Oath of Knighthood Tradition / Ritual in The Sagas | World Anvil

Oath of Knighthood

The right Knighthood is a sacred thing that only those who have proven themselves worthy of such a title. - Veteran Knight


Creation of a Warrior's Virtue

  Knight is a special kind of warrior as they have proven themselves to be of a higher skill than most others around them. Chevalier’s Codex would bring about the idea that a Knight must be something more than just a warrior, but an example to bring hope and inspire others in a world of violence and evil. Because of this, one had to prove themself to earn the right to become one and have that honor bestowed to them by one of their peers. At first, only Knights could bestow a Knighthood to someone, namely a squire under their charge. However, that would change with nobles being given the right as Knights would often serve them and later on with the Luminarium of the Exalted adding religious values as Knights hold the values of truth and justice to their hearts. With this came an oath that can be worded in several ways, but the result is always the same. Once this oath is taken, it is a pact that must be upheld to the end of their days. Anyone can receive a Knighthood regardless of gender or race if they hold these values dear to their hearts.


The participant often kneels with one leg up with their arms on it as their head looks down. Before them is the person granting them the Knighthood holding a sword. This weapon will be placed and tapped on their shoulders side by side while the oath is being said.  
Let courage guide your path when there is only fear. Honor to strengthen against all temptation. Justice to strike down all who are wicked. Humility to keep your mind clear from pride's fog. Truth to light your way against deception. Now rise to know as a Knight of Virtue and always carry them with you. - Oath of Knighthood
  After this is said, they are allowed to rise and stand now as a knight for the rest of their day and give a slight bow to thank the one who granted them this title. Some are gathered to see it and witness the oath as proof that it happened. When they will congratulate them and if other Knights are there shall greet theirs knew brethren into their order. Newly Knighted Knights are supposed to spend their time alone in humility and contemplate their new duties, but if they are in a group, they will celebrate the honor bestowed to them by drinking and feasting.

Components and tools

A weapon will be used to Knight them. Often, a sword is used by the one conducting the oath on the precipitant.


The person receiving the Knighthood present and the one giving them the often being a Knight, a noble or a Luminary that is allowed to grant them the title.


The ceremony of being knighted can be done at any time or place, no matter what time or day it is, as the oath is all that matters to them.
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: Knighthood by ARMAND SERRANO


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