Ro'Thar Species in The Sagas | World Anvil


The Ro'Thar have the power to shake the earth and crush all that stand in their way; that is why we hunt them, for their strength will become ours when feasting on their flesh - Orc Hunter
  The Ro'Thar are massive beasts that make their home of the Black Plains, living together in massive herds that can shake the earth if there are enough of them. They are also highly aggressive to all other creatures near them, seeing them as a threat. Their strength can easily send any creature flying in the air or just crush them under their hoves, making them more difficult than most creatures to hunt.

Basic Information


Large quadruped with four legs with hooves for feet. A stalky yet agile body covered in thick fur allows it to move at a fast speed and with a slim tail at the back of it. Four large horns sprout from its head that can easily tear into flesh or be used to fight others of its kind.

Biological Traits

Large Size: Size often matters in the wilderness as it can determine what type of creatures to mess with. It also means that they require more food to conserve energy for their size. But that size will make it difficult for them to move through smaller spaces, and they can fall much easier as their weight turns against them.   Massive Strength: Having great strength is often an advantage; being able to do severe damage to anything that gets too close to them and move around things without too much trouble. Making it hard to stop them when they attack unless something equal to or greater than their strength can stop them.   Thick Hide: A thick hide protects them from predators attacking them or simple weapons, making it hard to puncture the skin. It also allows them to take a beating if they come into contact with anything in their environment that can harm them, causing severe injuries.

Ecology and Habitats

They make their home on open plains where their food comes mainly from grass that comes in abundance without any worry of it all running out, and they are constantly traveling for food.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ro'Thars are herbivores that mainly eat grass and plants on the open plains, often eating in one place for half a day before moving on in search of more food.

Biological Cycle

During that changing of the seasons, the Ro'Thar grow and shed their fur with lighter fur coats during the spring and thicker ones during the winter. During the summer, they also come together to mate and reproduce.


Ro'Thar often has a calm nature when around others of its kind when in a herd with little to no aggression with each other except for males during mating season. However, they are aggressive to any other creature that is near triggering a flight or fight response, often charging at anything in their reach unless it's bigger than it.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Ro'Thar herds are divided into two groups, often comprising only males or females for much of their lives. Both have no hierarchy during this time as they simply feed. Herds such as these number from forty to a hundred, and these herds only come together during that mating season to reproduce, sometimes numbering to a thousand. During that time, males will fight each other for mating rights, with the older males having more influence over the younger ones for mating rights. Once the mating season is over, these herds separate until the next season.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Ro'Thar is commonly hunted by Orcs and Ogres as a food source using every part of the body to be used. A single hide can create a tent; meat can feed over three hundred people. Bones can be used to create tools and weapons; their horns are often used as trophies to be used by warriors that help take down a single one.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are commonly found on the Black plains on the continent of Dageth.

Average Intelligence

Ro'Thar can process events instantly and allow situations to unfold as they must without changing the flow of events.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sight: Poor   Sound: Excellent   Smell: Excellent
Scientific Name
Class: Magic Infused
20 - 45 years
Average Height
6 - 9 ft
Average Weight
900 - 3000 lbs
Average Length
9 - 15 ft
Average Physique
Thick stocky bodies that allow them to be agile to gain fast speeds and turn quickly.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark brown and black fur
Geographic Distribution

Earth Shakers

There's a herd nearby; the shaking of the ground alone says that there are gathered in great numbers - Orc Tracker
  Do their large size, Ro'Thar are not that hard to miss when looking for them; their herds, if large enough, can cause the earth around them to tremble. This allows predators not to lose sight of them and makes them cautious of not getting too close to them with one of them charging them. But the worst of it often comes when they so into a stampede, being unable to stop and leaving a path of destruction in their wake with no means of stopping as no creature will survive if caught in the middle of one as they are crushed to death by hundreds of thundering hooves.   Focused Rage  
The Ro'Thar is the embodiment of thunder for a reason, for they also inherit the rage to strick down all that dare stand in their way - Orc Shaman
  Whenever a Ro'Thar feels threatened, they will quickly rage and target anything that has caused it. Due to their sudden bursts of speed, they will charge at it what is in front of them and do them harm. The sheer force alone, if being hit by it, will often kill anything smaller than one hit. Even if a creature were to run away from the Ro'Thar, it would still chase it until it hits them or gets out of its reach. This anger makes most that hunt cautious around them and take it down quickly to avoid injury or death.

Cover image: by Midjourney


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