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Unolaak (You-noh-lahk)

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A dead language that has no living speakers but there is a record of written language. It is impossible to decipher even with magical means.  
Origins unknown. The first sample of the Unolaak language was collected by the Drow Elves of the Undersea. It was collected on a stone tablet lodged into a sea-cliff which overlooks the central city of the Undersea. Since then many tablets have been collected but even the best cryptologists, wizards, and linguists have been unable to create a consistent translation of the collected tablets.  
The characters of the language are oriented in three different directions: up, left, right. The markings themselves are best described as fluid strokes separated by sharp lines of varying lengths. Looking at the tablets, it almost feels like the markings are moving but research has proven that it is some sort of optical illusion. Perhaps the most curious thing is that the markings all converge in the center with a large black circular mark that seems to suck everything in.  
Effects of Studying
While studying the texts do not drive the scholars insane, they do affect the dreams of the scholars. Many have reported visions of the cliffside and the inlaid door that overlooks the Undersea but it is simply motionless. In some rare cases, scholars have reported that they have visions of peering down the cliffside into the abyss below.  
Most scholars are dedicated to desciphering Unolaak to discover what lies behind the door that is inlaid in the cliffside overlooking the Undersea. Many attempts have been made to peer behind the door but the writing on its face seems to be the key to unlocking it. There are other doors like this all around the Calms but the door overlooking the Undersea is the largest of the collection.  
Notable Scholars
The head researcher of the Drow Elves of the Undersea is T'zzik Ohlanu. He has dedicated his whole life to discovering the secret behind Unolaak and spends practically all of his time to this pursuit.

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