Lightning Bird

You better use the messenger bird if it's that important to deliver; just be careful when handling them. They tend to zap anyone that startles them. - Messenger Keeper

Basic Information


A medium-sized bipedal bird with a pair of legs and a set of wings to allow it to fly. Its entire body is covered with feathers to protect and aid in flying.

Biological Traits

Fast: These creatures are known for their speed, able to outpace most other animals easily. This speed allows them to get from a place much faster and enables them to hunt better or run away from any danger that is near much faster.   Element Affinity : These creatures can replicate a certain element with themselves as it is a part of them becoming immune to harm by it. Allowing them to channel it to achieve feats not possible by natural means and can use it to defend themselves or attack, making them much more dangerous.   Flight: Being gifted with the ability to fly, these creatures can soar through the sky to travel much faster than on the ground. It also allows them to be more maneuverable while in it to avoid any hazards that may be found while in flight.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lighting Birds reproduce with males and females by laying eggs that take about a month to hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

Lighting Birds are featherless when they are born and will grow fluff around their bodies in the first few weeks after they are born. During this time the fluff will hold electricity in it energize the chicks and help then grow until their feather come it.

Ecology and Habitats

Lightning Birds live in forest environments high in the tree tops, where they enjoy the weather in their nests and come in contact with storms to revitalize themselves.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lightning Birds are carnivorous, mainly eating a variety of bugs that they hunt on the ground and in trees.

Biological Cycle

Now and then, a Lightning bird requires electricity to restore their energy as it is a part of them. If they do not, they will not be as active and will slowly die because of it. Making it common for them to go into storms to absorb the lightning inside of them to do so. They have also been known to migrate during the winter, not because of the cold, but to follow the thunderstorms they need to survive.


Lightning birds often stay with each other in flocks when and are often close together constantly. They are very social with one another and rarely move too far from one another. They will often produce electricity as a defense against anything threatened, often creating an electric field when close to each other and zapping anything that is not their species.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Lighting birds are often found in flocks that often have a pecking order with more dominant birds being able to eat first and have mating privalages. But unless a challenge happens these flocks remain peaceful.


Lightning Birds can be trained to deliver messages at a young age, being raised by bird keepers. These birds become more friendly around those that take care of them often purring for those they friendly with while strangers will receive a powerful shriek and a shock. They often flow commands a person whistles to them and carry out their tasks.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Lightning birds are often harvested for the electricity inside them to be used for magic or power machines or items.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are on the Continent of Dageth in many forested regions.

Average Intelligence

Lighting Birds have a strong homing instinct that allows them to remember where they need to travel to get no matter how far they are.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sight: Excellent   Sound: Good   Smell: Poor
Scientific Name
Class: Magic Born
40 - 90 Years
Average Height
10 - 13 inches
Average Weight
2 - 4 pounds
Average Length
4 - 8 inches
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Brown with blue and orange tints
Geographic Distribution

Electric Messengers

I'm telling you, you'll never have to worry about a late message again once you see a Lighting bird race across the sky. - Message Courier
  Due to the speed of the Lightning Bird, they have become highly valued messengers by Elves to deliver messages at great distances in short amounts of time. This is possible mainly because their bodies can conduct enough electricity to reach high speeds, making it seem like a ball of energy is flying rather than a bird and letting out a thunder shriek to herald their arrvial. Of course, special canisters were also made to protect the letters from being burned the by the amount of energy being created. This has enabled many important messages to reach places to ensure that in times of turmoil, actions were taken immediately.  

Energy Builders

Why deal with creating energy when you have natural energy right here to aid in powering society - Elven Noble
  Despite the Elves never being one to use technologies such as machinery to power their society like their Dwarven neighbors, they realized the benefits that come with it. Though having little to no access to a constant energy source, they have adapted by using Lightning Birds by siphoning off their electricity to power these machines due to the large amount they can produce at a time. They do not harm the birds themselves and allow them to live peacefully to enable them to create this energy naturally.

Cover image: by Midjourney


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