansion halted and bring about the Era of Insight, allowing for the strengthening of Kenjuese culture and the seeking of knowledge to improve the shogunate's way of life. Along with spreading Kenjuese culture and the Iku Tatsu faith. Along with reconstructing the capital of Itsumatso in a center of culture.   Hezuru Janjui: The twelfth Shogun that would overthrow the Juzakabe clan from power after their rule had soured. Often called the "Iron Shogun" his rule would be that of strict laws and the weeding out of corruption to ensure that that the people did not lose their way and create the Laws of Virtue to ensure that they would become the most ideal people possible.   Hezuru Itomi: The eighteenth Shogun and the first woman to ever hold the title, despite seeing multiple attempts on her life and scrutiny from many of her subordinates her rule would be one of tolerance and reform in the shogunate as she moved away from the warrior ways to ensure peace would last. Proving that women could rule as much as any man could and allow many women to join the military.   Ashubu Akata: The twenty-third Shogun that would lead the shogunate to victory in the Great Kerudo War after the death of the Hezuru clan. His rule ensured the survival of the realm as he marched with its armies to lead them to victory. After the war was over he would aid in rebuilding the shogunate and restoring peace to it.   Ashubu Daito; The last Shogun of the Shogunate that would see the shogunate's empire collapse and try his best to preserve what he could save. Fighting in countless battles that would secure the borders of Kenju and ensure that nation did not completely collapse. After all the fighting was over he committed Seppuku to regain his honor for letting the shogunate and establishing the Iron Council that would rule after his death ending the line of Shoguns and the shogunate.

Cover image: Armor by Artem Lutai


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Dec 18, 2021 19:53 by Xero J

Nice... love this bro... one of my favorite cultures