Mammoth Species in The Sagas | World Anvil


All know that the beasts of the far north are some of the largest that the world has ever seen, but nothing is more magnificent than the mammoth treading through the icy tundra. - Explorer
    The Mammoth is a species of elephant that is by far the largest of its kind in the world. The most notable thing about them is that they are covered in a thick fur coat across their entire body to keep them warm. This is most suited because they are found on the tundras of the Continent of Norria of all places. This has made them much tougher and more determined to combat the harsh cold weather they must endure as their herds travel across it.

Basic Information


Quadrupeds with four long legs with five toes. A sizeable bulky body and a tail with a large head with a trunk attached to it. The entire body is covered with thick fur to create warmth and keep the cold out.

Biological Traits

Large Size: Size often matters in the wilderness as it can determine what type of creatures to mess with. It also means they require more food to conserve energy for their size. But that size will make it difficult for them to move through smaller spaces, and they can fall much easier as their weight turns against them.   Massive Strength: Having great strength is often an advantage; being able to do severe damage to anything that gets too close to them and move around things without too much trouble. Making it hard to stop them when they attack unless something equal to or greater than their strength can stop them.   Heightened Intelligence: These creatures can think higher than most other creatures around them. Being able to solve problems and pass obstacles makes it much easier to achieve their goals. Along with showing a greater variety of emotions than most other creatures would be able to show.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mammoths reduce with a male and a female that give b

Ecology and Habitats

Mammoth are designed to survive in cold climates as their fat and fur keep them warm. They often migrate constantly going where ever is food to be found in herds.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mammoths are herbivores that mainly eat grass and sedges. They find where ever they travel and migrate to find more when needed.

Biological Cycle

A Mammoth can store extra amounts of fat in its body to allow them to keep warm during the harsher winter seasons.


Mammoths often show little to no aggression toward other mammoths and go about their lives without much concern; while there are some cases during mating season, it is not very common. They also tend to be less aggressive than other creatures, often being gentle when they want to be. But they will become aggressive whenever they feel threatened or one of their herd's family members.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Mammoth herds are mainly made up of females, often headed by a matriarch to lead them in their travel at the front of the herd. The matriarch's daughters and calves also have status depending on age and experience. Other family units in the herd are designed to help raise and protect calves from harm. They are highly social with one another and do the same activities as the rest of the herd and communicate. Depending on the food available, these herds can range from half a dozen members to a thousand. Males mainly live alone or in small groups of other males and often assert dominance over one another through size, age, and sparring with one another. They are also hierarchical, and they can leave at any time. Males will often travel to multiple female herds to reproduce that accept them.


Mammoths have been known to use as riding mounts and work animals by some people who have learned to understand them and often train them when they are infants or adolescents, being able to train them much easier when they are old enough to care for themselves. It often requires them to be fed and create a relationship between the handler and the Mammoth. Their memory allows them to learn commands that are much more manageable, and they will be able to recognize people around them.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Mammoths are hunted for many reasons, their meat can feed many, their fur for warm, and their bones create tools, weapons, and shelter. But their most value comes from their tusk being the longest of any other elephants. They are often used as trophies to symbolize power, used for carving art, and to create items to be used in trade.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mammoths are found on the Continent of Norria along its many tundras and some of its northern forest regions.

Average Intelligence

Mammoths, like most elephants, have a good memory of knowing locations and showing emotions such as sadness and advanced communication with each other.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sight: Poor   Sound: Good   Smell: Excellent
Scientific Name
Class: Natural
65 - 70 years
Average Height
10 - 12 ft
Average Weight
6 - 8 tons
Average Length
13 - 19 ft
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark Brown fur
Geographic Distribution

Wandering Herds

Mammoths always make themselves known when they are near; they can't help themselves; it seems that they just want to tell everyone to clear a way for them, or they will just go through anyway - Ruskev Outrider
  Mammoths can often travel across the continent when the need arrives, often when the colder seasons come, and food becomes scarce. This leads to a large migration to the south for warmer weather and more food to be found. This has resulted in some problems when involving settlements found in the paths of these herds. Leading to considerable damage to buildings and some lives being lost due to these herds; a stampede alone can also cause a large amount of damage. Resulting in settlements on the tundra being makeshift tents to pack up as soon a herd is spotted or having pits to start fires to force the herd to move around it.  

Cartakers of the Tundra

All should know that Mammoths are the givers of the land, giving life to where ever they go. - Curavin Shaman
  Mammoths hold a special place across the land as they are often considered givers of life as they help other animals throve during their travels. Often by aiding in finding water and helping seeds of plants that they walk through get attached to their fur and later fall off to plant themselves. They have also been known to create paths through forests to travel much more accessible and even fertilize the land with their droppings. Creating a sense of purpose through them and being recognized by many races and cultures on the continent as they bring harmony to the land.


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