Sindy and Toemeyo Plot in The Rising Son | World Anvil
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Sindy and Toemeyo

Plot points/Scenes

recap: Toshi's group return from the Kerorun Mountains with a ball – Sindy and Toe, however, were sad and ball-less

  So Sindy and Toemeyo, two outcasts of the kingdom, who had no else to go, decided to camp outside and tried to survive from day to day. They used their cloaks as blankets and used Toemeyo's frog mask as a pillow. Toemeyo had attempted to make them a bed out of toes – like the bed of needles you see for proving physics – but they both concluded that to lie on a mattress of needles were preferable to being tickled by toes in the middle of the night.
So day turned to night, night turned to day, Sindy's stomach grumbled and Toemeyo was thirsty. Whilst they camped outside and lived from day to day, they had heard rumours that the two turtle Princesses of the kingdom had found a magical item – unmistakably, the ball. Sindy and Toe decided to camp outside of a library, presumably to guise themselves as the homeless – not that it wasn't true. They were without resources, food, or even a shelter. The only thing they had was each other.
When the library was open, Sindy sneaked inside, climbing the winding stairs to find a certain section that was related to magic. Toemeyo tried to look inconspicuous, but with their dirty frog mask and smelly cloaks, she could hardly fit in. So Sindy gave her a makeover and she became a Bishoujo, not just any Bishoujo, but a Bishoujo so beautiful that she was unapproachable. It would ward off anyone trying to talk to her, and everybody knows that no one would dare talk to her. It was a success.
Meanwhile, Sindy disguised herself differently – she became a horned man, and the tips of her bangs were dyed red. Looking herself in the mirror bought a painful memory to her chest, but she ignored it and looked for the book she had in mind. But it seems that Toemeyo's disguise was not completely impenetrable, because a librarian had come along and asked about Sindy, who was not in her "normal" form. "I was wondering if you could pass him this letter," she said shyly, "I don't mind waiting for a carrier pigeon, as long as he sends back! i wouldn't even mind a crow, in fact!"
Because crows were curious and were liable to peck the letters they had been intended to sent. "No, I don't think he's– looking for anyone right now, I'm sorry", "But have you asked? On my behalf? If only he'd look this way, then he would change his mind!". But the librarian paused in her words, "Are you... dating him?", "WHAT? NO", "Then there's nothing wrong with giving him this letter!", "No I just..." Toemeyo tried to gather her words. "He's busy.". "Is he gay?" The librarian whispered, as it if was a horror. And at that moment, Toemeyo thought: the audacity of this BITCH. "Nope he's bi and he likes me! So go away with your letter and rearrange the shelves or something!". The librarian paled with horror, "Of course," she mumbled under her breath. "All the good ones are gay." And she skittered away like the pest she was.
Sindy emerged from the magic shelves, empty handed. "I couldn't find it.", "No? Figured not, it's probably rare. And taboo.", "Then shall we go to another library?" Toemeyo paused. "Seems like a waste of effort. Let's try to find the more... unorthodox libraries."

  So Sindy, who godly in looks, and Toemeyo, who was fashion model perfect, walked out of the door - and bought the attention of the passerbys as they did, because they were hot - after a lot of looking around, they finally found an "unorthodox" library, that was filled with many taboo magical items and talismans. There was one potion that could make your dick noodly, and both Toemeyo and Sindy shivered in fear of Silbe. Sindy went to the clerk – a small child? – and asked her about her intended book in question.
The small child, who had to use a stepladder to be on level height, looked at Sindy. "For what reason?", Sindy shrugged. "Should be fairly obvious. And you really can't say anything, because you are the one selling these things, ya know?". The child assessed them both with unworldly eyes, and stepped off the stepladder to lead them to an underground library, with a secret trapdoor. The hidden library was not dusty, in fact, it was very well kept, which made Toemeyo think that they were not the first to visit, or that the little child frequently visited for safekeeping.
The small child lead them to a shelf, and with another stepladder, reached out to take out a book. The book was tattered and worn down – but despite that, the writings were still readable and in mint condition. "Is this it?", Sindy asked and took the book in her hands. She opened the book – and a gust of wind sent her and Toemeyo flying across the room, their backs hitting the spines of books. Both of them tried to move, but found that their hands and ankles were bounded by air. The small child was no longer small – she was a woman that cast her long shadows onto the creaky, wooden floor and her eyes held a gaze that seemed too cold to look at.
"By the order of the heavens, you two are to be indicted with suspicion of interference of this world. I, Agas, will personally see to your sentences." She raised her hand, and from nowhere a golden staff, decorated with rings that jingled as they clanged together appeared. "Those who do evil in defiance of Heaven's laws are no better than the lowliest of demons." Her khakkhara seemed to rumble with anger at the presence of such evil gods, "Sticking your nose into books containing such vile words that defy the laws of this world will earn you an eternal punishment in the depths of Hell," she said. But Sindy merely sneered at Agas. What messenger of the gods would know of her pain, and her suffering? She would go through heaven and hell to find some way, any way, to bring back what she had lost.

  "With the powers given to me, I will burn away any obstacles that stop the benevolent light of the Gods." She raised her staff as if to deliver a godly smite - there was a rumble, coming from far, far away, when the roof the underground library suddenly split apart as a bolt of lightning smashed itself through. But at the last moment, Toemeyo shoved Sindy aside as she erected a barrier of toes, lined up upon each other like bricks on the Great Wall. There was a smell of burning flesh in the air that choked the room. Toemeyo yanked what appeared to an exceptionally long pinky toe from the ground and wielded it like a sword, swiping at Agas - but the priestess was ready, and met it squarely with her staff.
The toe bruised at the impact, and Agas easily forced Toe back, blocking the only exit so that none of them could escape. But Sindy foresaw this, and as her friend and the priestess duelled, lightning flashing all around them, Sindy had opened up an entrance to the void of sin. Deadly miasma flowed into the stuffy, unventilated room. Agas choked and dropped to a knee, face contorted in disgust and pain. Her skin began to darken, patches of deep purple marred her otherwise markless body. "Mere mortals exposed to the miasma of Sin would go insane immediately. If it weren't for the Gods watching over you- you'd be dead." Sindy's eyes were like neverending pits of rage and malice. "Not even the most pious priests can remain here for long. Unless you want to be doomed to be tormented for eternity, you will let us pass."
She stifled a retch as she drew her robes to cover her nose and mouth. Her eyes flickered from Toe to Sindy, shining with unwavering determination for a split second, before it faded. No matter if she couldn't do the deed now- in fact, all they did was prolong their own suffering. She lowered her staff and retreated to the upper room, where the smell was not as concentrated. Using this opportunity, Sindy and Toemeyo fled- but not before the former grabbed the book that they had been shown to and making a run for it, out of the library and into the open world, disappearing into the greenery.
As soon as their shadows were gone, Agas sighed. She tapped her staff on the ground once, twice, and the library around her seemed to shiver and waver like a disturbed pool of water. Right from under her feet the room was slowly sucked away into the staff, as if it was a mere illusion created by her celestial powers. "This is fine," she murmured to herself as she dusted her robes down. "But it is concerning that she would be willing to go through such length. There is nothing in that book that can help her." For there were things that should not be changed in the nature of the world. She held her hands together as if in prayer. "Kennyo-sama, I ask for your continued blessing in my quest," She prayed. "One failure will only open up many more opportunities for me."
And with that, Agas whirled her robes dramatically - and unintentionally so - and disappeared along with the library the little girl had called her home, having blended into the common people.

  Sindy and Toemeyo ran and ran, until their chest hurt from the lack of oxygen. They sat under a tree, catching their breaths as it slowly lapsed back to normal. Even though their breathing returned, neither of them could forget or deny the experience they just had. An interference of the world... exactly what did that mean?. Nonetheless, Sindy ignored the voice ringing in her head, nor the hollow echo that resounded from the rings of Agas' staff, and she opened the book... and was met with nothing. "no. NO!", "She tricked us," Toemeyo growled, and clenched her fists. Sindy, who was tired, felt her tears burning under the ember coloured eyes of her disguise.
Toemeyo slowly unwrapped her fingers from the book and bought Sindy close to her in a hug. "I'm sorry," she said. "That we couldn't.". To many that might have witnessed this scene, they would've looked like a couple, a bishoujo and a hot, demonic dude cuddling under a tree, but the both of them knew better - they were simply two people who had found solace in each other after being astray from their path. Sindy let a few tears of frustration roll down her cheeks and wound her arms around Toe's torso, for she, too, needed comforting. "I'm sorry too," She whispered. "For dragging you into this."
After a few seconds, they released each other, and Sindy wiped her eyes with her cloak, which was a bad idea to do. "For now, I think we should look for a place to sleep. maybe even eat?", "But we don't have money," Toemeyo lamented. "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." And the both of them, heart lighter than before, went to find civilisation, so that they might protect themselves from the wild – and now, a priestess.

  They chanced upon a village in the star of afternoon and looked at each other and nodded. As they walked into the village, they soaked it in – there wasn't much to look at, to be honest, but they had seen so little people in such a long time that they felt some awkward disconnect from the people, even though they were once the people that governed and protected these villagers. "I'll look for food," Sindy said. "Maybe find us a place to sleep in?" Toemeyo nodded. She wasn't entirely sure how to do that, but she would try her best. Toemeyo wandered around, her eyes searching for some signs of an inn, but there were none - figures, because the village seemed economically unenthused.
She wasn't used to how sickly it looked – the green lush forest contrasting the pale skin of the villagers and the spots of disease that decorated them. She shivered, so she sat on a wooden box and contemplated her next action – before a group of gangly, branchy looking men approached her. She had forgotten about her bishoujo appearance and cringed internally. "You don't look like you're from around here, miss. Shall we escort you?" Now, even though Toemeyo had long gone astray from the kingdom, she still remembered the teachings of Empress Lune: Lead them on, take their money, and bail. She had never actually tried it before, but Sindy said to cross that bridge when they get to it, and she saw a bridge that needed stepping on.
So she smiled, as demurely as she could be, and answered with a yes. The men looked at each other awkwardly, as if they didn't actually expect that to have worked, "So? Where do we go? I'm feeling a bit hungry, so maybe we could have a bite?", "Yes! Yes of course. Anything for a lovely lady.", "Perfect," Toemeyo said, and stood up, "Shall we go?" The men seemed a bit dazed, and Toemeyo felt gratitude for the Empress.
Meanwhile, Sindy was out scouring for scraps of food like a stray kitten - except the kitten was handsome and had horns and everyone looked at it. She cursed her appearance for being too eye-catching, but she told herself it was worth it, and whispered the name of her beloved under her breath. Just then, she walked head first into a muscled arm, and she apologised. But this bitch was not relenting, because he was drunk. Sindy tried to walk away, but he slurred and grabbed hold of her arm. Out of instinct, she twisted his hand and headbutted his nose. The drunkard fell to the ground with blood oozing out of his nose. "Um." Sindy looked away awkwardly and tried to remove herself from the scene, but apparently the drunkard's friends had seen her.
"Oi! You bastard! Stop being a coward and fight me like a man!" but I'm not??? Sindy thought. Between the screams of "COWARD" and "GAY" and "DEMON FUCK" and "GOATMAN" there was one that stood out to her. "YOU CHICKEN!". And the rest of the men joined in to make chicken sounds, taunting her. Sindy was tired, and she was hungry, so she spun on her heel and walked their way, and she kicked one of them in the nuts, courtesy of Empress Lune's teachings. The man staggered, cupping his crotch and tears welled up in his eyes – and fell like a log of tree. Sindy glared at the other men and said, "Well? Any takers?" They looked at each other – and pounced Sindy's way.

  Fuck, she thought, because she only said that to look cool. She was hungry. Why couldn't they just let her be? With a stroke of luck, Sindy managed to dodge a punch, almost hitting her face, but the next second, she felt a leg kick her sides, and she yelled out in pain. She fell to the ground, and tried to bear the pain of legs stepping on her and kicks to her stomach. Finally, she snapped. "ENOUGH!" A black, soot like thing oozed out of her, and it darkened the sky around them, turning it to night. She hadn't wanted to use her powers, but she was desperate. She swatted three men away, washing them with the black miasma. The other men fell to their asses, skittering away like rodents. "Let's go, this guy's crazy."
Once Sindy could not see them anymore, she let her powers cease and return to her, feeling her adrenaline pumped arms shake, and at once, she realised the audience she had mangled up whilst fighting. They had clapped and thrown coins her way, some whistling and some yelling for a rebound round. Sindy ignored them and picked up the gold pieces and gathered them in her hands. This would be enough to last them three meals at best. She ignored the burning gaze of the onlookers easily enough – she had felt it too many times as a child - and she disappeared to find Toemeyo, who was busy fake laughing at a terrible joke.
Apparently, Toemeyo had her stomach filled to high heaven – the men that surrounded her had fattened her up like cattle to slaughter, as if she would be their next meal. Nonetheless, Toemeyo smiled politely. She playfully swatted at the thin arm of one of the men. "You tell such funny stories," She cooed as she giggled as if he had indeed told her the most hilarious tale in the world. The man chuckled awkward in response, and lifted his chipped cup filled with cheap sake to his mouth to cover his smile and the glint in his eyes that he shared with his companions. And it was at this moment that Sindy walked past the restaurant, catching Toe's eyes.
Toe clapped with delight, "Oh, there you are!" She said as she waltzed up to the entrance while the horned demon walked in to see what was going on. "My lover's here, I guess i'll have to say bye for now," Toe sighed as if she was hesitant on leaving when in reality she wanted to be anywhere but here. The men stood up from their seats instantly. "Oi, babe, where you going?" They growled. "You gotta pay us back for the food." But Toe simply ducked around Sindy, a tall and imposing figure who looked well off compared to the villagers infected with illnesses, staring down at the men like they were insects. "Oh," They squeaked and backed away a few steps. They exchanged looks, not sure what to do. Their eyes went from Sindy's white hair to the horns, and then to the menacing and intimidating expression - it was as if Sindy had come up straight from hell.
"What did you say to my girl?" Sindy growled, eyes glowering. "N-nothing," They shrunk where they stood. "Y-you know what, nevermind, haha, we were just keeping her company- right guys?" One of them looked behind them to the others, who all nodded their heads vigorously. "She just looked really hungry so we decided to treat her! no bad intentions or anything, just being good samaritans. What goes around comes around, yeah?" So Toe hooked her arm around Sindy's and walked out, never once even looking back at the men whom she had just stolen from. Though she could feel eyes on her as they left, her capacity to give a shit was at an all time low.

  "So where's my portion?" Sindy asked, raising an eyebrow. Toe's mouth formed a small 'o'. "Um... i couldn't get any," She mumbled. "Sorry..." But Sindy was only teasing, and instead pulled out the coins she picked up earlier. "I got some money, we won't starve for the next few days. But you're-" Sindy poked Toe on the forehead, "Not getting a meal today." As Toe began to whine at the idea of going to bed without dinner, a thin and pale young woman approached them, wringing her hands nervously as she made small footsteps towards them. Her hair was thin, barely held together with hairties. Her clothing was tattered and didn't seem like it would keep her warm. and worst of all, she had the spotted marks showing on her feet and wrists. Yet another MOLD victim.
"Excuse me..." She breathed out, for her voice was very soft. "I saw your friend here," She gestured to Sindy, "Um... fighting with some of the village men and... you two are definitely from out of town. Um... do you bring any news of a cure... for this?" She pointed at her marks. "We haven't heard anything from the palace and- and nothing we've tried works... I don't even know if the kingdom even cares about us..." Tears started welling up in her eyes. "I heard even doctors are giving up on it, because nobody knows what to do... please- could you come and look at my father?" She had started crying now, and at her words Sindy and Toe felt incredibly awkward.
They looked at each other. The kingdom had not made any moves to try and cure MOLD, though to be fair they didn't know how to in the first place. It was an unknown disease, none that the royal doctors had seen before, so it was difficult to send out help to sickly villages, much less far away ones like this one. Their lack of faith in the kingdom that ruled over them had caused them to fall into despair. "Alright," Sindy and Toe said. "We'll see what we can do." And so the girl led them to a rundown shack, so dilapidated that there was no door, and the roof would not hold itself against the rain, where a sickly thin man lay on a dirty futon. His body was covered in dark patches, his MOLD having advanced to a degree beyond most people.
"Sometimes... he transforms at night, and I can only tie him down with rope so that he doesn't hurt himself... but when he's not... like that- he can barely move, much less drink and eat properly..." Sindy and toe knelt beside the man's bed, which would have become his deathbed if nothing was done. Sindy examined his body, so thin that he was simply a skeleton wearing skin, using all he could to breathe and stay alive. Toe leaned in close to her companion and made a certain expression, her eyes speaking a million words. It was an expression that Toe had made many times as the former Head Priest of Son. A saint-like face that could inspire many, united under a single figure. Sindy knew what to do now.
She closed her eyes and she could see something bubbling under the man's skin, a festering disease that refused to go away. "I'll free you now," She murmured, and reached out to touch the man's chest. And as if Sindy had performed a miracle, the spots slowly began to disappear, shrinking and falling back dot by dot until it was just a dark mark, like a smudge, on the man's wrists and ankles. His eyes opened wide and he sat up so quickly that it shocked his daughter, landing backwards on her behind. Her face was a combination of surprise, joy, and shock that silenced her for a few seconds before she threw herself into her father's waiting arms.
"Oh! You saved him!" She cried out. "You saved my father!" She fell to her knees before them, her hands clasped in thanks. "Thank you, thank you, bless you two- I never knew this day would come, I was so scared-". "You don't have to thank us," Sindy said, offering a comforting smile. "It should have been the duty of the kingdom to help you, but instead, they did this." Sindy made a deep bow, "In exchange for food and shelter, I wouldn't mind... extending my hand to help this village in their stead."

  Villagers began lining up in haste with the word spreading like wildfire that the two strangers had suddenly healed the woman's father, who was actually a member of the council that helped head the village. Even the men that Sindy had pummelled before had lined up to get themselves healed. Sindy sat there until the sun was almost dipping below the mountains, touching her ikemen hands to each person and watching the MOLD dissipate to a pinprick of what it once was. They showered Sindy and Toe with food and thanks, warm clean futons to sleep in, some of them even tried to throw their arms around Sindy's broad shoulders and tried to kiss the face of her disguise.
Several days had passed when Sindy was done with them. As Sindy cured the last inhabitant of the village, a young sick-looking infant, the Elder, the first person she had cured, approached them with a warm smile. "Sir healer and his companion," He bowed his head with respect. They had all started calling her 'healer', since neither of them had given up their names - which the village didn't mind- and their voices held so much respect and awe for Sindy that, to be frank, made her feel good. "We have prepared a feast of bread. It's a tradition in our humble village to bring us good luck. Normally we don't invite outsiders in to eat with us, but you have done so much for us that it would rude not to," He said. Inside the biggest house in the village, which they used as a town hall, were long tables spread with all sorts of bread.
All freshly baked in the morning, the aroma was intoxicating, attracting all villagers inside - and if they could not fit, they simply lurked outside and watched with eagerness and drooling mouths. Of course, Sindy and Toe were given the best seats of the house, directly to the left of the head seat, where the old man sat happily. He took a loaf of bread, soft like clouds, and ripped it apart. "Do you know of the story of Bread?" He asked. "It's a legend that many people have forgotten these days." Although Sindy and Toe did, they shook their heads. "No, we haven't," They said. "What is it?". "A long time ago, the angels and Gods of Heaven would bake the finest bread in the land. It was the only food they would consume, since celestial beings don't need food to survive, and they would make it themselves. The only others they shared with were the demons, their counterparts who reside in Hell. Of course, since it possessed holy powers, humans would always try to climb up to the Heavens to steal some for glory. The angels would have none of it, and a lengthy war ensued to keep humans away from the Heavens."
"Although they succeeded, they feared that humans would continue to invade the Heavens, and so they stopped baking the bread themselves, and planted a single seed among the clouds, which became the Tree of Bread. Do you know what they say about this Bread, Sir Healer? They say that this Bread contains the ability to create miracles. Yes, things that even you and I can't imagine- no wonder our ancestors always tried to snatch it up. And they kept trying so much that the angels were forced to guard the Heavens at all times, barring their golden gates, so that nobody could pass through anymore. But when that didn't deter them, the Gods pitied humans so much that they decided to give them something to pacify their greed. They took loaves of Bread and carved them into spheres, seven in total, and tossed them into the world below the clouds. Those are what we call the Seven Magical Balls."
The old man sighed. "Searching for the Seven Magical Balls would be like searching for needles in a haystack. It is impossible for mere mortals," He said. Sindy and Toe acted as curious as possible, as if they did not possess one of these said Balls. "So instead we have this festival, where we share ordinary bread, but hope that it will bring us good fortune and miracles." He clapped his hands and his face was bright with joy as he looked over the spread. "Just like the legendary Bread and the Magical Balls that can grant any wish."
"Heh~, something like that exists, huh." The old man nodded, and enthusiastic movement. "Yes. though," He paused, and his gaze softened as they looked at Sindy and Toemeyo. "It seems that we have our own miracles, now." Sindy and Toemeyo squirmed under that gentle gaze, feeling like they might unravel because of it. "Thank you," Toemeyo croaked, her throat dry. It wasn't because she was thirsty. "Not at all," the old man's features crinkled into a smile. "Thank you. "

  The conversation lulled into something more– peaceful. It was hard to call it that, when the beer spilled over the mugs and the kids were noisily making clamor and the sound of aggravated mothers that followed after. But both Sindy and Toemeyo had missed this. They imagined that the old man could have been Empress Lune, with her encouraging smile and the way she always had an eye out for everyone. The girl they had first met reminded them of Umbalt, who was meek and mouse-like at first, but was revealed to be determined and flat footed. The noisy room reminded her of Naga, enthusiastic, anxious ball of energy. The teenager at the corner of the room, busily switching between entertaining the kids and her reading reminded them of Halley. The warm food, the drinks that were barely sweetened with sugar– all of them had shown welcomeness, and Toemeyo and Sindy felt a pang of loneliness in their chest, missing the friends they had chosen to turn from.
Sindy took hold of the old man's hands. He was shocked at first– the notion that no one had touched him in a long time filled Sindy's heart with a familiar melancholy from her distant years. "Even if the kingdom won't help you," She said, and looked at him in the eyes, "We will. Don't worry.". "Oh– oh, thank you, so, so much–". Right there and then, the old man broke into tears, as if he had barely kept it in all this time. "You don't know– you don't know how long we've been waiting," He looked at both of them. "For someone like you two." Toemeyo nearly cried there and then as well, but kept it together and gathered her smile. "Of course," She gentled her voice purposefully. "Trust in us."
And so, Toemeyo and Sindy began spreading their influences as the healer of MOLD, and bought upon them righteous teachings of sin and toes.





Priestess Agas
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