The Flesh Fruit Tree Species in The Rift / Waterworld | World Anvil
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The Flesh Fruit Tree

Unknown to most of the world, the flesh fruit, hailing from the jungle of flesh, has become an important commodity to the locals who are brave enough to try to find the fruit in the jungle. Its healing properties have given life to new medicines that the locals use to treat their wounded, and the higher ups that add it to their diet have longevity and health beyond unlike any other mortal.

Basic Information


Its fruit is a soft violet color, which pulses with gold veins. It grows tall, and has a velvety pale violet coating, soft to the touch but hard to penetrate.

Biological Traits

golden leaves, and soft violet bark give this tree a hard to miss appearance, but they are fiercely guarded by the beasts that are addicted to the fruit that it gives off.

Genetics and Reproduction

It reproduces through the seeds that are dropped by the beasts that eat the fruits, growing new trees that produce the fruits

Ecology and Habitats

Many of the trees in the forest are not the type that produce the fruits, as it gives life to the other species of trees that grow next to it. Its properties have enriched the soil, bringing the long lost dead in the jungle back to life.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The fruit of the tree is life-giving, and the biproducts of it have made the jungle a place of wonder and terror.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Only located in the jungle of flesh, it is a very rare tree.

Average Intelligence


Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Many creatures live with it, feeding on its fruit and helping it spread its seeds through the forest.
Scientific Name
Vescor vitam dandum
Originated from a species similar to a pomegranate
10,000+ years
Conservation Status
Wide spread, but used as food in the jungle by the beasts that live there. It is difficult for humans and other outsiders to find the fruit, as it grows in the tops of the trees
Average Height
30 meters

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