the republic of torrent Organization in the return of the two spheres | World Anvil
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the republic of torrent

after the revolution for independence from the empire of Arkemhein, the republic of Torrent was formed. this new republic (or really a mercantile power) that was formed was founded by the merchant princes of port kitawaki. there are Seven merchant princes that rule Torrent, with Thier single qualification is that they’re the seven richest people in the archipelago. each merchant prince has specific monopolies on all merchandise sold in the city like weapons, beasts, plants, poisons, sellswords, food, ointments, magic and jewelry. the merchant prices surround themselves with loyal family and underlings, but they also employ foreign mercenaries both as city guards and as personal guards.


the organization's structure begins with the citizens were either they sell off their own raw products that they have acquired or produced by means of farming or mining. next in line of organization structure is the craftsmen that make the fine amenities that can be sold to the minor merchant or the major merchant princes. the next in line of the structure is the minor merchants that sell their wears primarily within the confines of the major cities. the second to last in the line of the structure is the merchant princes that are the controllers of the country and the ones that sell their wares internationally, they own most power in Torrent in the three categories economic, military and political power. and finally, the top of the leaderboard is the master of coin which is generally one of the merchant princes, in this position which alternates between the 7 merchant princes is the controller of currency in the country and who has the power to make change in the country however there are limitations put in place by the other princes to ensure no single dictatorial rule.

Public Agenda

what the republic of torrent strives to achieve is a place where the business is free to practice with no limitations by the government. how the merchants avoid these limitations is by the constant selling of their wares by exporting to other nations. so due to the merchant princes high amount of income the country can stay in good condition. some of the goals they are striving for include eliminating poverty, stoping crime such as pirating and to improve the economic power of the county even more.


the assets of the republic of torrent include large amounts of goods such as sugar, spices, silk, cotton, and various metals like steel, brass, gold, and silver which are high in value. many settlements that produce products like weapons and tools. a large navy and military consisting of many warships and amphibian landing troops that can be deployed off boats and onto land quickly and three major cities with good fortifications.


for many years now torrent had been under the rule of arkemhein. however arkemhein's sole reason for claiming the country was to get economic powers from trading, so much of arkemhein's control over the country was mostly to exploit the People and tax them heavily. so the peoples of torrent decided for a diplomatic approach however that failed and the people were left with no choice but start a rebellion against the empire of arkemhein. after long preparation, the people of torrent started many operations to take down the monarch fist by commandeering many of there ships which was a huge success capturing Manny warships form the empire. secondly, they captured many of the empires guards and gave them an option join or die many of soldiers agreed and even some battalions joined because they believed in the cause they were fighting for. and lastly they stormed the monarchs palace and held one of the kings beloved sons, hostage, until they agreed to their demands. in the end, the king of arkemhein agreed to the demands and gave the people of torrent their independence and thus the republic of Torrent was formed.

trade and business


  • Arkensaw
    this highly secured prison located on Syed in Torrent houses most of the dangerous criminals of Torrent. it uses its prisoners to farm the cotton fields so Syed gains a lot of profit by selling large quantities of goods.
Founding Date
the republic of Torrent was founded in the year 9075 CE just as the revolution ended.
Financial, Merchant League
Alternative Names
the merchants order

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