The Zhoghans in The Rhodinoverse | World Anvil
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The Zhoghans

The Zhoghans are a group of divine beings that fit into the Tian Category, the highest kind of immortals (even greater than higher beings/gods). Also called Thaarakaavoh (singular Tharuva) by the Universe Keepers, they are the moral arbiters of the Five Worlds and act as judges on a dimensional scale, assessing the crimes of fellow immortals.     When assuming physical forms they lean towards androgyny or bilateral gynandromorphism, hence their pronouns can be he, she, they or xe.     Thengef is the leader of the Zhoghans and is known by the epithet of Eternal Sun. He leads seven factions, fifty-two of his "children" in each group. He is unique for assuming a physical form about a century ago, and has somehow transcended all species categories entirely by obtaining unimaginable power.     The Mercurials deal with crimes pertaining to Greed (e.g. if a divine being colonizes trillions of star systems to get new territory). Their names: Cthucnon, Cthaodhrrasz, Mhogdisz, Grubhog, Zioxesh, Ikioztxalbh, Yocnotluh, Avhindug, Iazobhzhetl, Yaghroujhin, Mhuilthkolb, Grezkal, Thognnxe, Gozhir, Vhaioguh, Iuthygru, Aiuedaghri, Yzhalthdreg, Ybhicte, Ukuidhi, Tuirroxz, Bhotla, Haodhrurc, Kaogne, Heggdzhu, Itutlmox, Ishopthi, Aishendux, Aimholda, Iavhaioztitrosz, Shaiodhrurh, Vraxhusz, Ctuibha, Ngignnu, Xedhrdhror, Yavuignixr, Obrouklu, Yongogho, Uvhoklosh, Ikhaztoth, Cthaggdax, Cnugnnvhixz, Cthezhatl, Cthuthrhithe, Zevhoh, Yocthajhlig, Aiutrethetl, Aiuctactar, Yokhujhes, Yocthoulpal, Vhithlisz and Derki.     The Venerals deal with crimes pertaining to Lust (e.g. if a divine being has hundreds of children with various mortal species). Their names: Ghraobraxr, Cthazitl, Ngoxhe, Utotlug, Ovhekli, Yakthugnu, Iautouros, Yzhimbra, Goldush, Traaxra, Nouthrhulb, Vaiozelbh, Vhaojhog, Yimluzta, Avexhexz, Yamliolkdrih, Iauvhecnexz, Eghrouxu, Haiogdithash, Ctethrhoxz, Dobron, Vhithran, Zhuigdhrurh, Octurroxz, Yocnaozti, Otraiodrla, Ictaiondatl, Iavaiobrolb, Kthouxosz, Ghraioctis, Ctorro, Ghaiothluss, Zhiothrhist, Ekoujhme, Iathabbrox, Izalluxz, Ithaactitrag, Yadiovhesz, Cniogo, Douztost, Brouggu, Troztorh, Vaaggdvhuh, Inuxuxz, Yivhuibhush, Uzixhi, Iumhaadhuth, Iazhaabrilb, Cthaaghelb, Mhiocnxul, Vhacnad and Cthaadrag.     The Martians deal with crimes pertaining to Wrath (e.g. if a divine being kills another divine being or billions of mortal beings). Their names: Vovhug, Enudrrust, Aizhagdvhixz, Ongubhexr, Ocnaavhuxr, Abhaapu, Taadhrxal, Cthudro, Daaxha, Dognuxr, Thexhotl, Yohuipgnoxz, Yokhozax, Azage, Yinaiondoxr, Iuctacnixz, Nuirrist, Zabra, Vrouzust, Tryzta, Vraaklitrash, Yivupid, Ivoule, Iaungictitrux, Iauzultho, Yazhaaxa, Khando, Cthyztoth, Ghalo, Zhythro, Vaolke, Omhegdenden, Iavhuidhrithin, Aivagrtho, Yctaaghost, Ethouthrha, Cxaiodhrendod, Vrodrron, Mhouthrhitl, Golle, Cnaiolpthod, Yigrigrah, Evavhdrusz, Aiuemlejhe, Yabhaallorh, Icxaathrurh, Kaioxlu, Ziotle, Khecna, Gabba, Grothrarc and Yzadrug.     The Jovians deal with crimes pertaining to Envy (e.g. if a divine being steals power or something valuable from another divine being). Their names: Iaungimbren, Aiuenogath, Oshaollre, Ikhaxhud, Nobrirc, Vhoudhrzhu, Cxirvast, Dudhug, Voutli, Edaggderc, Iaugribhi, Yodorre, Ianalkla, Ezixhud, Kthoulesh, Graiogrra, Ngigded, Mhaioxhih, Cxocne, Yatiththo, Eshiztixr, Aiuezhaathlu, Yacxaaklror, Acxyrrosz, Mhuighi, Shuictog, Vrygnlad, Ctulluxz, Grejhir, Iaucnulthdhror, Enuighod, Yghraaxhush, Aiuvregnnod, Amhaocte, Graobhog, Kthebhesz, Kictulb, Nizhad, Daonderh, Ughaathro, Itubhi, Othodrreh, Iaungaolpirc, Evhezhash, Ctirva, Kuibbun, Vregdlorc, Gigilbh, Kthugrolbh, Ikthiorvun, Avhuztel and Aiuhuthrhasz.     The Saturnians deal with crimes pertaining to Gluttony (e.g. if a divine being consumes another divine being to obtain their powers). Their names: Ikthaolmu, Ovhouxe, Shoxir, Bhuixhdhruss, Mhouthrhendo, Vugno, Dimbrilb, Abriogusz, Avixitl, Iautrathrhrath, Icnujhi, Amlezhzhuh, Vhygdra, Duixhi, Zhaolthosh, Mlaacto, Haobru, Otrudhrdrilbh, Inodha, Aiukaovhurh, Yaghrithol, Egraambritra, Bhazhitrag, Cthedhruth, Gaocnithirh, Cthaiocna, Truiztesh, Yoctulexr, Iughraotlkru, Ebrabbix, Yizodri, Aiunirratl, Tandel, Thecneg, Mlorvusz, Vhalkist, Koldi, Yagrallo, Akthubri, Aiukaoltho, Uhaiolleg, Uzourrolbh, Thuldro, Vrembrdroh, Gelan, Xuitlkol, Daoztzhoxr, Aizhycnitrash, Adudrreth, Yshyvhig, Eghidrran and Aiuegaaxon.     The Uranians deal with crimes pertaining to Pride (e.g. if a divine being starts enslaving sentient beings to have servants). Their names: Bhiocto, Dadrrelb, Galpist, Xixmo, Zhethlig, Ozaoxhitra, Iacthaoggdo, Aikhurvo, Aiuevhaxhe, Ivriothrhu, Cxolkarc, Cthaiovhitru, Cthicta, Xevhig, Cnaklo, Odalddrosz, Iacthouztad, Ygindxid, Aiuevithli, Ungibhon, Zilda, Cnuvho, Mhoklkrerh, Nugnatl, Cnighish, Agylthress, Aiuegrixhe, Ungacnkra, Yabhukllast, Abralpil, Nindelbh, Mledhus, Vragner, Ghuimbruxz, Vrithrah, Aiuebrydrre, Yoctathil, Aivitloxr, Icxethrharh, Yzondi, Kthapo, Vhalpa, Bhougda, Thaoxilb, Vorresz, Aiuebraathral, Yactopo, Azithle, Obruthrhass, Iukiobrurh, Ghralkitheth and Kigholb.     The Neptunians deal with crimes pertaining to Sloth (e.g. if a divine being is not fulfilling their required duties). Their names: Bhognnosz, Vhucton, Xoggdis, Uxadra, Yakidrra, Iumlaiolddhralbh, Yivuixhad, Ivhougda, Vivho, Vaobbdra, Zhalkitra, Mlibhu, Vhaiothrgnuh, Yagrindis, Aiugrathlxi, Iaubhoughexz, Ahaiolthesz, Yokuxhdrast, Bhultho, Ghrymbrri, Mlibbkig, Mhacnul, Cthaalthkresz, Aiucxoztesz, Ughribrag, Aibheletl, Evhigur, Ynagglurc, Cnoggdra, Mlaiotlvhest, Cxule, Cxaothuss, Zhobhi, Iuvupaxr, Yokthaodrilb, Izicnun, Iduggduth, Abrioklixz, Zajhu, Khelthithoh, Cxoucnxu, Grogdro, Hoggog, Yatyzo, Ibhaodhusz, Ebraaztar, Aiuzaggdkruxz, Yicthuildud, Gallioxis, Viviander, Viviaris and Cavlacav.     Some Zhoghans work as Peacelocks (in their language: Jiviliettil, singular Jivilietto), taking a more active role in their legal duties by judging crimes in person through avatars.
Also called:   Archontes     Outer Gods     Astrojudices     Thaarakaavoh     Eldritch Abominations

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